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英国essay写作--The beveridge report

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英国essay写作--The beveridge report

essay写作网(www.lxws.net)-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国essay写作-The beveridge reportThe beveridge report is a comprehensive welfare report. The report has designed a "cradle-to-grave" social welfare framework in an effort to create a comprehensive social insurance system that will be enforced by the state. No matter income how many, no matter risk discretion, all nationals must attend insurance, everybody pays cost rate is same, pay standard is unified. From the perspective of operation and practice, the beveridge report started the construction of welfare state and had a profound impact on the reconstruction of social structure and the transformation of government functions in the post-war capitalist world.贝弗里奇报告是一份全面的福利报告。报告设计了一个“从摇篮到坟墓”的社会福利框架,旨在建立一个全面的社会保险制度,由国家强制执行。无论收入多少,无论风险高低,所有国民都必须参加保险,每个人支付的成本率是一样的,支付标准是统一的。从操作和实践的角度看,贝弗里奇报告开始了福利国家的建设,对战后资本主义世界的社会结构重建和政府职能转变产生了深远的影响。The basic principles of the beveridge report. "Beveridge report" welfare state thought is the inheritance, innovation and development of the British social security thought. Beveridge believes that only by adhering to the three guiding principles can we fundamentally solve the five major problems of poverty, disease, ignorance, dirt and laziness in post-war social construction and make the aid-oriented social security system work well. First, when planning for the future, we should make full use of the rich experience accumulated in the past and not be restricted by the interests of departments formed in the process of accumulation of such experience. Second, social insurance should be regarded as one of the series of policies to promote social progress. Third, social security requires cooperation between the state and individuals. These three principles break through the limitation of departmental interests on the basis of inheriting the tradition, emphasize the importance of social security as a basic social policy from the perspective of the whole country, and put forward the modern social security thought of combining government responsibility and citizen obligation in the development of social security.贝弗里奇报告的基本原则。”贝弗里奇报告福利国家思想是英国社会保障思想的继承、创新和发展。贝弗里奇认为,只有坚持三个指导原则,才能从根本上解决战后社会建设中的贫困、疾病、无知、肮脏、懒惰五大问题,使援助型社会保障体系运行良好。第一,在规划未来的时候,要充分利用过去积累的丰富经验,不受积累经验过程中形成的部门利益的制约。第二,社会保险应被视为促进社会进步的一系列政策之一。第三,社会保障需要国家和个人的合作。这三项原则在继承传统的基础上突破了部门利益的局限,从全国的角度强调了社会保障作为一项基本社会政策的重要性,提出了政府与社会保障相结合的现代社会保障思想。社会保障发展中的政府责任和公民义务。Beveridge proposed a complete social security plan covering social assistance, social insurance and social welfare for all citizens in nine different situations. The comprehensive coverage of the social security plan has transformed the welfare state from people's ideal into a concrete and feasible social action plan. The beveridge report put forward six basic principles for the construction of the social insurance plan of the welfare state. Uniform payment rate; Unity of administrative duties; Appropriate treatment standards; Extensive safeguards; Classification, suitable for different groups. These six principles mainly express the social security policy propositions of the welfare state.贝弗里奇提出了一个完整的社会保障计划,涵盖九种不同情况下所有公民的社会援助、社会保险和社会福利。社会保障计划的全面覆盖,使社会福利状况由人民理想转变为具体可行的社会行动计划。贝弗里奇报告提出了福利国家社会保险计划建设的六项基本原则。统一的支付率;统一的行政职责;适当的待遇标准;广泛的保障措施;分类,适合不同的群体。这六项原则主要体现了福利国家的社会保障政策主张。The beveridge report's policy thinking. Although China's current macro environment is quite different from that of the UK 60 years ago, under the background of building a harmonious society, the beveridge report can provide us with some useful ideas on how to eliminate the negative consequences of the unbalanced development strategy adopted after China's reform and opening up.贝弗里奇报告的政策思考。尽管中国当前的宏观环境与60年前的英国大不相同,但在构建和谐社会的背景下,贝弗里奇报告对如何消除不平衡发展战略的负面影响提供了有益的思路。中国改革开放后的特德。The fundamental goal of social security system: to maintain basic living needs. That is, to ensure that every citizen will not get into trouble in life under any circumstances. Beveridge has repeatedly stressed the need to "allow the most difficult people to lead normal lives", but there is no guarantee of a "rich life" - the latter dependent on individual efforts and market forces. Social security should be based on ensuring that residents have the means of livelihood they need to maintain their basic livelihood. This is from the basic needs of people, but also from the country's economic capacity.社会保障体系的根本目标是:维持基本生活需要。也就是说,确保每个公民在任何情况下都不会陷入生活中的困境。贝弗里奇一再强调需要“让最困难的人过上正常的生活”,但却无法保证“丰富的生活”后者取决于个人的努力和市场力量。社会保障应当以保障居民有维持基本生活所需的生活资料为基础。这是来自人民的基本需要,也是来自国家的经济能力。We should not delay the building of a social security system for all because of economic and financial difficulties. Since the social security system protects the most vulnerable, it is inhumane to use economic difficulties as an excuse to avoid the problem. Moreover, under effective institutional arrangements, this problem is not without solutions.We will try to expand the coverage of the social insurance system and reduce the scope


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