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要答案+Q1790003819传媒2019年7月大学英语(一)课程考试作业考核试题总分:100分100分一、单选题共50题,100分12分We live in an age _ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.AwhyBwhenCto whomDon which得分:2分解析:22分Studying Wendys menu, I found that many of the items are similar to _ of McDonalds.AthoseBoneCanyDall得分:2分解析:32分- I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A. - _ADon't worry about it.ongratulations! That's a difficult course.CMr. Brown is very good.DGood luck to you!得分:2分解析:42分- Take this medicine twice a day, Peter? 皮特,这药一日服两次。 - Do I have to take it? It _so terrible.AtastesBis tastedCis tastingDhas tasted得分:2分解析:52分Hi, Tom, how''s everything with you? <br /> _, and how are you?ADon''t mention itBHmm, not too badCThanksDPretty fast得分:2分解析:62分- Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines? - _AYes, can I help you?BYes, what do you want?CYes, you're right.DYes, right number.得分:2分解析:72分Not until the meeting was over _ that he had made a mistake in his speech.Ahe realizedBdid he realizeChe has realizedDhas he realized得分:2分解析:82分A special committee has been _ to examine the details of the suggestion.Aset upBset outCset downDset aside得分:2分解析:92分The manager will not _ us to use his car.AhaveBletCallowDagree得分:2分解析:102分- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _. This is not the end of the world. A:B:C:D:答案:BAGood luckBNo problemCGo aheadDCheer up得分:2分解析:112分The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that re­mote village.AwhenBwhereCthatDuntil得分:2分解析:122分- Hey, Tom, what's up? - _AYes, definitely!BOh, not much.CWhat is happening in your life?DYou are lucky.得分:2分解析:132分You'd better stay at school now. Look! The sky is overcast with dark clouds. I'm afraid _ rain is going to fall.AlargeBbigCgreatDheavy得分:2分解析:142分- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - _.AGreat, I am very art-consciousBDon't mention itCThanks for your complimentsDIt's fine得分:2分解析:152分- May I see your tickets, please? - _.ANo, they are mineBNo, you can'tCSureDYes, you can得分:2分解析:162分Our teacher told us that the earth _ from west to east.AturnBturnsCturnedDhas turned得分:2分解析:172分Thirty people were expected, but only twenty - four _.Aturned inBturned overCturned upDturned on得分:2分解析:182分- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? - _ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it.AI beg your pardon?BWhat do you mean?CYou're welcome.DMm, let me think.得分:2分解析:192分- When shall we meet again? - _it any day you like. It''s all the same to me.ADoBGetCMeetDMake得分:2分解析:202分E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication.Ais playingBare playingChave playedDplay得分:2分解析:212分My room is in a mess. It needs _Ato be tidying upBtidying upCto tidy upDtidied up得分:2分解析:222分I will invite some of my friends to my home on Christmas Eve, and I do wish all of them will have a _ evening.AgladBpleasantCexcitingDinteresting得分:2分解析:232分Stop! If you go any _, you will be in danger.AfarBfartherCfurtherDfar away得分:2分解析:242分Did you notice the guy _head looked like a big potato?AwhoBwhichCwhoseDwhom得分:2分解析:252分Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat.Aa large numberBthe large numberCa large amountDthe large amount得分:2分解析:262分- Sorry for keeping you waiting. - _.AI'm sadBI don't careCThat's all right. There's no hurryDNo, not at all得分:2分解析:272分While _ for the bus at the bus station, I met an old friend of mine whom I haven''''t seen for 10 years.AwaitBwaitingCwaitedDhave waited得分:2分解析:282分- Must I take a taxi? - No, you_. You can take a car.Ahad better toBdon'tCmust notDdon't have to得分:2分解析:292分- Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock "n" roll? I'm preparing for tomorrow's exam. - _AIt's none of your business.BWhat are you doing?CSure. Sorry to disturb you.DNo, I don't think so.得分:2分解析:302分- This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. - _.AYou may ask for helpBI'll give you a handCPlease do me a favorDI'd come to help得分:2分解析:312分She was _


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