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http:/www.lxws.net 留学生英文论文写作专属定制平台Essay写作范文特殊需要助理在体育教学方法中的作用3.0 Methodology Chapter3.1 IntroductionThis chapter will outline the research design employed by this study to achieve its research aims.The aims of this research are as follows:To explore the role of the SNA in mainstream post-primary PE from the perspective of SNAs and PE teachers.To determine whether SNAs can act as facilitators for the inclusion of students with SEN in PETo examine the views of SNAs and PE teachers about the factors that may promote or hinder the inclusion of students with SEN in PETo evaluate the need and desire for training for SNAs and PE teachers in developing inclusive practices in PE.To achieve these aims the study will attempt to answer the following research questions:What is the profile of PE Teachers and SNAs teaching in mainstream post primary schools?What is the inclusion profile of post primary schools in relation to inclusion of students with SEN?What are the current roles and responsibilities of the SNA in mainstream post primary schools,from the perspective of the SNA?What factors affect the role played by the SNA in mainstream post primary schools?What is the current and desired role of the SNA in enabling the inclusion of students with SEN in post primary mainstream PE from the perspective of the SNA?What is the current and desired role of the SNA in enabling the inclusion of students with SEN in post primary mainstream PE from the perspective of the PE teacher?Is there a difference between the views of SNAS and Pe teachers in this regard?What are the key factors which promote or hinder SNAs having a role in inclusion in PE?What are the key factors in enabling the inclusion of students with SEN in PE?Is there a demand for the provision of training amongst SNAs on including children with SEN in PE?A mixed methods research design was employed,for this research,to answer these questions and included the use of questionnaires,focus groups and interviews.Justification for the use of a mixed methods research design, along with details of the research instruments used and data collection methods followed,will be outlined in depth in this chapter.This chapter will begin by outlining the theoretical perspective which frames this research.3.2 Theoretical Research Perspective3.2.1 Research ParadigmIt is imperative to consider ones own set of beliefs before commencing any research and deciding on a methodology and related methods,as the researchers world view will undoubtedly effect how the research is undertaken and interpreted(Morgan,2007).The popularity of paradigms as a way to summarize researchersbeliefs about their efforts to create knowledge has been directly attributed to Thomas Kuhns landmark book titled“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”(Kuhn,1962).However within this book the term“research paradigm”was described as many different things and as such was criticized as lacking in clarity by fellow scholar Masterman in 1970.Kuhn went on to discuss the various application of the term“research paradigm”at length in a further“postscript”(Kuhn, 1974)and suggested that depending on the field of study the meaning and applications of the this term can vary,from paradigms as worldviews,as epistemological stances,as shared beliefs among members of a specialty area or as model examples of research(Morgan,2007),see appendices 3.1 for a detailed description of these four versions of paradigms.Kuhn defines a paradigm as:“an integrated cluster of substantive concepts, variables and problems attached with corresponding methodological approaches and tools”.According to him,the term paradigm refers to a research culture with a set of beliefs,values,and assumptions that a community of researchers has in common regarding the nature and conduct of research(Kuhn,1977).The most commonly used definition still stems from Kuhns original works,with paradigms being described as the set of common beliefs and agreements shared between scientists about how problems should be understood and addressed(Kuhn,1962).It is within this definition however, that a great significance lies on the chosen application of its concept to ones own research,which is crucial in framing the theoretical underpinning of ones chosen methodologies.It is also noteworthy to add that the assumptions associated with one paradigm over the other are neither correct or incorrect,but that it is the duty of a researcher to argue the value of their chosen paradigm in relation to the methodologies they employ(Shanks,2002).The centrality of a research paradigm includes clarity between“what is to be studied and how the research process is to be carried out”(Denzin& Lincoln,2005a,p.183).This section of the methodology chapter will seek to map out this research projectsprocess while underpinning it with the philosophical components that make up research paradi


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