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高一英语必修3黑体词拼写 编写人:广州四中Simon 适合广州地区高一期末英语联考复习之用 Unit 1 1.My _(信念) is that where there is a will, there is a way. 2.The villagers were quite _(虔诚的) and felt it was a gift from the God. 3. Buddhism is one of the main _(宗教) in the world. 4. Under the lead of our party, we finally _(获得) independence from other countries. 5. His job is to _(收集) information at the scene of an event. 6. You will be _(颁奖) by the chairman if you win the first prize in the match. 7. He is such a handsome boy that she _(羡慕) him a lot. 8. Having broken the school record, he won our _(羡慕). 9. Without the teacher's _(准许), you cannot play with the computer in our class. 10. Weather _(准许), we will go on a picnic. 11. You are not _(准许) to swim in the river. 12. She _(道歉) to me for the _(恶作剧) she had played on me. 13. You should make an _(道歉) to your mother for being so rude to her. 14. Hearing that song always _(令想起) me of my childhood. 15. It is _(明显) that he has known the story. 16._(明显), you have made a serious mistake. Unit 2 1.She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a _(饮食) to lose weight. 2.We must keep the _(平衡) of nature. 3. A _(平衡的) state of mind is necessary in todays busy world. 4. Do you want your vegetables cooked or _(生的)?. 5. After _(咨询) the lawyer, he made up his mind to sue(起诉) the company. 6. Both of the two restaurants have their _(强项) and _(弱项), so they decided to _(联合) them together into a larger one. 7. He was in heavy _(欠债) and _(叹气) to me. 8. They stood there, _(怒视) at each other without a word. 9. I am too tired, and there should be a _(限度) to the job I do. 10. Time is _(有限的). We need to be hurry. 11. Knowledge can be of a great _(益处) to everybody. 12. Doing eye exercise is _(益处) to our eyesight. 13. If you have O2 and H2 _(结合), you will get water. Unit 3 1.The first _(一场) of the play is so wonderful. 2. Youd better apply for a parking _(许可证) here. 3.The reason he gave to _(作出解释) for his absence was unbelievable. 4.Smoking is not _(允许) in the hospital. 5.He kept _(盯着) at me, which made me a little annoyed. 6. Neighbors _(发觉) smoke coming out of the house and called the police. 7. There were many _(斑点) on my T-shirt. 8. He _(寻求) advice from the doctor and the doctor ignored him. 9. I am _(寻求) solutions to the problems. 10. What you are doing is _(相反的) to the teachers orders. Unit 4 1.He doesn't like to be _(暴力), instead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace. 2. Nowadays, TV screens are filled with _(暴力). 3.Your plan sounds good in _(理论). 4.As is known to all, smoking is _(有害) to our health. 5. The waste water is doing _(有害) to the growth of plants 6._(不像) his brother, she _(不喜欢) dancing. 7. She _(撒谎) to me that pandas give birth to their baby by _(下蛋) eggs. 8. Our solar _(系统) consists of a sun and eight planets. 9. Bad habits should always be _(防止) in our daily life. 10. Without water, life can not _(存在) on the Earth. 11. The _(存在) of life on Mars is being studied by scientists. 12. We were too far away to feel its _(拉力). 13. He finally _(振奋) up when he heard our shout. 14. It is a real _(谜题) why he didnt show up at the meeting. 15. Judging from everyones _(困惑) expression, I knew they didnt understand the lecture. Unit 5 1.Dont waste your time _(闲聊) online with strangers! 2.She sat down with me and _(闲聊) about her little baby. 3.The Guangzhou Tower _(高) more than 400 metres. 4.The trees are extremely tall, some _(高) over 90 metres.(课文原文) 5.Our school is _(包围) by many trees, so its _(周围环境) are very pleasant. 6. After they got married, they _(定居) down in a small village, leading a quiet life. 7. We admire her for she has a _(天赋) for singing and dancing. 8. The young man is such a _(有天赋的) musician that he earns much money. 9. An order came that we should finish the work _(在之内) three days. 10. Most Canadians live _(在之内) a few hundred kilometers of the USA _(国境). (课文原文) 11. The little house is there, _(接壤) a river on its side. 12. It has not been _(证实) whether the officials will come to our school. 13. I have such a good eye-sight that I can see the small things in the _(距离). 14. It is a proud _(传统) in China to respect the old people. 15. I was greatly _(印象深刻) by what he said. 16. The woman gave an _(印象深刻) speech that I can still remember today. 参考答案 Unit 1 1, belief 2, religious 3, religions 4, gained 5, gather 6, awarded 7, admires 8, admiration 9, permission


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