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河北省2019届毕业升学考试模拟卷(一)(时间:120分钟,满分:120分)卷听力部分(第一节).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。1.A.bridge Bfridge Ccollege2.A.look out Bfind out Ctake out3.A.K975C BC975K CA957K4.A.You will take this trip for free.BYou will get nothing from this trip.CYou will spend some money on this trip.5.A.You will get nothing without hard work.BYou can get everything by only working hard.CYou will get anything if you don't work hard.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。6.A.Well,it's OK. BYes,you did.CAll right.7.A.Not sure. BReally?CDon't mention it.8.A.I don't like it. BGood idea.CBecause it's too late.9.A.Thank you. BHere you are.CYes,I'd like some meat.10.A.I don't know. BI'd love to.CI can't stand.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。11.What will the weather be like this afternoon?A. B. C.12.What's the doctor's advice?A. B. C.13.What was Li Lin doing at eight last night?AShe was doing her homework. BShe was sleeping.CShe was watching TV.14.Where does the conversation happen?AIn the shop. BIn the museum.CIn the library.15.How long can the boy keep the book?AFor one week. BFor two weeks.CFor three weeks.16.Where does Ben usually study?AIn the sitting room. BIn the bedroom.CIn the study hall.17.What does Lucy usually do during the five­minute break?ASleep for a while. BEat something.CMove her body.18.What does Ben think of Lucy's suggestions?AClear. BImportant.CUseful.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。19.What is the speaker talking about?AHow to sleep well.BWhen to go to bed.CHow to play video games.20.What should the listeners do according to the speaker?AThink more before bedtime.BMake brain too active.CPlay light music to get relaxed.21.Who are the listeners probably?ADoctors. BStudents.CParents.22.What are on sale?AClothes. BToys.CBooks.23.Why are they on sale?ABecause they are too heavy. BBecause they are too old.CBecause they are useless.24.When can you come to the sale?AOn June 25th. BOn June 28th.COn July 30th.25.How will they deal with the money they get?ABuy good books for little kids.BSave the money for future use.CGive it away to Project Hope.笔试部分.单项选择。选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26.Mr. Zhang is very friendly and humorous.We all like .Ait BherChim Dthem27.If the temperature is below zero,water will turn into in the open air.Aice BsteamCfog Drain28.Tom,you mustn't swim in the river alone.It's too .Asafe BdangerousCcareful Deasy29.In summer,food will go bad quickly we put it into a fridge.Aif BunlessCafter Dwhile30.I will call you as soon as he here.Aarrive Bwill arriveCarrives Darrived31.My mother dinner when I got home yesterday.Ahas cooked Bwas cookingCwill cook Dcooks32.Simon looks worried because he a writing competition and now he is waiting for the result.Aenters BenteredCwill enter Dis entering33.Bill,there are so many books on the floor.Why don't you your things?Aput on Bput outCput away Dput down34.Mom,can I drive my father's car to the cinema?No way! You should not to drive,because you don't have a driver's license.Aallow BallowedCbe allowed Dare allowed35.Do you know yesterday?Yes.He went for a boat race.Awhy didn't Peter go to schoolBwhy doesn't Peter go to schoolCwhy Peter didn't go to schoolDwhy Peter doesn't go to school.完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A traveler was in a large desert,planning to walk across it in one month.Twenty more days passed,and the journey had been going on 36 “Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert,” he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly 37 travelers.In a short time,there came a strong sandstorm.He hurriedly 38 his head with the clothes and prostrated(使俯伏) himself on the sand.After about ten minutes,the sandstorm 39 He shook the clothes and stood up.At that moment,he found himself in a hopeless situationthe backpack with food and water was swept away by the 40 As we know,it seems impossible to leave the desert without food and water. 41 ,he had a pear left.He held it in his hands tightly and said,“Not too bad,at least I have a pear.I believe I can walk out of the desert.”Days and nights went by quickly,but the desert still looked endless.Besides,hunger,thirst and fear of 42 were always around him like ghosts.However,each time he was close to losing hope,he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been keeping and said to himself,“Not too bad,at least I have a pear.”The small pear became the hope for his survival(生存)Three days later, 43 he saw a village not far away,he laughed with excitement.He felt completely relaxedthe “pear” brought him back to 44 To keep hope is the best weapon(武器) for victory,so neve


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