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1.在家中从起床到出门早晨好 Good morning闹钟响了吗? *go off是闹钟“响”的意思。Did the alarm clock go off? 该起床了!-It's time to get up! -I don't wanna get up.快点儿起床!-Get up soon. -I don't want to. 你醒了吗? *get up是动词,表示“起床”、“起”的动作。awake是形容词,表示“醒了”、“没睡”的状态。-Are you awake?-I am now. (我刚醒。) 你不舒服吗?-Are you feeling sick?-No, I'm just tired. 睡得好吗?-Did you sleep well?-Yes, I slept very well. / -No, I couldn't fall asleep. 能帮我关掉闹钟吗?Would you turn off the alarm clock? 你终于起来了。-You finally got up. -I'm still sleepy. (我还困着呢!) 今天是个好天!-It's a nice day! -It sure is. 昨晚你熬夜了? Did you stay up late last night? 把被子叠好。Let's fold up the futon. 昨天晚上你打呼噜了。*snore“打呼噜”。-Did I keep you up? -You were snoring last night. 过去进行时我做了个可怕的梦。-I had a nightmare. -It's all right now. 你一直没关灯啊。You left the light on. 我得洗脸了。I have to go wash my face. 该吃早饭了。It's time to eat/have breakfast.我还困着呢。I'm still sleepy.我还打哈欠呢。I'm still yawning. 'j:ni昨天的酒还没醒呢。I have a hangover. 我是个夜猫子。I'm a night person. 我是用咖啡来提神的。Coffee wakes me up. 刷牙了吗?Did you brush your teeth? 我得梳梳头了。I have to comb my hair. kum vt 梳头发穿什么好呢?-What should I wear/put on? -The red one. (穿红的吧!)快换衣服。Hurry up and get dressed. 把睡衣收好。*put away 收拾,放好-Put those pajamas away! p'd:mz 睡衣-Oh, I'm washing those. (啊,我正要洗呢。) 我走了。妈妈再见!-I'm leaving. Bye mom! -Study hard. 今天我们逃学吧。*play hooky为俚语“逃学”。-Let's play hooky today! -Yeah, let's. 你毛衣穿反了。You're wearing your sweater inside out. 上下颠倒了。It's upside down. 可别忘了扔垃圾! ':bid n垃圾,废物-Don't forget to take out the garbage. -I won't. 今天该你扔垃圾了。 It's your turn to take out the garbage. 今天你们干嘛?-What are you doing today?-We're having a track and field meet. *运动会你快点儿,我们该迟到了!If you don't hurry, we'll be late. 快点儿,上学该迟到了。-Hurry or you'll be late for school. -What time is it? 你锁门了吗?Did you lock the door? 没忘了什么东西吧?-Aren't you forgetting something? -I don't think so. 都已经8点了!It's already 8:00. 我晚了!I'm late! 我得赶紧走!I have to rush! 你今天会回来得晚吗?-Are you gonna be late today? -No, I'll be home at the usual time. 几点回来? -What time are you coming home? -Around seven o'clock. 饭盒带了吗?-Have you got your lunch box? -Yes, right here. 今天好像要下雨。-It might rain today. -Take your umbrella with you. m'brel出门的时候,可别忘了锁门。Don't forget to lock the door when you leave. 从回家到就寝我回来了。I'm home. 你回来了。Welcome home! 今天过得愉快吗?Did you have a good time? 今天怎么样?How did it go today? 我可以出去玩儿会儿吗?-Can I go out to play? -After you finish your homework. 我饿了。-I'm hungry. -We have some snacks. *snæk 点心点心在哪儿?-Where are the snacks? -They're in the cupboard. (在碗橱里。) 我去补习学校了啊。*cram意为“填鸭式补习”。-I'm going to cram school now. -Call when you finish. (下课后来个电话。) 能给我点儿零花钱吗?-May I have my allowance? 'launs-What do you want to buy? 真累啊!I'm tired. I'm exhausted. (我精疲力尽了) i'z:stid晚饭你想吃什么?- What would you like for dinner? - How about steak? (吃牛排怎么样?)你能帮我准备餐具吗? *set the table 是将刀、叉和杯子在桌子上摆好,准备吃饭的意思。-Would you help me set the table? -I'd be happy to. (乐意之至。)晚饭做什么好呢?What should I make/cook/fix for dinner? What should I whip up for dinner? hwip n 鞭打 v抽打还是家好哇。It's good to be home. There's no place like home. *谚语。你能不能快点儿去趟商店?-Would you run to the store? -In just a minute. (稍等一下。) 洗澡水烧好了。The bath is ready. 我要冲个澡。I'm taking a shower. I'm going to take a shower. 晚饭做好了吗? - Is dinner ready? / Have you made dinner?- Not yet. 妈妈,今天晚饭吃什么?Mom, what's for dinner tonight? 今天吃咖哩饭。Today, we're having curry. 'k:ri n 咖喱We're having curry today.还要多久才能做好呀?-How soon can you get it ready?-In about five more minutes. (再有5分钟吧。)我吃了啊。Let's eat. 请先吃吧。Please go ahead. Please help yourself. 这刀挺好使的,是不是?-This knife cuts well, doesn't it? -It sure does. (真挺快的。) 水开啦!The water is boiling! 开饭啦!Come and get it! 该吃晚饭啦!It's time for dinner! Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready! 该吃饭啦! -It's time to eat. -Finally. (终于吃上饭喽!) 这就来啦! I'm coming.手洗干净了吗?Did you wash your hands well? 别弄洒了。Don't spill it! Don't tip it over. 把碗里的菜吃光。Eat all of your vegetables.把碗里的饭吃干净。*finish up用光,完成-Finish up your plate. -I'm trying to. (这不吃着呢嘛。) 我不喜欢吃芦笋。-I don't like asparagus. 'spærs-Don't be picky. (不许挑食。) 谢谢您的款待。It was very delicious. Thank you. It was a wonderful dinner. (谢谢您丰盛的晚餐。) 能帮我收拾盘子吗?Would you clear the table? 把盘子洗了。-Do/ Wash the dishes! -I will. / It's not my turn. (就去洗。/今天不该我洗。)我擦盘子。*dry是“使干”、“除去水气”和“擦”的意思。I'll dry the dishes. 你干什么呢?What are you doing? 我看电视呢。*注意在这种情况下,TV前不加the。I'm watching TV. 有什么好看的节目吗?-Are there any good programs on TV? -No, not today. 野茂上电视了。Nomo is on TV. 8频道演什么呢?What's on Channel 8? 能不能帮我换个台?Would you change/switch the channel? 我还想看电视。-I want to watch more TV. -You've watched enough for tonight. 铺床吧。*spread意为


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