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Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the长堰小学义务教育初步均衡工作自查汇报材料(2012年10月)在洪水镇党委、镇政府和县教育局及洪水镇中心校的正确领导下,我校全面贯彻党的教育方针,努力改善办学条件,积极推进素质教育,以争创“农村示范性学校”,建设高素质教师队伍,培育全面发展的学生为目标,坚持以德治校,依法治校,积极推进义务教育均衡发展。经过全镇教职工不懈的努力,我镇义务教育均衡发展工作已初显成效。现就相关情况汇报如下:一、基本情况长堰小学现有教学班15个,在校生777名,平均班额52人。教师40人(其中含来我校支教的6人、特岗教师3人,2人请产假)。专任教师40名,学历合格率97.75%,其中本科学历11人、专科学历20人、中师学历8人、初中学历1人。全校师生比1:19,无代课教师,教师数量基本满足各学科教育教学的需要。近年来,学校以“和谐创新教育”为主题,以“优化教育过程”为核心,以“确立学生主体地位”为目标,以“校园文化建设”为突破口,全面贯彻执行党的教育方针,教育教学质量不断提高,教师队伍不断优化,办学条件不断改善,学生入学率、巩固率、辍学率、毕业率、升学率均达到“评估验收”标准,并呈逐年提高趋势,赢得了社会各界的一致好评。由于成绩突出,学校先后被评为黔西县“五好基层党组织”,黔西县“先进教育单位”,被洪水乡中心校评为“十一五期间中小学教师继续教育工程”先进集体,洪水乡“广播体操比赛小学七彩阳光A组一等奖”等荣誉称号。近三年,全校共有8名教师获省、市、县级奖,其中:1名教师获省级“小学现代远程教育优秀课件评选二等奖,1名教师获市级“师德主题教育征文评选”三等奖,1名教师被评为市级“少先大队辅导员”,1名教师获市级“小学音乐优质课评选”二等奖,2名教师获县级“优质课竞赛”一等奖、二等奖,1名教师被评为县级“优秀骨干教师”,1名教师被评为县级“少先队辅导员”, 3名学生荣获县竞赛奖。二、主要工作措施(一)、抓好学生入学率,努力降低辍学率,促进普及程度均衡发展。1、教育法律法规宣传进村入户,义务教育均衡发展家喻户晓。学校利用广播、黑板报、广告牌、墙体标语、师生文艺展演、赶场天在长堰新、老街宣传,进村入户动员等形式,宣传教育法律法规及义务教育均衡发展新举措。同时发放宣传资料2000余份,广泛宣传教育法、义务教育法、洪水镇义务教育阶段招生入学制度等,让广大村民明白依法送子女就近入学,接受九年义务教育是孩子享有的权利,更是家长应尽的义务和责任。在我校,义务教育均衡发展工作早已人人皆知。 2、建立健全规章制度,确保在校学生不流失。首先是规范学生学籍档案,建立实名制管理,学校率先推出班级日志,每天对未到校学生进行登记,与家长或监护人取得联系,模清学生去向,及时跟踪学生到位;其二是规范学生入班接收制度,任何人、任何班不得以任何理由拒绝接收学生,确保学生顺利入学;其三是规范学生转入转出制度,依法办理学生转入转出手续。其四是实行班主任、教师包班制,期初是多少人,期末就必须是多少人,确保一个都不少;其五是建立贫困生、学困生、留守儿童教育机制,开展献爱心捐助活动,使弱势群体学生能够顺利完成义务教育阶段的学业。其六是坚持“辍学”连查制,即学校查、年级查、班级查,并实行责任连带,某个班出现辍学现象,所负责的校级领导、中层干部、教师将被从严追究责任。由于措施得力,近年来,我校学生辍学率均控制在0.5%以内,并呈逐年下降趋势。(二)加强教师队伍建设,促进师资水平均衡发展。历年来,学校狠抓教师队伍建设,多措并举,形成了一支思想素质良好,业务水平精湛的教师队伍。其具体做法是:1、切实加强校园精神文明建设,师德师风建设。广泛开展先进教研组创建活动,文明班级创建活动和教书育人、服务育人活动;组织教职工学习教育法律法规常态化。以教师诗词和贵州教师精神要求,争做一名合格教师,依据贵州省教育厅201185号文件和毕节地区四个“十个不”的承诺积极开展自查自评,查找不足,总结经验,扬长避短,自我提升、自我超越,提高了教师的师德水平。2、加强新课程实验研究培训。以“中小学教师继续教育工程”为契机,通过组织教师置换研修、外出培训等形式,开阔教师的视野,转变教育理念,提升教育教学能力。学校在进一步建立健全校本教研制度的基础上积极开展课题实验、校本教研。按照“四个一”的具体要求(每学期写一篇教育教学论文、设计一篇优秀教案、上一节优质观摩课、进行一


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