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第六章 新闻发布,Chapter 6 Press Conference,第六章 新闻发布(Press Conference),Press Conference is a popular way of releasing information, expressing viewpoints by government agencies and organizations, and it is also a way for them to communicate with the press on policies, important events, major issues of corcern, crisis, special incidents, etc., in a direct way. Press Conference has become an international practice and it is an effective way of communication between the government and the civil society. the spokesperson mechanism (2006) Two parts: opening, question and answer sessions; Main features: timeliness, accuracy, interactiveness; Language: formal, but sometimes conversational and informal;,Vocabulary Work,net exports: 净出口; business investment: 商业投资; social security:社会保险; special favors: 特殊优惠; Silicon Valley: 硅谷; balanced economic growth: 经济的平衡发展; Medicaid: 医疗补助计划 ; trade imbalance: 贸易不平衡;,Vocabulary Work,mass manufacturing: 大规模制造业; generate clean energy: 生产清洁能源; Medicare: 国家老年人医疗保险制度; social safety net: 社会保障; eliminate barriers: 清除障碍; mechanization of farming: 农业机械化;,Vocabulary Work,宏观调控:macro-regulation; 经济结构问题: problems about the economic structure; 固定资产投资:fixed-asset investmen; 股权分置改革:reform of non-tradable shares; 节能降耗:energy-saving and cost-reducing; 经济的大起大落:economic ups and downs; 物价的过度上涨:excessive price increases;,Vocabulary Work,经济体制问题:the economic system problem; 外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve; 非金融类的外汇投资: non-financial foreign investment; “三农”问题:the issue concerning agriculture and countryside and farmers; 经济增长方式:economic growth pattern; 市场机制:market mechanism; 外汇投资机构: foreign exchange investment institutions;,Sight Interpretation (1),globalization: 全球化; a vast potential market: 一个无法估量的巨大市场; contribute to: 为做贡献; attract a fraction of that Chinese market: 在中国市场获得一小部分份额; 建议:注意英方发言时的一些惯用的表达方式。,Sight Interpretation (2),消费品零售总额:the total retail sales of consumer goods; 批发和零售业:wholesale and retail sectors; 住宿和餐饮业:lodging and catering industry; 限额以上:above the designated size; 石油及其制品:petroleum and petroleum products; 建筑及装潢材料:construction and decoratng materials; 家用电器:household electric appliances; 音像器材:audiovideo equipment; 建议:注意一些词语的表达,有时看上去很难,见过了掌握了就比较简单了。,Note-taking (1),New York Stock Exchange: 纽约证券交易所; NASDAQ: 纳斯达克(美国一个电子证券交易机构); HQ: 总部(headquarters); aviation and marine insurance: 航空和海上保险; in the ever expanding area of derivatives trading:在不断扩大的衍生贸易领域 建议:要注意一些专业名词的缩写形式。,Note-taking (2),:the NPC and CPPCC sessions (the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference); 新华网:www.xinhuanet.com; 开记者招待会:give a press conference 建议:翻译时需要灵活变通,如新华网也可翻成xinhua network。,Sentences in Focus (E-C),generate clean energy: 生产清洁能源; take risks: 冒风险; on the one hand, on the other: 一边,另一边; 建议:英语的表达比较简单,翻译时有很多种说法,要多加注意。,Sentences in Focus (C-E),经济的大起大落:economic ups and downs; 经济增长方式:economic growth pattern; 农田水利:water conservancy; 信贷投放: credit loans; 股权分置改革:the stockholding reform; 建议:翻译是取其基本意思而翻译过来。,Text Interpreting (Passage 1),take questions: 提问; balanced economic growth: 经济的平衡发展; share of the market: 市场份额; business investment: 商业投资; net exports: 净出口; social safety net: 社会保障 体系 ; Medicare: 国家老年人医疗保险制度;,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),China was a very small contribution. 中国所占的比例是很少的。 增词:贡献、捐献、投稿; contribution的翻译,从意义上去理解 建议:翻译时要联系上下文,要注意根据具体的语境灵活的翻译,富于变化,。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),Typically, as most countries evolve, their trade is very geographic. 通常,在大多数国家的发展进程中, 他们的贸易会呈现出地区性的特征。 建议:翻译时要灵活补充,符合汉语表达习惯。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),China has been able to reach across the world to find their number one consumer which is quite a feat. 中国能跨越大半个地球让美国成为它最大的顾客实在是一件了不起的事情。 增词:功绩,壮举,伟业; feat的翻译; 建议:翻译要流畅,不必拘泥于单词的具体意思,句子要通顺。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),the mechanization of farming: 农业机械化; mass manufacturing: 大规模制造业; captives: 俘虏; have a really huge impact: 产生巨大影响; in place: 具体去做; the first founder's letter: 第一封创始人信函; Silicon Valley: 硅谷; Infiniti;英菲尼迪,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),If you ask an economist what's driven economic growth, it's been major advances in things that matteredthe mechanization of farming, mass manufacturing, things like that. 句式:条件状语从句,定语从句; 英语中破折号的翻译; 建议:标点符号在特定的情境下也要翻译。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),It's not that we were going to starve or not get jobs or not have a good life or whatever, but you have this fear of failing and of doing something new, which is really natural. 句式转换:主语从句-定语从句; notbut 的翻译; 建议:句式转换的基本要求是句子通顺,在翻译时不拘泥于源语的形式,而是创造出符合目的语的表达形式,体现了口译是一种创造性活动。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),Absolutelylook at Silicon Valley, which has been the premier place in the world to do things like that. 当然有,看看硅谷,在这方面它就走到了世界的前面。 句式:定语从句; 英语中破折号的翻译; 建议:标点符号在特定的情境下也要翻译。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),总理:Prime minister; 宏观调控:macro-regulation; 遭遇战:a battle of contact; 打了一套“组合拳“:combine a series of policies; 反弹:pick up again; 紧张:in short supply; 一系列“两难”问题:a series of dilemmas; “行百里者半九十“:If a journey is 100 miles, travelling 90 is half of it. 汇率改革:exchange rate reform,C-E Interpr


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