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火力发电厂煤和制粉系统防爆设计技术规范篇一:火力发电厂煤和制粉系统防爆设计规程火力发电厂煤和制粉系统防爆设计规程1 范围本标准规定了燃煤火力发电厂煤的输送、贮存、煤粉制备及其相关烟、风道等粉尘爆燃的防爆设计基本要求。本标准适用于燃煤火力发电厂煤及制粉系统及其围包体内煤粉云的爆燃。煤与燃油混烧或煤与可燃气体混烧的火力发电厂有关煤的部分应遵照本标准。本标准不适用于由于外部火焰或暴露于其他火源中而产生过大内压的围包体,如有关锅炉燃烧室和锅炉燃烧系统的防爆要求,也不适用于爆轰和无限制的爆嫌。2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。GB/T 16426 粉尘云最大爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率测定方法GB 50058 爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范DL/T 435-20XX 电站煤粉锅炉燃烧室防爆规程DUT 466-20XX 电站磨煤机及制粉系统选型导则DL 5000 火力发电厂设计技术规程DUT 5035-20XX 火力发电厂采暖通风与空气调节设计技术规程DUT 5121-20XX 火力发电厂烟风煤粉管道设计技术规程DUT 5145-20XX 火力发电厂制粉系统设计计算技术规定3 术语和定义 基本概念 煤自燃倾向性 coal spontaneous ignition tendency表征煤自燃难易的特性。煤的自燃倾向性与煤的吸氧量、含水量、全硫含量以及粒度等特性有关。煤的自燃倾向性根据煤的吸氧量和全硫含量不同可分为如表所示的三个等级。 惰性气体 inert gas致使系统中可燃物质不能维持燃烧的不燃烧、不反应气体。 围包体 enclosure围包煤或煤粉的物体,分为房间、建筑物、容器、设备或管道等。 原煤仓 raw coal bunker贮存原煤的围包体。 筒仓 cylindrical silo作为混煤设施、运煤系统缓冲设施和贮煤设施的圆筒形围包体。 煤粉仓 pulverized coal bin贮存煤粉的围包体。1 ScopeThis standard specifies the basic requirements of explosion prevention design for coal conveying, storage and pulverized coal preparation of coal-fired power plant, as well as such design for relevant flue, air duct and dust ignition.This standard is applicable to coal and pulverized coal preparation system ofcoal-fired power plant, as well as explosion and ignition of pulverized coal cloud in enclosure . For coal-fired powerplant using multi-fuel ignition of coal and fuel oil or that of coal and fuel gas, it shall xxply with this standard for contents related to coal.This standard is not applicable to enclosure that produces extremely large internal pressure due to external flame or being exposed to other ignition source. If there are explosion prevention requirements of boiler furnace and boiler ignition system, it is not applicable to detonation and unconditional explosion and ignition.2 Normative ReferencesThe following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference,subsequent amendments to , or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.GB/T 16426 Determination for Maximum Explosion Pressure and Maximum Rate of Pressure Rise of Dust CloudGB 50058 Electrical installations design code for explosive atmospheres and fire hazardDL/T 435-20XX Code for the Prevention of Pulverized Coal Firing Furnace Explosions in Power Plant BoilersDL/T 466-20XX Guide for Type Selection for Pulverizers and Pulverizing Systems of Power StationDL 5000 Technical Code for Designing Fossil Fuel Power PlantsDL/T 5035-20XX Technical Code for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design of Fossil Fuel Power PlantDL/T 5121-20XX Technical Code for Design of Thermal Power Plant Air & Flue Gas Ducts/ Raw Coal & Pulverized Coal PipingDL/T 5145-20XX Technical Code for Design and Calculation of Pulverized Coal Preparation System of Fossil-fired Power Plant3 Terms and Definitions conception Coal spontaneous ignition tendencyIt refers to characteristic of difficult degree of coal spontaneous ignition. Coal spontaneous ignition tendency is related to coal's oxygen uptake capacity, moisture capacity, total sulfur content as well as granularity and othercharacteristics. According to difference of coal's oxygen uptake capacity andtotal sulfur content, spontaneous ignition tendency may be divided into three grades as showed in table Inert gasIt refers to inxxbustible gas without reaction, and it makes xxbustible material in system be unable to maintain burning. EnclosureIt refers to objects enclose coal or pulverized coal, such as room, building, container, facility or pipeline. Raw coal bunkerIt refers to enclosure used to store raw coal. Cylindrical siloIt refers to cylindrical enclosure used as coal-blending facility, cushioning facility of coal-transporting system and coal-storing facility. Pulverized coal binIt refers to enclosure used to store pulverized coal.篇二:设计技术协议(3x220t/h+3x25MW)工程发包人:设计方:合同技术附件术协 议 书20XX年12月 银川技1 设计基础11生产能力与产品规格(1)98MPa、540高温高压蒸汽220t/h流化床锅炉 (2)25MW空冷抽汽式汽轮发电机组 原材料规格 (1) 燃料煤燃料主要为中煤或煤泥,详见甲方提供的煤质报告煤质资料见下表(暂定):(2) 高压瓦斯气(辅助燃料) (3) 新鲜水 由管网供给。 公用工程规格 1)循环水供水压力 (界区线) 供水温度 30回水压力 (界区线) 回水温度 40污垢系数 /kcal2)脱盐水:电导率 s/cm(25) 二氧化硅 /L PH 7 3)电a. 规格:装置用电电压等级10kV、380V、50Hz插座、照明和其它单相负荷 交流220V,50HZ,单相仪表电源 交流220V,50HZ,单相直流24V动力插座交流380V,50HZ,三相b. 电机功率等级及相数电压等级 380V10KV 电机功率等级 篇三:火电厂规范DL 500020XX火力发电厂设计技术规程DL 500


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