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商科paper写作--Risks of international trade

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商科paper写作--Risks of international trade

摆渡论文网(www.baydue.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心商科paper写作-Risks of international tradeUnder the background of economic globalization, the trade cooperation between countries is increasingly deepened, and the international trade risks faced by Chinese enterprises become more severe and complex. Without scientific analysis and effective response, the losses caused by the trade risks will be immeasurable. Therefore, a scientific analysis of the risks faced by Chinese enterprises in international trade and the maximum reduction of the losses caused by the risks can create a more favorable growth environment for the production and development of Chinese enterprises. This paper focuses on the analysis of international trade risks and puts forward countermeasures and Suggestions to avoid international trade risks.At present, with the tide of economic globalization, the trade between countries in the world is closer, and the invisible hand of the market is realizing the optimal allocation of global resources to a greater extent. In recent years, China has adhered to the development strategy of opening up and win-win cooperation. Taking advantage of the "advantage of late development" of developing countries, China has actively tapped its own resource potential and lifted its import and export to a new level. In 1978, China's total foreign trade volume was 20.6 billion us dollars. In 2017, China's total foreign trade volume was 4.1 trillion us dollars. The year-on-year growth was nearly 200 times. At the same time, with the development of international trade, the international trade risks faced by Chinese enterprises have also multiplied, and the challenges brought by trade risks are unprecedented. Therefore, strengthening the analysis and prediction of international trade risks and adopting scientific countermeasures are of great significance for Chinese enterprises to effectively avoid international trade risks. The risk of international trade is the unexpected cost and loss caused by some uncertain factors. The reason lies in that, objectively, international trade exists in a certain time domain and is subject to risks caused by natural environment and other factors, such as risks caused by natural disasters, political environment and economic policies. Subjectively, information asymmetry is the main reason for the risks of both parties in trade. Generally speaking, the importer does not have as much information about the commodities he buys as the exporter does about the commodities he sells. Therefore, the seller can always gain more profits by virtue of information advantages. In addition, trade fraud is also one of the important reasons for the occurrence of international trade risks, because there are many fake elements hidden in the fraud, easy to let the trading party deceived, caused by the loss is often difficult to recover.International trade risks have the following characteristics: first, objectivity. Risks arise from some uncertain factors existing in the trading process between the two parties. These uncertain factors are objective and independent of people's subjective will, such as natural disasters and currency exchange rates. The second is dynamic. Risks exist in the whole process of international trade. Influenced by the geographical environment, seasonal climate, traffic conditions, time consumption, currency exchange rate, political environment, cultural customs and other factors, risks are always in dynamic changes. Third, relevance. The occurrence of risks must be causal and traceable, and the causes and results of risks are strongly correlated. The fourth is the unknowability. Risks cannot be predicted and completely controlled, especially natural disaster risks.International trade risks are complex, diverse and dynamic. For a single international trade, there may be multiple trade risks, some of which are mutually reinforcing and some of which are mutually reinforcing. However, each of these risks has its own influence and destructive power, which requires our careful analysis and study.The currencies of different countries used by both sides in international trade will be affected by the fluctuations of the international financial market, and the currency will appreciate or depreciate. Generally speaking, it takes a long time from the conclusion of a transaction contract to the completion of the transaction by both parties in international trade, and the transaction cannot be realized immediately. In the course of a long period of trade, the currency exchange rate will fluctuate with the fluctuation of the financial market, resulting in the appreciation or depreciation of the trading currency, leading to the occurrence of trading risks.Contract risks arise from contract agreements. The contracting parties come from different countries, and the laws of different countries have different judgments on the rights and responsibilities related to the contract, which leads to misju


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