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商科paper写作--The consumer psychology of electronic commerce

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商科paper写作--The consumer psychology of electronic commerce

摆渡论文网(www.baydue.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心商科paper写作-The consumer psychology of electronic commerceThe rise of e-commerce for the development of enterprises has brought new opportunities, but also to the traditional marketing methods issued a new challenge. Merchants must get rid of the traditional business thinking, break through in marketing strategies, ways and means, and establish a set of operating mechanism suitable for e-commerce. Therefore, on the basis of consumer psychology and behavior, from the product, price, marketing, distribution, service, transaction security and enterprise self-improvement seven aspects, respectively, the reform of the existing marketing strategy, marketing methods, to build a new marketing model.E-commerce is a new type of marketing relying on the Internet, with the characteristics of openness, globality, low cost and high efficiency, and is widely used in various industries. The new marketing mode requires enterprises to adopt new marketing methods. The research degree of the participants in e-commerce activities - individual consumer psychology and consumer behavior characteristics is not only of great significance to further expand e-commerce, but also directly affects the operation effect of e-commerce and the development space of enterprises themselves.With the coexistence of global and local culture, people's consumption concept is strongly impacted, especially the young people have a strong motivation to buy culture-oriented products, and e-commerce can just meet this demand. Consumers' pursuit of cultural tastes in different countries can gain broader space from the e-commerce model. Marketers should be aware of this law, prudent and reasonable, just in time to gradually launch their own online sales products.Individual consumers have more and more requirements on goods and services, as well as on various aspects of products. From product design to packaging, from product use to after-sales service, different consumers will have different requirements. Their development and change undoubtedly bring new challenges for merchants to occupy the market. The choices they have made are no longer just focusing on the practical value of commodities in the past, but include the extension of other aspects of products. Individual consumer more lay particular stress on distinctive, reflect individual oneself value adequately, this already became the first standard that individual consumes.Price is always the most sensitive factor for consumers. Compared with traditional stores, online stores enable consumers to have a more direct and intuitive understanding of goods, select and compare goods carefully, and complete shopping activities. In addition, the online sales model also reduces many sales links in reality, which reduces the sales price of products, and finally realizes the psychology of satisfying consumers in pursuit of high quality and low price.For modern people who live in a fast pace, it is more important to get instant, convenient and fast in shopping. Traditional commodity shopping chooses a process to be short a few minutes, long a few hours, plus the time that goes back and forth journey, consumed consumer a lot of time, energy, and the shopping on the net made up for this blemish. The unlimited space, time and geographical characteristics of network consumption can fully meet this demand. At present, more and more individual consumers join in the online shopping, and e-commerce is more and more recognized by individual consumers.For a long time, the traditional shopping habit of "seeing, touching and listening" formed by individual consumers has been restricted on the Internet, and consumers tend to have doubts about the products they cannot get in touch with. Online consumption cannot meet some specific psychological needs of consumers. Online shopping can replace part of interpersonal interaction, but it is impossible to meet consumers' personal social motivation in this regard. At present, the electronic commerce are still at the stage of further perfect, the lack of effective means of payment and credit system, online consumers in the process of payment of personal information and credit card password may be steal theft, sometimes encounter a false order, no order but are required to pay or return the payment for goods, make consumers to tremble. If there is an online dispute, consumers' rights and interests cannot be adequately protected. According to statistics, consumers on the expected psychology of online goods than the mall price 30% 50% cheaper, and the vast majority of online goods are either unreliable quality, or the price is still not up to the expected requirements. And the lack of price flexibility of online goods will make some consumers who like to bargain on the spot disappointed and lose the satisfaction of getting preferential products.In the traditional shopping mode, individual consumers can select commoditie


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