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外研版(一起)小学英语五年级下册期末测试题、按顺序写出26个字母的大、小写,并画出五个元音字母要求书写规范。(18分) .单项选择填空。根据句意,选择正确答案,将序号填在括号中。(每题1分共10分) ( ) 1. She _ a driver before.A. is B. was C. am( ) 2. What did she _ for lunch?A. have B. having C. had( )3. Ive got _ email from London.A. a B. an C. O( ) 4.We are getting ready _ your visit.A. to B. in C .for( ) 5. The actors told _ jokes.A. a lot B. lots of C. a ( ) 6. I will be home _ seven oclock.A. in B. at C. on( ) 7. Your ruler is red. _ is yellow.A. Mine B. My C. I( ) 8. What did they do yesterday? They _ a kite for Amy.A. make B. making C. made( ) 9.Well see lots of big stones. They are _ a circle.A. in B. on C. of( ) 10. I am working very hard _ the office.A. of B. to C. at .根据问句,选择正确答句,将其序号填入括号中。(每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1. What will you see? A. By car. ( ) 2. How will you get there? B. Ill go to the airport. ( ) 3. Where will you go tomorrow? C. Well see lots of animals.( ) 4. Will you help me? D. He has lunch at twelve oclock.( ) 5. What time does he have lunch? E. Of course, I will.词语填空。根据句意,选择正确词语填空,将序号填在括号中。每个选项只能用一次。(每空1分,共5分) A. library B. learning C. wearing D. click on E. theatre A. library B. learning C. wearing D. click on E. theatreA.library B.learing C.wearing D.click on E.theatre A. library B. learning C. wearing D. click on E. theatre( )1. We can find the books about computers in the _.( )2. Now lets send an email to your friend. First _ “E-mail”.( )3. Why is she _ these clothes?( )4. Last week we went to a childrens _.( )5. Mr. Wang is _ English now.V. 请根据语境写出单词,将句子意思补充完整。(每小题2分,共10分)1、The boy cant play the drums. He isnt a good _ . 2、Ill put the _ in my bag. 3、My favourite _ is Spring. 4、We had eggs and _ for breakfast. 5、The pencils are _. You can use mine! . 连词成句。(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1. bag / is / Your / broken ( . ) _2. we / What / see / will ( ? ) _3. drove / a / She / bus ( . ) _4. What / put / you / in / did / bag / your ( ? ) _5. Have / Harry / Potter / got / videos / you / the ( ? ). 阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的在括号中写“T”,错误的写“F”。(每题1分,共5分)We have many new teachers this term. They are from different countries. Ms Green is our English teacher. She is young and beautiful. Shes from England. Shes very nice. Mr. White is our Maths teacher. Hes from America. Hes short and fat. His class is very funny. Miss Li is a Chinese. Shes our Science teacher. Shes from Shanghai. She can sing many songs. We like them very much.( )1. The new teachers are from the same country.( )2. Ms Green is an English teacher. ( )3. Mr. White is tall and fat.( )4. Miss Li is from America.( )5、Our Science teacher can sing many songs.五年级英语下册期末模拟试题


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