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中山市听说模拟考试口语部分练习朗读短文。你将会在屏幕上看到一篇短文,准备30秒钟,按照提示朗读并在规定时间内录音。本题共3分。Little Tom has a pet rabbit, Bunny. He plays with it every day after school. One day his mother saw that her little boy was holding Bunny by the ears. From time to time he gave the poor rabbit angry shake and said, " How much is two plus two?" "Tom, "said his mother. "Why do you treat your poor little Bunny that way?""Well, " explained Tom angrily, "our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly, but this stupid Bunny can't even add.""Oh my dear little boy, " said his mother. "Even if he can add, he can't speak."A、 情景对话。请你根据所给的情景与提示扮演角色,进行提问或回答4个问题。在完成每个问题之前,你有5秒钟左右的准备时间,按照提示在规定时间内录音。本题共4分。角色:Mary, 学生;小梅,学生情景:Mary是来自英国的学生, 她要跟小梅学习汉语, 小梅跟她介绍学习方法。 你将扮演小梅的角色。Mary:Hi, I'm Mary from England. <电脑屏幕显示>考生: Mary: I want to learn some Chinese. How can I do that? <电脑屏幕显示>考生: Mary: Chinese pinyin? Is it the same to English letters? <电脑屏幕显示>考生: Mary:Thank you. What else can I do? <电脑屏幕显示>考生: Mary: Great idea. I like movies. E、口头作文。下面是Xiao Bin上周的经历。请你根据所给的图片进行1分钟的口头作文。在进行口头作文前,你有50秒左右的准备时间,按照提示在规定时间内录音。本题共5分。 woof, woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran for its life. The mother mouse turned to her babies and said, "Now, do you understand the value of a second language?" The baby mice admired their mother very much.B、 情景对话。请你根据所给的情景与提示扮演角色,进行提问或回答4个问题。在完成每个问题之前,你有5秒钟左右的准备时间,按照提示在规定时间内录音。本题共4分。角色: Mr. Smith,外教;小张,学生情景:Mr. Smith 是加拿大籍外教,小张要做个关于外教在中国工作情况的调查。 你将扮演小张的角色。Mr. Smith:Good morning. What can I do for you?<电脑屏幕显示>考生:Mr. Smith: Sure. What's the survey about? <电脑屏幕显示>考生: Mr. Smith: Ok. Go ahead, please.<电脑屏幕显示>考生:Mr. Smith:I've stayed in China for five years. <电脑屏幕显示>考生: Mr. Smith: I teach oral English and reading. <电脑屏幕显示>E、口头作文。下面是小梅昨天的经历。请你根据所给的图片进行1分钟的口头作文。在进行口头作文前,你有50秒左右的准备时间,按照提示在规定时间内录音。本题共5分。 A、 朗读短文。你将会在屏幕上看到一篇短文,准备30秒钟,按照提示朗读并在规定时间内录音。本题共3分。 Today, the popularity of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people dreaming of becoming famous players. In China, you can sometimes see people playing basketball in parks, schools and even factories. Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport to watch. Although Americas NBA games are the most famous, the CBA games are becoming more popular in China. The number of foreign players, including Chinese players, in the NBA has increased. There are also more and more foreign players in the CBA. Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams.B、 情景对话。请你根据所给的情景与提示扮演角色,进行提问或回答4个问题。在完成每个问题之前,你有5秒钟左右的准备时间,按照提示在规定时间内录音。本题共4分。角色:Sam,学生;Kelly,路人。情景:Sam不知道怎么去城市公园,请求路人帮忙;Kelly为其指路。- 你将扮演Sam的角色,与路人Kelly对话。考生:Kelly: Sure. Go along this road, and then take the fourth turn on your left. The park is next to a restaurant. <电脑屏幕显示>考生:Kelly: Um It takes about half an hour to walk there. <电脑屏幕显示>考生:Kelly: You can take bus No. 11 to get there. But the nearest bus stop is 15 minutes walk from here. Its not convenient. <电脑屏幕显示>考生:Kelly: Taking a taxi is the best choice, I think. <电脑屏幕显示>C、 口头作文。下面是Mike学习英语的态度发生变化的故事。请你根据所给的图片进行60秒的口头作文。在进行口头作文前,你有50秒左右的准备时间,按照提示在规定时间内录音。本题共5分。 参考词汇:used to,sleepy,foreigner,study hard,listen carefullyD、 朗读短文。你将会在屏幕上看到一篇短文,准备30秒钟,按照提示朗读并在规定时间内录音。本题共3分。 According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble. Today, sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations. When the lanterns are lit, they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes. Paper Cutting has been around for over 1500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, animals and things about Chinese history. During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. E、 情景对话。请你根据所给的情景与提示扮演角色,进行提问或回答4个问题。在完成每个问题之前,你有5秒钟左右的准备时间,按照提示在规定时间内录音。本题共4分。角色:Mrs. Brown是老师,David是学生。情景:David学习英语已有五年了,他到英语辅导中心咨询。Mrs. Brown对他在英语学习中的问题提出一些建议。- 你将扮演David的角色。Mrs. Brown: Welcome to our tutorial center. Could you tell me how many years you have learned English? <电脑屏幕显示>考生:Mrs. Brown: You said you have some difficulties in learning English. Maybe I can give you some advice. <电脑屏幕显示>考生:Mrs. Brown: You can memorize the new words by writing them in your notebook and


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