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Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up for 8.In 1991,the house sale at $49,000. 答案:was advertised for 9.The man is not here just at the moment. 答案:in charge 10.The people in the flooded area fought bravely against the natural disaster.Their bravery to be praised. 答案:deserved 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 导学号 72864019 1.It is the childrens (responsible) to support their old parents. 答案:responsibility 2.Beethovens Ninth Symphony is a (glory) piece of music. 答案:glorious 3.A lot of houses were knocked down during the earthquake,which made a lot of people (hope). 答案:hopeless 4.Large amounts of money are spent on (advertisement) every year. 答案:advertisements 5.The Presidents speeches are (regular) reproduced in the state-run newspapers. 答案:regularly 6.The player from America has rich experience in playing,so he is a strong (compete) for you. 答案:competitor 7.Children are fond of Harry Potter,a boy full of (magic) power. 答案:magical 8.They won the first place in the match.I think they deserve (congratulate). 答案:to be congratulated/congratulating 9.No oral test will be required for (admit) to that university. 答案:admission 10.It has helped me become stronger,both mentally and (physical). 答案:physically 11.Facts (replace) by political beliefs now. 答案:are being replaced 12.The girl has been doing well in her work,and she (deserve) to be promoted. 答案:deserves 13.You wouldnt (fine) yesterday had you not broken the traffic rule. 答案:have been fined 14.We were (charge) for the items that we didnt order. 答案:charged 15.It took a lot of courage (admit) that you were wrong. 答案:to admit 三、用适当的介词或副词填空 1.The moment the bell rang,the students went out of the classroom one another. 答案:after 2.The middle-aged woman bargained the shopkeeper who was selling the plates and managed to get them for half the usual price. 答案:with 3.Apart these two books,he has written some plays and film scripts. 答案:from 4.If there is something wrong with the machine,it should be reported at once to the engineer charge. 答案:in 5.Today,workers in factories are being replaced robots and software,which more broadly,are automating many jobs that people used to do. 答案:by 6.The reporter was interviewing a girl,who was a volunteer the Olympic Games. 答案:for 7.It never distinguishes between humans based age or race. 答案:on 8.Women are playing an important role building our country. 答案:in 9.Youre an adult now and you need to take responsibility your action. 答案:for 四、语篇填空 (语言能力) The Olympic Games is the 1. (big) sports meeting in the world,2. includes two kinds,the Summer and the Winter Olympics.Both of them 3. (hold) every four years.All countries can take part 4. their athletes have reached the agreed standard for the games.Women are not only allowed to join in but play a very important role.A special village is built for the 5. (competitor) to live in,a main reception building,several stadiums for competitions,a gymnasium as 6. (good) as seats for those who watch the games.Its a great honor 7. (host) the Olympic Games.The olive wreath 8. (replace) by medals.But its still about 9. (be) able to run faster,jump higher and throw 10. (far). 答案:1.biggest 2.which 3.are held 4.if 5.competitors 6.well 7.to host 8.has been replaced 9.being 10.further 五、完形填空 (思维品质 语言能力) An unusual match Darius and Johntel both love basketball and are captains of their high school basketball teams.But on one Saturday night,they were forever linked in the 1 of all who were present at a game between Dariuss small town team and Johntels big city team. Just 2 before the game,Johntels mother died of cancer.Her sudden 3 made Johntel very sad.So Johntels coach wanted to 4 the game.But Johntel 5 that the game should be played.So with 6 hearts,his teammates prepared to playand hopefully winwithout him. 7 ,Johntel appeared in the gym midway through the first half. Seeing him,Johntels coach called a time out,and players and fans 8 the sad young man to offer love and 9 .Johntel wanted to 10 but putting him in the game at that point would 11 a technical foul(犯规) and two free throws for the opposing team. The opposing team understood the 12 and told the referees to let Johntel play and to 13 the technical foul.The referees 14 that a rule is a rule,and the free throws would have to be taken before the game could 15 . As the team captain,Darius 16 to take the shots.The free throw line is 15 feet from the basket.However,Dariuss first shot traveled about 4 feet.His second shot 17 traveled 2. Immediately,Johntel and his teammates 18 what Darius was doing.They stood and applauded the 19 of sportsmanship as Darius walked back to his bench. Johntels team won the game in the end.But as the two 20 met after the game for pizza and sodas,nobody on either side was too concerned with wins or losses. 1.A.eyes B.heads C.earsD.mind 答案:D 解析:达利斯和约翰特尔是各自所在高中的篮球队队长。一个周六的晚上,他俩永远紧紧相连,铭刻 在了现场每一位观众的记忆里(mi


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