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【MeiWei_81-优质适用文档】七年级第二学期英语期中模拟测试题I单项选择(15分)() 1. “May I invite Jenny to come with us?” “ _, you _.” A. No, may B. No, can C. Yes, may not D. Yes, may() 2. _ watch TV too much, boys and girls. A. Not B. No C. Dont D. Doesnt() 3. It is three kilometers _my home _our school.A. at; from B. in; with C. from; to D. for ; at() 4. _ the blackboard! What can you _ on it? A. Look, look B. See, see C. Look at, see D. Look, see( ) 5.Thank you for _me so much help, Li Lei.A. give B. to give C. giving D. gives( ) 6.I like the party so much, but I _ go home. Its too late. -What a pity! A. mustnt B. have to C. may D. in; on; in() 7. _ they _ on the train? A. Do, having fun B. Are, having a fun C. Are, having fun D. Can, having fun() 8. The football team arrived _the airport _the morning _ Tuesday.A. in; at; on B. at; in; on C. on; in; at D. in; on; in( ) 9. The boy is very _.He is listening to the radio_. A. happily; happy B. happy; happily C. happy; happy D. happily; happily () 10. The tea is _ hot _ drink.A. to, to B. too, too C. too, to D. to, too () 11. How many _ do you have? A. pair of sock B. pairs of socks C. two pair of socks D. two pairs of socks( )12They bought some gifts _their teachers on Teachers Day.A. of B. in C. for D. to( )13.Oh,my bike is broken. -_,I can help you. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Dont worry D. Here I come.( )14.He is going to the zoo _. A. take a bus B. take bus C. by bus D. by a bus( )15.-Would you like some apples? -_. A. No, I wouldnt B.Yes, thank you. C. No,thanks D. Sorry.II.完形填空(10分)Li Mei has a new classmate from New York. His 16 is Peter. Everything here 17 new to him. He doesnt speak Chinese, but he speaks good English. He can 18 many games, too. Miss Yang asked Li Mei to 19 him to speak Chinese. Li Mei was very 20 . She thought she could 21 English from Peter. Now she can speak 22 English and Peter can 23 some Chinese words.Now they are 24at table and having 25 at school. Li Mei teaches him how to use chopsticks.()16. A. friend B. classmateC. nameD. teacher()17. A. amB. is C. areD. be()18. A. playB. haveC. likeD. send()19. A. seeB. watch C. helpD. tell()20. A. sorryB. careful C. carefullyD. happy()21. A. getB. borrowC. learnD. teach()22. A. anyB. someC. manyD. no()23. A. tellB. writeC. sayD. read()24. A. sitting B. standingC. workingD. talking()25. A. a meetingB. a party C. lunchD. tea阅读理解(25分)AMrs. Black is a fifty years old woman. She lives in a beautiful house in a small town. She has two cats. One is very big and the other is quite small. She likes them very much. One day, Mrs. White, a friend of hers, comes to see her. When she sees two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, she is very surprised and says: “ My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?”“Let the cats come in and go out, of course.” Mrs. Black answers.“But why are there two holes? Isnt one enough?” asks her friend.“How can the big cat go through the small hole?” Mrs. Black says.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。() 26. Mrs. Black lives in a tall building.() 27. Mrs. Black has two cats. One is old and the other is young.() 28. Mrs. White thinks one big hole in the door is enough.() 29. Mrs. White loves her cats very much.() 30. Mrs. Black thinks big cat goes through the big hole and the small cat goes through the small hole. Deareveryone.MynameisLucyGreen,Imtwelveyearsold.Ihaveabrother,hisnameisJimandhesfourteen.Idonthaveanysisters.IlivewithmyparentsandmygrandmainasmallhouseinLondon,theB Do you want to have a pen friend in England?Heres an e-mail from Lucy in London. capital of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays. Do you like games? I like football. My favourite team is Marchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. Both of us are good at it. I have seven little pets-goldfish().I want a dog or a cat, but my mother doesnt like them. Do you like to be my pen friend? Please write to me. Lucy根据邮件,选择正确答案。( )31.Lucys brother is_. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. fourteen( )32.There are _people in Lucys family. A. three B. four C. five D. six( )33. _play football well.A. Lucy B. Jim C. Lucy or Jim D. Lucy and Jim( )34. Marchester United may be a _. A. football B. football


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