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Vocabulary and Reading,Our Body and Healthy Habits,Module 1,Take more exercise,Have a healthy diet,Have enough sleep,Be happy,n. 脂肪,Review the words,fat,n.甜食,sweets,n.发烧,fever,n.流行性感冒,flu,vt.受伤,n.受伤,受伤处,injure,injury,n.疼痛,pain,painful,adj.疼痛的,n.饮食 v.按医生规定饮食,diet,n.队长,captain,vi. 朝方向前,head,v.注视,eye,adj.稀有的,罕见的,rare,rarely,adv.稀有地,极少地,adj.焦虑的,不安的,anxious,adj.正常的,一般的,normal,adj.健康的,强健的,fit,Look at these words and answer the questions:,anxious break (an arm) captain fever injure injury pain painful normal sweets,1 Which word is connected with food? 2 Which words are connected with the body? 3 Which word means usual or ordinary? 4 Which word means leader? 5 Which word means worried about something that may happen?,sweets,break (an arm) fever injure injury pain painful,normal,captain,anxious,Zhou Kai,A middle school student.,What's your first impression on him? Is he heathy?,While -reading,Reading: Zhou Kai(1). Answer these questions.,1. Why is Zhou Kais mother anxious? 2. What does she think will happen? 3. What does she ask him to do?,Because he is going out to play football in the rain (without a jacket on).,She thinks he will catch a bad cold (get ill).,She asks him to at least wear a jacket.,Put these words in the correct order to describe how does Zhou Kai catch a cold. A. play football B. wet all over C. go out in the rain,Pair work,C,A,B,Tell the story that happened between Zhou Kai and his mother with the key words as follows:,head towards without, eye him anxiously, play in the rain, catch a cold, do as one is told,Zhou Kais mother eyed him anxiously, seeing him heading towards the front door without a jacket on. When asked where he was going, Zhou Kai said he was going to play football in the park. It was raining then, and she was worried that he would catch a cold, so she asked him to go and get his jacket, and Zhou Kai did as he was told.,Fast Reading (Page3),Find out the topic sentences in each paragraph.,My mother has always made sure we eat healthily.,Im quite healthy.,Im crazy about football and I make sure I have a good diet.,Choose the correct answers.,1. Zhou Kais family _. (a) avoid eating too much fat or sugar (b) eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and meat 2. Zhou Kai _. (a) sometimes gets colds and flu (b) seldom gets colds or flu,(a),(b),3. A week ago, Zhou Kai _ (a) caught a cold (b) injured his arm 4.Two years ago, Zhou Kai _ while playing football. (a) hurt his leg (b) hurt his arm 5. Zhou Kai describes himself as _ (a) crazy (b) someone who loves football,(a),(b),(b),1. Zhou Kai has to diet because he is too heavy. 2. Zhou Kai would like to eat fruit rather than eat sweets. 3. Zhou Kais mother offers her family a balanced diet. 4. Zhou Kai has never been injured when playing football.,True or False,F,F,T,T,Zhou Kais healthy lifestyle,fresh fruit,vegetables,four times,sugar,Detailed understanding,exercise,fit,football,captain,member,diet,colds,flu,Page 2: Activity 3 (2),2. Zhou Kai has a healthy lifestyle. First, he has a healthy diet, because his mother makes sure he eats healthily, giving him a lot of fruit and vegetables. He often eats fish, rather than fatty meat or sugar and sweets. Second, He exercises regularly, playing football a lot. As a result of his healthy lifestyle, he is a normal kind of person and is quite fit.,When Zhou Kai was h_ towards the front door, his mother asked him to get his jacket so as not to c_ a cold. She has always m_ s_ he eats h_, so his d_ is always balanced. As a result, he hasnt got problems like a s_ t_, and he r_ gets colds. He is c_ about football, but two years ago, he b_ his arm p_ football. The p_ i_ stopped him from moving his arm.,eading,atch,ade,ure,ealthily,iet,weet ooth,arely,razy,roke,laying,ainful,njury,Summary,Last week, Zhou Kai was ill, because he was _ to play football in the rain _ a jacket _. Although his mother had told him to get his jacket _. In fact, Zhou Kai is a healthy boy. He _ gets colds. He has a good diet because his mother _ them _. She has always _ _ they eat very healthily.,without,on,on,rarely,feeds,well,made sure,stupid,They have fish _ _ a week, fresh fruit and vegetables are an _ part of their diet. Therefore, he _ _ eat a nice piece of fruit _ a sweet. He _ a lot of exercise and is very _.,four times,important,would rather,than,fit,takes,做运动 迷恋,狂热 担忧,焦虑 朝前进 踢足球 得感冒 生病 至少 按他被告诉的那样做,take exercise/do sports,be crazy about,be anxious about,head towards/for,play football,catch/have/get a cold,get ill,at least,do as he was told,Phrases,确保 确定 吃得健康 新鲜蔬菜水果 我们饮食的部分 靠近海 一周四次 吃很多脂肪和糖 喜欢吃甜食 宁愿 任何像那样的东西,make sure,eat healthily,fresh fruit and vegetables,a part of our diet,near the sea,four times a week,eat much fat or sugar,have a sweet tooth,would rather do s


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