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英语六级翻译与写作常用短语文档由本人精心搜集和整理,喜欢大家用得上,非常感谢你的浏览与下载。凡本厂职工应热爱电厂、热爱岗位、热爱本职工作,发扬“团结务实、争创一流,立足岗位,爱厂敬业,尽职尽责,不断提高工作质量和工作效率,圆满完成各项生产和工作任务,为华能的建设和发展作出贡献2019整理的各行业企管,经济,房产,策划,方案等工作范文,希望你用得上,不足之处请指正Unit 1 动词介词或副词的短语1. apply to2. succeed in3. major in4. register for 5. drop out6. graduate from7. work for8. concentrate on9. associate with10. carry out11. deal with12. lay off13. differ from14. look for15. point out16. result from17. look into18. infer A from B19. look forward to20. seeoff 21. head for 22. pass by 23. drop in 24. call on25. bring up26. suffer from27. die of28. refrain from 29. look after30. grow up31. participate in32. put off33. happen to34. compare A from B35. end up36. complete with 37. believe in38. count for 39. look up to40. look down on41. care for42. prefer A to B43. complain about44. insist on45. object to46. stand by47. comment on 48. approve of49. accuse A of B50. prevent A from B51. inform A of B52. connect A with B53. tell A from B54. impose A on B 55. Unit 2 使用形容词、过去分词的短语 56. be absent from57. be busy with58. be supposed to59. be eligible to60. be devoted to61. be indispensable to 62. be responsible to63. be acquainted to64. be content with65. be likely to66. be willing to67. be reluctant to 68. be similar to69. be based on70. be relevant to71. be equal to72. be capable to73. be liable to74. be used to75. be about to76. be bound or77. be famous for78. be subject to 79. be worn out80. be amazed at81. be anxious about82. be pleased with83. be frank with84. be grateful for85. be determined to86. be indifferent to87. be tired of88. be concerned about89. be aware of90. be eager to91. be satisfied with92. be sick of93. be anxious for94. be ashamed of95. be absorbed in96. be confident of97. be worthy of98. be inclined to99. be consistent with100. be insistent on101. be convinced of102. be opposed to103. be independent of Unit 3 副词作用的短语 104. notat all105. not always106. little by little107. from time to time108. to some extent109. for good110. on purpose111. to make matters worse112. once in a while113. on second thought114. for sure115. at any rate116. by all means117. to start with118. in common119. by no means120. in practice121. in a nutshell122. for a change123. by accident124. one after another125. at random126. by far127. all but128. day after day129. all day long130. in time131. before long 132. on time133. for the time being134. in no time135. every other day136. day and night137. in the long run138. for a while139. so far140. back and forth141. upside down142. on the spot143. face to face144. side by side145. back to back Unit 4 具有相反意思的短语 146. speak ill of147. speak well of148. takeapart149. put together150. lose ones temper151. keep ones temper152. make little of153. make much off154. on duty155. off duty156. to the point157. be surprised to158. be inferior to159. up to date160. out of date161. at (the) best162. at (the) worst163. in those days164. these days165. in private 166. in public167. in general168. in particular Unit 5 用身体部位表示的短语 169. keep an eye on170. have a sweet tooth171. lose ones head172. hold ones tongue173. cannot make head or tail of174. lose face175. from hand to mouth176. givethe cold shoulder177. pull ones leg178. hand out179. keep ones fingers crossed180. givea hand Unit 6 惯用语182. Hang in there. / Stick to it.183. I made it. / I did it.184. Good for you.185. What a shame.186. Thats non of your business.187. I cant stand it.188. So do i.189. Same to you.190. Take it easy.191. Part two PART.2Unit 1动词介词或副词的短语 192. look over193. begin with194. come up with195. burst into196. hang on197. run out of198. negotiate with 199. call for200. turn down201. cope with202. keep on203. contribute to204. refer to205. consist of 206. account for207. search for208. stand for209. depend on210. pay A for B211. benefit from212. cooperate with213. turn out214. keep up with215. amount to216. pass away217. attribute A to B218. rob A of B219. break out220. burn down221. compensatefor 222. derive A from B223. distinguish A from B224. owe A to B225. relate A to B226. adapt A to B227. substitute A to B228. succeed to229. adjust A to B230. regard A as B 231. protect A from B232. subscribe to 233. attach importance to234. pass on235. tear up236. put down237. take A out of B238. pack A into B239. leave for Unit 2 与常用动词搭配的短语 240. get along with241. get rid of242. get through with243. get in touch244. get to245. get together246. take over247. take part in248. take advantage


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