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英文版营销策划书篇一:市场营销方案、全英语版JIANGXI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY课 程 论 文题目: 学院: 姓名:学号:专业:班级: 指导教师: 二0 一四 年 十一 月 Catalog Foreword . 31. Executive Summary . 42. Current Situation . 43. Competitor and Issues Analysis . 54. Marketing Objectives . 65. Marketing Strategy. 66. Action Programs . 87. Budget . 88. Measurements . 99. Conclusion . 9ForewordMany supermarket managers realize that in an increasingly competitive sales environment in general and intense, visible part of the value of the product to meet the needs of the people the value of consumer goods in the proportion is declining, while the invisible intangible part of the product and the product - the value of service are becoming increasingly important. Marketing is now often through customer service to win a competitive advantage, good customer service is a key factor in a supermarket stand out from many competitors, providing customers with the services become inevitable to enhance the competitiveness of the supermarket.With the rapid development of service industry, service supermarket market competition is becoming the focus of competition, by conducting marketing services to enhance the competitiveness of the supermarket has become a major challenge facing the supermarket, only for each of the factors affecting our competitive supermarket take positive and effective manner measures to enhance the competitiveness of the supermarket as a whole, to achieve the core values of service marketing. Many facts show that the establishment of a new competitive advantage, not just the physical part of the product, but also because of its additional services. The emphasis on product quality, service has become a measure of the supermarket competitive leverage, so the service is growing emphasis on marketing. Services marketing is marketing management deepen the inherent requirements of the supermarket, as well as supermarkets competitive advantage of new features in the new market situation. Service marketing is a supermarket in the full understanding of the premise to meet consumer demand, in order to fully meet the needs of consumers in the marketing process undertaken a series of activities. Service marketing is the most important quality of service, good service is the next best pre-sales promotions, is the main way to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, is to establish a corporate reputation and corporate image of the spread of important ways.1. Executive SummaryThe rise of services marketing enhance the marketing advantages of supermarket. Rich connotation supermarket marketing activities is significant. First, it contributes to a rich marketing core - to fully meet the needs of consumers. The essence of marketing is to meet the practical interests of consumers or consumer can obtain the required service marketing precisely this point of view, providing tangible products to consumers at the same time, to provide consumers with a range of intangible services, so that the market essential connotation of marketing can be fully realized. Second, there is conducive to enhancing the competitiveness of the supermarket. Supermarkets are facing in today's market competition is fierce, focused on serving the needs of consumers in a timely manner to provide satisfactory service to consumers, the supermarket can be invincible in the market competition. Again, it will help improve value-added products. Service is provided to the consumer supermarket group interests is an important part of the supermarket is only through efforts to provide value-added services marketing their products is higher than its competitors, in order to improve customer satisfaction and win the trust, strengthen its market position, access to greater benefits and achieve their business objectives. Finally, it will help improve the overall quality of the supermarket, and establish a good corporate image. Service marketing staff is the main foreign exchange supermarket, the supermarket is the link with consumers, therefore, enterprises through service marketin


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