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PEP小学英语六年级下册-Unit 4单元检测3

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PEP小学英语六年级下册-Unit 4单元检测3

小学英语六年级下册四单元测试卷一、 写出下列单词的原形。(20分)1.reading_ 2.went_3.did_ 4.woke_5.felt_ 6.fishing_7.thought_ 8.wearing_9.could_ 10.cavemen_二、选择正确答案。(20分)( ) 1.How did you _that?A know B. knows C. knew( ) 2.There was no _ in my old school.A. a library B. libraries C. library( ) 3. Im _ to visit the museum.A. go B. going C.went( ) 4. Youre _ a black coat.A.wears B.wear C.wearing( ) 5. How _ your school?A. of B.about C. At( ) 6. _ there any books in the library ten years ago?A. Was B.Were C. Are( ) 7. Thats good _.A. Exercise B. Exercises C. Exercised( ) 8. Now he _ to swim in the sea.A. love B.loves C.loved( ) 9. Tom didnt like fall _.A. before B. now C. Just( ) 10. It was all a _.A. dreams B. dreaming C. Dream三、火眼金睛,下列问句的答语在哪里?找出来。(20分)( ) 1. What was your school A. She goes by bike. like ten years ago ?( ) 2. What is your classroom B. It was old. like now?( ) 3. What is Mike going to C. Its so big. do next weekend?( ) 4. Were there many books D. He is going to ice-skate. in your library?( ) 5. How does Amy go to E. Yes, there were. school?4、 用下列所给的单词填空,每空一词。(20分)that look active was cyclinglike good use ice-skate dream 1. There _ no gym in my old school.2. At _ time, there was no dining hall.3. Amy couldnt _ the Internet.4. John, come and _ at Mikes old photos.5. Im very _ in class.6. I go _ every day.7. I _ it very much.8. Thats _ exercise.9. I love to _ and play in the snow.10. It was all a _.5、 句型转换。(10分)1. Did you have an interesting dream? (做否定回答) _, I _.2. There was a second race. (就划线部分提问) _ was _ ?3. He could win the race. (改为一般疑问句 ) _4. He was so worried. ( 就划线部分提问 ) _5. Im going to visit the moon. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _6、 阅读理解。(10分)Mary is seven. She can go to school. It is the first day at school. Her teachers are very good. The other children are very friendly. She likes the school very much. After school,she goes home with the other children.The next day, she doesnt go home with the other children. She asks her teacher, Miss Brown, a question, “ What did I do at school today?” “Why do you ask me the question?” Miss Brown asks her. “ Because my mother will ask me the question at home.” says Mary.( )1. Mary _ school on the first day. A. doesnt like B. likes C. like( ) 2. The other boys and girls in her school are very _. A. lovely B. good C.friendly( ) 3. Marys teacher is _. A. Mrs.Brown B. Miss Green C. Miss Brown( ) 4. On _, she goes home with the other children. A. the first day B. the second day C. the third day( ) 5. At home, Marys mother will ask her _. A. what she did at school B. where she was C. who is her teacher


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