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西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别: 网教 2019年6月课程名称【编号】: 专业英语 【0089】 A卷大作业 满分:100 分 一、大作业命题和要求:(注:教师命5个以上题目,规定学生选择至少2个题目作答,并对答题提出要求)1. Please translate the following into English.第二个被程序员使用的工具是伪代码。伪代码部分是英文,部分是用精确的算法细节来描述程序将完成什么的程序逻辑。而这需要在足够的细节中限定步骤,以至于能够转换成容易实现的计算机程序。2. Please translate the following into English.计算机不止桌面电脑和笔记本电脑。你家里的每一个角落都有计算机。比如藏在微波炉、电视机、盒式磁带录像机,DVD播放机里面的微型电脑。甚至在小汽车里面也有使其运行更好的微型电脑。3. Explain the abbreviationGUI: Graphical User InterfaceAI: Artificial IntelligenceROM:  ROM imageCPU: Central Processing Unit / ProcessorIC: Integrated Circuit4. Explain the abbreviationB2BEB CRT AICMOS  5. Writing How mobile payments(such as wechat, alipay) change our life?具体要求:大作业共需要完成三道题:第1-2题选作一题,满分30分;第3-4题选作一题,满分30分;第5题必做,满分40分。答案见下一页1. The second tool used by programmers is pseudo-code. The pseudo-code part is English, and the part is the programming logic that describes what the program will accomplish with precise algorithm details. This requires limiting the steps in sufficient detail to be able to convert into an easy-to-implement computer program.3. Explain the abbreviationGUI: Graphical User InterfaceAI: Artificial IntelligenceROM:  ROM imageCPU: Central Processing Unit / ProcessorIC: Integrated Circuit5. Writing How mobile payments(such as wechat, alipay) change our life?Ten years ago, no one would have imagined that mobile payments, represented by Alipay and WeChat, could make such a difference in our lives. It can be said that people's lives today have to do with mobile payments. Mobile payment is not only an upgrade of the means of payment, but also social governance, credit system, financial services upgrade. All in all, there is still plenty of room for imagination in mobile payments.Back in the past few years, when mobile payments were mentioned, people thought of online payments for purchases. Now, mobile payments have significantly increased their use in various application scenarios and play a more important role in the field of convenient payments.Mobile Alipay Change LifeIn the past, users had to carry certain cash or credit cards to go shopping, take a taxi, eat, etc. These problems can now be solved with just one phone. What else water grid fees, through the general phone solution. The age of mobile Internet has revolutionized the life style of desktop Internet, created new modes of information dissemination and business models, something that could never have been imagined before - to buy without money, but now it's a reality. This is also the result of technological developments.Why is mobile payment so popular?Now, not to mention the stores in the mall, even the stalls on the side of the street have started mobile payments. " Can I pay with Alipay?" "" Can you use a WeChat wallet? This ubiquitous inquiry shows that mobile payments have become a part of our lives. It is undeniable that mobile payments have now become an important means of payment.III. Mobile payments to improve society"In the past, the doctor had to pay for the back and forth window. Most of the time, he spent the queue. Now he has tied the social security card with Alipay. He can pay for medical expenses and can also check the consumption records. "Mr. Chen, who came to Shenzhen People's Hospital to see his family, said with emotion. It is understood that at present, the number of people who use medical insurance mobile payment to kidnap cards exceeds 1.6 million, and the cumulative transaction amount exceeds 84 million yuan.Mobile payment is favored because of its simple and convenient operation and the need to bring cash or bank cards. At the same time, the preferential promotion activities of market entities and the continuous expansion of mobile payment application scenes have also played an important role in the cultivation of user habits. In this rapidly developing era, the impact of changes in payment methods is particularly far-reaching.- 2 -


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