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Unit 2 Healthy Eating,chocolate,mushroom,cucumber,eggplant,nut,barbecue,mutton kebab,garlic,lemon,carrot,bacon,hot dry noodles,spaghetti,peach,pepper,roast duck,pea,Energy-giving food provides energy.,Body-building food helps grow bones and muscles.,Protective food helps the body fight diseases.,Discussion,what kind of diet can help us be fit?,A balanced diet,KEEP HEALTHY,Where can you have a balanced diet, cook at home or buy at a restaurant?,Energy-giving food Body-building food Protective food,Yong Hui,Wang Peng,Too little energy-giving food,Too much fat food,Whats wrong with the diets of both Wang Peng and Yong Hui?,3. what will happen if you only eat at Wang Pengs or Yong Huis restaurant?,1. Whose restaurants are talked about?,True or False,1. Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. ( ) 2.Yonghui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. ( ) 3.Wang Pengs customers often became fat after eating in his restaurant. ( ) 4.Yonghuis menu gave customers more energy-giving food. ( ) 5.Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food.( ) 6.Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu. ( ),T,T,F,F,F,F,felt frustrated,By lunch time, his restaurant was _, which _ full of people.,empty,ought to be,The menu in Wang Pengs restaurant,why?,barbecued mutton kebabs roast pork stir-fried vegetables fried rice,Nothing could be better!,When Wang Peng thought “Nothing could be better”, he means _ A. His food and drinks were the best. B. His food and drinks were the worst. C. His food should have been improved. D. He could do nothing with his food and drinks.,He was not coming to eat in Wang Pengs restaurant _ he always did. So Wang _ him.,as,followed,Oh, my god! A restaurant full of people!,_ drove him inside. Yong Hui _ and gave a _ to him, saying, “Ill help you _ and _ in two weeks.”,Curiosity,came forward,menu,lose weight,be fit,The menu in Yong Huis restaurant:,rice, raw vegetables, fruit and water.,be amazed at the price; couldnt believe his eyes,why?,It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant.,He went to the library, because he could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!,What did he find?,serve far too much fat no protective food,serve far too little fat no energy-giving food,Who wins?,The passage can be divided into 3 parts.,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Wang Peng is _because his restaurant is not as _as it usually is.,He follows his friend to a newly opened _ which is very _.,Feeling worried, he does some _to win his _back.,worried,full,restaurant,popular,research,customers,Useful expressions,能量食品 健身食品 保健食品 平衡膳食 减肥食品 感到沮丧 到吃午饭时 烤猪肉 炒饭 应当,应该,energy-giving foods,body-building foods,protective foods,balanced diet,slimming foods,by lunchtime,roast pork,fried rice,feel frustrated,ought to,羊肉串 生菜 对感到惊讶 对厌倦 减肥 不能容忍做 被放过 说谎 作些研究 过多的脂肪 保持健康 赢回顾客,mutton kebabs,raw vegetables,do some research,tell lies,get away with,be tired of,be amazed at,lose weight,couldnt have sb doing,far too much fat,keep fit,win the customers back,1. balance (P9) v. 使均衡,收支平衡 Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit. 多吃一些水果, 使饮食均衡。 n. 平衡,天平 keep a balance between/of 平衡好你的工作和家庭的关系。,保持生态平衡,Keep a balance of nature,Please keep a balance between your work and family.,2. diet n. 饮食,食物 (P9),一个健康均衡的饮食 节食减肥 diet drinks,a healthy balanced diet,be/ go on a diet,低热量饮料,3. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. (P10, L4) ought to do 比should 语气强,否定式为_ ought to have done =_ 你本应该说实话的,但是你没有。_. 你本不应该打他的,毕竟他不是个小孩了。 _,ought not to do,should have done,You ought to have said the truth, but you didnt.,You ought not to have beaten him. After all, he is not a child any more,4Nothing could be better.(P10,L7) “否定词比较级”表示最高级的含义,肯定的语气。 翻译没有人比他更爱财。 _ 5Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.(P10,L78) see sb doing sth. 看见某人在干某事 翻译我看见他正向口袋里装东西。 _,Nobody loves money better than he does.,I saw him putting something in his pocket.,6. Want to lose weight? (P10 L12) 减肥_ 反义词_,lose weight,put on weight / gain weight,She is on a special _to lose _weight. A. food; her B. food; / C. diet; her D. diet; /,7. Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. (P10 L16) 好奇心 好奇的 对感到好奇 九十岁了,他仍然对世界充满好奇心。 At the age of 90, he remained the world. 这个孩子总是对我的眼镜很好奇。 The little baby always about my glasses.,curiosity,curious,be curious about have a curiosity about sth/ to do sth,curious about,have a curiosity,8He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.(P10,L2728) not have sb doing 不允许或容忍某人干某事 翻译我不能容忍你这样


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