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八年级英语上册作文复习参考范文                             八年级英语上期末复习作文集1,根据表格中的信息,写一篇短文。nameilkeGoing to bewhyLucyHelping peoplenurseBusy but interestingNickTalking to peoplereporterMeet many famous peopleIWorking on computerComputer programmercreativeDifferent people have different dreams. Lucy likes helping people. She is going to be a nurse when she grows up. She thinks its busy but interesting. Nick likes talking to people. So he is going to be a reporter when he grows up. And he thinks he can meet many famous people. However, I like working on computer. When I grow up Im going to be a computer programmer. Because I think it is very creative.So I'm going to study math and computer science hard. I wish(希望) I will succeed (成功)one day.2,下个星期你要和你的父母去海滨渡假,你请你的好朋友Gina帮忙照顾你的小狗,根据提示写一张留言给她。提示:help, take care of, feed some pet food, give water, go for a walk, play with him as often as possible, clean his bed.Dear Gina   Next week, I am going to the beach for a vacation with my parents.I went to your house,but you weren't in.I need some help. I hope you can help me to take care of my dog. Could you please do these things every day? Feed him some pet food and give him water. Then take him for a walk and play with him as often as possibie .Dont forget to clean his bed .Thank you very much.                                                                             Yours                                                                          XX3, 根据表格,写出你和你的朋友的理想工作和新年计划nameDream jobHow to do thatNewyears resolutionsyousingerTake singing lessonsLearn to play the pianoJimSoccer ball playerPlay soccer every dayTeach other students to playKenComputer programmerTry best to learn mathAsk teachers for help   Different people have different dream jobs.I want to be a singer when I gow up. So I am going to take singing lessons. My new years resolution is to learn to play the piano. My friend jim is going to be a soccer ball player.So he is going to play soccer every day .And he is planning to teach other students to play in new year .As for my another friend ken,he wants to be a computer programmer. And he is going to try his best to learn math .His new years resolution is to ask teachers for help.I hope our dreams will come true (实现).4,根据表格写一篇关于邓亚萍的小作文。nameDeng YapingDate of birth:02-06-19731978Starts to play table tennis team1983Joins the Henan table tennis team1988Jion the national table tennis team1997Goes to Tsinghua University,mojors in English and management1993-1998Number 1 womens single player in the ITIFDeng Yaping is a great Chinese ping-pong player. She was born on the 2nd of June 1973. She started to play table tennis in 1978 . After 5 years, she joined the Henan table tennis team. Another 5 years she joined the national table tennis team. She went to Tsinghua University and majored in English and management in 1997.From 1993 to 1998, Deng Yaping was number 1 womens single player in the ITTF.5,Peter 是你一个要好的美国笔友,他现在就读华盛顿高中。请你的同学介绍他的情况。提示:(1)American boy, in high school, in Washington (2) different from me, taller, more outgoing (3) live with his parents, go to school by bus (4)favourite subject biology, be interested in Chinese herbs (5)like sports, often play football (6)want to, a doctor of Chinese medicineI have a pen-pal named Peter. He is an Amerian boy. He studies in a high school in Washington. He is different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. And he lives with his parents. He goes to school by bus every day. His favorite subject is biology and he is interested in Chinese herbs.So he wants to be a doctor of Chinese medicine. He also likes sports and often plays football.6,根据表格写一篇活动的调查。用all,most, some, other, a few, no等单词。ActivitiesEvery dayThree times a weekOnce a monthRead English books15%80%5%exercise50%50%0%Watch TV0%90%10%Here are the results of the student activity survey. Most students read English books three times a week. Some students read English books once a month. Some students are very active and read English books evey day.As for exercise, half of students exercise evey day. The other half of students exercise three times a week. No students exercise once a wonth. The results for "watch TV" are interesting.Most students watch TV three times a week. Some students watch TV once a month. But no students watch TV every day.7,关于看病的例文(参照第二单元试卷的图画)   Today is April 7th, Im not feeling well. I had a toothache. So my mother took me to see a dentist. After the examination(检查), the dentist told me that I should drink some hot water.,eat fruits and vegetables. And he said I shouldnt eat sugar(糖). I also should exercise every day to keep healthy.I think he is right.So I am not going to eat sugar any more (再) ,but exercise every day.8,根据中文写一篇作文。   汤姆一家假期打算到大连旅行,他们准备在那呆一周。然后计划去海里游泳,品尝可口的海鲜和大连的食品。并且还可以交到很多朋友。大连很美,天气也很好。在那里他们将度过一个轻松


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