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【5A文】八年级英语Modern machines Language课件1

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【5A文】八年级英语Modern machines Language课件1

,Unit 3 Modern machines Language points,根据中文 在文章中找出英文,神秘助手 几乎不 意识不到 依赖于 操作 暂时 法官 提出,hidden helpers,hardly ever,be unaware of,be dependent on,operate,for the time being,judge,raise,1. You never seem to be short of pocket money, Lo.,seem to be/do似乎,今天她似乎不舒服.,She doesnt seem to be well today.,be short of = not enough/not much 缺乏,地震中的幸存者缺乏帐篷,事物和水.,The survivors from the earthquake are short of tents, food and water.,2. We use the keyboard for typing in information. 用键盘输入信息,use sth. for doing sth. 用来做 use sth. to do sth. = do sth. with,翻译:我们用杯子来喝水。,= We _ the keyboard _ in information.,We use cups _water. We _ cups _ water. We _ wter _ cups.,use,to type,to drink,for drinking,drink,with,use,3. The mouse helps us control the computer.,help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事,我昨天帮妈妈洗碗.,I helped my mum wash the dishes yester.,control = operate 掌控, 操作,be out of control 失控 be within ones control 在的控制下 be under control 处于控制之下,拓展,4. Not so many years ago, you hardly ever saw computers.,hardly ever = almost not/ seldom 几乎不,昨晚我几乎不看电视.,He _ watches TV last night.,5. You might be unaware of them.,be unaware of意识不到(的存在) be aware of = realize 意识到,他没有意识到那危险的存在.,He _ the danger.,hardly ever,was unaware of,6. You are more dependent on computers than you realize.,be dependent on依赖于,翻译:会议的日期将依天气而定.,The meeting date will _ on weather.,7. They are faster at calculating than people, and rarely give wrong answer.,be fast at doing做很快,calculate v. 计算 calculator n. 计算器 calculation n. 计算,seldom,be dependent,8. More importantly, they can operate railways and fly planes and spaceship.,more importantly 更重要的是,操作, 使运行,你能告诉我怎么操作这抬机器吗?,Could you tell me _ this machine?,9. For these reasons, we sometimes call them electronic brains.,for these reasons 因这些原因,electronic adj. 电子的, electricity n. 电,how to operate,10.The answer to this question is, for the time being, “no”.,for the time being = at present 暂时,in time 及时,来得及 on time 按时,准时 at the same time 同时 all the time 一直, 始终 from time to time 不时,偶尔 by the time 到时候,11. They may even be better at doing their jobs than doctors, judges and teachers.,be better at doing sth.更擅长于做 =be good at doing sth. 擅长于做 be the best at doing sth. 最擅长于,Tom是在所有学生中最擅长打篮球的.,Tom _ playing basketball of the students.,is the best at,exercises,一. 根据首字母填空.,1.You should not be d_ on your parents all the time. 2.Can you tell me how to o_ this new recorder? 3.We should lean how to c_ our temper. 4.We were surprised to hear her say like that, because she is r_ rude to others. 5.He came into the room quietly that nobody is a_ of him.,ependent,perate,ontrol,arely,ware,二, 选词填空.,be short of, be dependent on, for the time being, in ones opinion, hardly ever, more importantly, for this reason,I had _ see modern buildings before I went to college. 2.The supply of vegetables in HK is mainly _ the mainland. 3.I _ money now. Could you lend me some? 4._, I didnt think watching TV can entertain children.,hardly ever,dependent on,am short of,In my opinion,be short of, be dependent on, for the time being, in ones opinion, hardly ever, more importantly, for this reason,5. Computers can just do as you tell them to do _. 6. Cutting trees for paper is a kind of waste. _, there will be fewer trees to make fresh air for the nature. 7. The factory poured waste water into the river. _, it was amerced of(罚款) $10,000.,for the time being,More importantly,For this reason,三,根据中文写出英文.,1.你似乎从不缺少零花钱,罗.,1. You never seem to be short of pocket money, Lo.,2.我们用键盘输入信息.,2. We use the keyboard for typing in information.,3. 鼠标帮助你控制电脑.,3. We use the keyboard for typing in information.,4.你几乎看不到电脑.,4. You hardly ever saw computers.,5.在你家里也有很小型的隐形电脑,但你可能意识不到它们的存在.,5. There are also tiny, hidden computers, but you might be unaware of them.,6.你比你意识到的更依赖电脑.,6. You are more dependent on computers than you realize.,7.他们比人算得快并且很少给出错误答案.,7. They are faster at calculating than people, and rarely give wrong answer.,8.更重要的是,他们会操控火车的运行及飞机, 宇宙船的飞行.,8. More importantly, they can operate railways and fly planes and spaceship.,9. 他们可能比医生,法官和教师更擅长他们的工作.,9. They may even be better at doing their jobs than doctors, judges and teachers.,1. You never seem to be short of pocket money, Lo.,2. We use the keyboard for typing in information.,3. We use the keyboard for typing in information.,Who can remember the fastest?,4. You hardly ever saw computers.,5. There are also tiny, hidden computers, but you might be unaware of them.,6. You are more dependent on computers than you realize.,Who can remember the fastest?,Who can remember the fastest?,7. They are faster at calculating than people, and rarely give wrong answer.,8. More importantly, they can operate railways and fly planes and spaceship.,9. They may even be better at doing their jobs than doc


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