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公共英语四级分类模拟题74(总分:55.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section Use of English(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Glass is everywhere in our lives. It is so common 1 we hardly think about it. We 2 it when we look out of the window and if we wear glasses. We drink from it and sometimes eat from it. The light in our homes comes through glass windows in the daytime and from glass lights 3 . Glass 4 in homes, schools, businesses, industry, and automobiles. Fortunately for us, glass is 5 very inexpensive materials. The main material is sand from quartz rock. The mixture is heated until it becomes a syrupy 6 . When the liquid cools, it becomes glass. No one knows 7 first discovered glass or how. Early humans used obsidian, a natural glass 8 by volcanoes, to make tools and jewelry. People probably began making glass themselves around 3000 B.C. in Syria. Then in a war 9 Egypt and Syria in 1400 B. C., Syria became part of Egypt. The Egyptians took Syrian glassmakers 10 to Egypt, and over the centuries the entire eastern Mediterranean area became a glassmaking center. Probably around 300 B.C. the blowpipe 11 . Egyptian glassmakers developed the use of the blowpipe. They specialized 12 beautiful jewelry, dishes, and other containers. The Romans soon started making their own glass. Then they 13 that glass could be used to make windows. 14 centuries later, Europeans made magnificent church windows 15 colored glass. 16 1900 companies have developed many new types of glass. Safety glass is a sandwich of glass and plastic. If it breaks, the pieces stay together 17 flying in all directions. This invention is very useful 18 automobile windows. Today most glass is made 19 machines in large factories. No one 20 it. People use television and computers to control the machines.(分数:20.00) A.that  B.which C.where D.as解析:解析 so. that为固定搭配,意为“如此以至于”,符合题意。 A.look for B.look in C.look after D.look through 解析:解析 look for意为“寻找,寻求”;look in意为“朝里面看”;look after意为“照顾,照料”;look through意为“透过看去”。根据上下文可推测D项符合题意。 A.in night B.at night  C.for night D.with night解析:解析 本句意为:白天,我们在家里通过玻璃窗户获得光线,在晚上用玻璃灯管照明。在晚上应用at night这一固定搭配。 A.was used B.used C.is used  D.are used解析:解析 本句意为:玻璃被应用于家庭、学校、商业、工业和汽车行业,可知应用一般现在时的被动语态,且glass为不可数名词。 A.made from  B.made of C.make from D.make of解析:解析 be made from意为“由制成”(看不出原材料)。 A.solid B.the solid C.the liquid D.liquid 解析:解析 由syrupy(黏稠的)一词可知应选liquid (液体),或由下一句也可知正确答案。 A.whom B.whoever C.who  D.whose解析:解析 本句为宾语从句,关联词用疑问代词who。 A.was from B.formed  C.was formed D.was forming解析:解析 此处需要填入form的过去分词形式来做前面glass,的后置定语。 A.between  B.among C.beneath D.both解析:解析 根据句意“两国之间的交战”应用介词between。 A.from B.go C.back  D.come解析:解析 本句意为:埃及人将叙利亚的玻璃工人带回埃及。四个选项中只有back符合文意。 A.was discovered B.was invented  C.discovered D.invented解析:解析 根据句意可知应用被动语态。discover意为“发现已存在的东西”;invent意为“发明创造”。 A.in  B.on C.for D.from解析:解析 本句意为:他们专门研究(用玻璃制成)漂亮的珠宝、盘子和其他的容器。specialize in为固定搭配,意为“专门研究,专门从事”。 A.knew B.recognized C.told D.realized 解析:解析 本句意为:然后,他们(罗马人)意识到玻璃还可用来制成窗户。know意为“知道,了解”;recognize意为“辨认出”;tell意为“告诉”,均不符合文意。 A.Few B.Little C.A few  D.A little解析:解析 根据句意“几个世纪之后”。few意为“很少的,几乎没有的”(可数);little意为“微小,少到几乎没有”(不可数);a little意为“稍许,一点儿” (不可数),均不合适。 A.from  B.to C.into D.on解析:解析 四个选项中,只有from符合题意。 A.Because B.As C.For D.Since 解析:解析 since 1900意为“从1900年以来”,符合上下文句意。 A.instead B.take place of C.instead of  D.replace解析:解析 根据句意及后面的flying in all directions这一短语,可知答案为instead of。 A.on B.onto C.into D.in 解析:解析 本句意为:这种发明在制造车窗玻璃时很有用。be useful in意为“在某方面有用”。 A.into B.for C.by  D.from解析:解析 根据句意可知要表示“被制造”,只有by符合题意。 A.smells B.touches  C.sees D.feels解析:解析 smell意为“闻,嗅”;touch意为“接触,触摸,碰到”;see意为“看见”;feel意为“感觉”,根据句意只有touch符合题意。二、Section Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:5.00)For many years, any discussion of reparations to compensate the descendants of African slaves for 246 years of bondage and another century of legalized discrimination was dismissed. Many whites and blacks alike scoffed at the idea, reasoning that slavery is part of the past that would only unleash new demons if it were resurrected. Opponents contend that the fledgling reparations movement overlooks many important facts. First, they assert, reparations usually are paid to direct victims, as was the case when the US government apologized and paid compensation to Japanese-Americans interned during World War . Similarly, Holocaust survivors have received payments from the Germans. In addition, not all blacks were slaves, and an estimated 3, 000 were slave owners. Also, many immigrants not only came to the United States after slavery ended, but they also faced discrimination. Should they be paid reparations, too? Or should they receive them? And regardless of how much slave labor contributed to the United States" wealth, opponents conte


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