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Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation in the innovation of science and technology. We have placed at the core of the overall development of science and technology innovation Location and develop technology, branding, quality as the core competitive advantages of regional innovation, better use of the multiplier effect on economic development. To strengthen scientific and technological cooperation. Around the forest and mineral resources of the deep processing, exploitation of technical innovation to promote transfer, transformation, application and popularization of scientific and technological achievements. We should improve the system of science and technology. Thoroughly implement the Central stream of deepening the reform of science and technology programme and the province issued regulations on scientific and technological progress, promoting the region's science and technology enterprises three years action plan, optimize the allocation of scientific resources, maximum release innovation potential of science and technology, and strive to better enterprise in seed industry and beyond, and more "new Board" listing. Sought to improve science and technology projects and administration. Strengthening science and technology innovation projects top design, and strive with national and provincial "Thirteen-Five" technology plans, actively seek national and provincial major science and technology projects, industrial projects and demonstration projects, supporting science and technology enterprises to increase scientific and technological investment in research and development and technology, research and Development Center, forming a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights. (Specific to the XX, we will continue to do a good job in agricultural research and demonstration of County agriculture Park, rural agricultural demonstration base into full play the dual role of active counties to build cooperation with the provincial Agricultural University, introduction of advanced scientific research and experiments in promotion, promoting "produce, learn, research" development. Strengthening grass-roots agricultural technicians system construction and management to progressively increase the agricultural "sensible" quantities to build County XX County planting structure adjustment of agricultural technology-savvy experts. ), Third, we must strengthen human resources support. Talent is supporting the development of the first resource. Both the development of new industries, or corporate development requires talent as a lead. I was personnel structure characteristic of traditional forestry, professional and technical personnel more than 85% for culture, education, health and forestry personnel, pure business managers is less than 12%, with the capability of research and development professionals is not enough 1%, talent as a whole cultural structure of structure and low level of development易旅网络科技电子票务代理分销系统需求说明书1 背景与目标1.1 背景旅游行业近年来发展迅速,传统有实力的旅行社顺势不断发展,但随着自身的资源越来越丰富,代理的景区票务、酒店越来越多时,让旅行社自身在资源管理、价格体系管理等方面越来越力不从心,此外,由于自身长久经营积累下来的价格优势也不断促使旅行社发展自已的二级代理或多级代理,但发展自己的代理无疑进一步加剧了管理的压力。随着互联网技术的长足发展,电子票务已经成为了现实,如果有一套在线的网络电子票务软件,将供应商、自身与代理商之间的价格体系、现金流系统地管理起来,将无疑大大地减轻甚至从根本上解决旅行社、票务代理商的难题渠道中心:略1.2 系统目标l 系统应具有行业通用性,能够满足一般旅行社、票务代理商使用1.3 运行环境n Windows Server 2003 或2008n IIS7.0或以上n Net Framework 4.0或以上n SQLServer 20082 功能需求2.1 系统登录n 管理员登录n 供应商登录n 代理商登录n 验票员登录2.2 管理员功能需求2.2.1 管理员首页n 今日经营情况n 产品统计图表n 代理商统计图表n 供应商统计图表n 公告2.2.2 供应商管理n 供应商列表与查询n 新增供应商n 编辑供应商n 删除供应商n 供应商详情n 付款操作n 提现操作n 授信操作2.2.3 产品类别管理n 类别列表n 添加类别n 删除类别n 更新类别n 类别Index设置2.2.4 产品管理产品性质:团体票与散票类型产品类型:景区,酒店,影院,线路,其它。其中景区、酒店、影院、其它具有通用的属性,线路的属性则具有行业特殊性,部分属性需要单独定义条码类型分为:系统自有条码,导入外部条码,无需条码支付类型分为:预付,到付说明:1. 导入条码不能选择团体票2. 无需条码类型操作流程如下,代理商下单,填写客人手机号、身份证等,提交订单,管理员收到订单(短信自动提醒),登录景区系统,获取条码,单击订单上的转发凭证到客人手机,完成订单(申请退款)n 添加产品n 删除产品n 更新产品n 锁定产品n 下架产品n 复制产品n 复制产品到其它类别n 产品详情n 产品列表展示n 添加导码产品n 编辑导码产品n 旅游线路产品编辑n 旅游线路产品新增n 旅游线路与电子印章映射n 电子印章管理n 电子印章与合同模板映射n 合同模板管理n 合同模板与产品映射2.2.5 代理商管理n 添加代理商n 删除代理商n 更新代理商n 锁定代理商n 代理商列表展示n 代理商充值n 代理商提现n 代理商信用额设置n 代理商权限设置(预订、导码)n 代理级别设置2.2.6 验票员管理n 添加验票员n 编辑验票员n 删除验票员n 验票员列表与查询2.2.7 订单管理n 订单展示列表n 订单查询n 作废n 短信转发2.2.8 统计报表n 订单统计n 财务统计n 产品统计n 代理商统计n 供应商统计n 代理商导出条码统计2.2.9 公告管理2.2.10 用户管理2.2.11 系统设置2.3 供应商功能需求2.3.1 供应商首页n 系统公告n 本周经营情况n 统计图表2.3.2 验票员管理参见上面2.3.3 订单管理n 订单列表(未验证不能显示条码)n 订单查询n 作废2.3.4 统计报表2.3.5 个人中心2.4 代理商功能需求2.4.1 代理商首页n 系统公告n 本周经营情况n 图表统计2.4.2 订票业务(个人,团队订票)n 团体票下单n 散票下单n 到付消费下单2.4.3 自助充值n 收款账号配置n 支付宝相关参数配置n 支付宝接口实现n 代理商自助充值实现2.4.4 订单管理n 订单展示列表n 订单查询n 短信重发n 退款(导码不能退款,自有条码直接退款,无需条码:在未发货直接退款,已审批只能申请,管理员再审批)2.4.5 报表统计2.4.6 个人中心n 修改密码n 个人资料2.4.7 导出条码业务n 生成条码n 生成条码文件2.5 验票员功能需求2.5.1 验票业务n 条码有效性验证n 各种非法条码


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