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http:/report.lxws.net/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作媒体错误信息对公众态度的影响AbstractRecent events worldwide,such as Paris attacks,civil war in Syria and refugee crisis in Europe,have all contributed to an increased attention devoted to Islam.Major British news providers are increasingly outspoken about terrorism,often linking Islam-related terminology to extremist ideologies,perhaps in the hope to provide sensational material that would attract readers and advertisers.However,as this phenomenon is relatively new in the United Kingdom,few studies have explored the impact misused language might leave on the British public.This study investigates whether misinterpretation of Islamic religious terms in print and online news media affects millennialsand baby boomers attitudes towards Muslims in Britain by deviating from the typical emphasis on representations of minority groups and focusing instead on specific terms.By analysing responses from a number of focus groups and articles published by four British news providers,this study reaches conclusions about readers interpretations of terms Islamist, Hijab,Sharia Law,Jihad and Halal and whether these opinions are linked to media consumption.The findings of this study indicate that members of the millennial and baby boomer demographics possess similar misunderstanding of the aforementioned terms.Both generations linked the terms to terrorism, threat to British values and mistreatment of women.Fascinatingly,their opinions were strongly similar to those of the news they read,supporting argument that audiences are incapable of forming their own opinion,thus adopting rhetoric of major news providers.However,the study does find some evidence that suggests that millennials are generally more positive, critical and liberal-minded of the terms,while baby boomers express their ideas through negative and rejecting rhetoric.1.IntroductionIslam has been widely discussed topic in the media since 9/11(Powell 2011).The number of Islam-related news stories has increased rapidly in the past years due to the emerging tensions worldwide(Lewis,Mason and Moore 2008).Paris attacks,war in Syria,refugee crisis,and the growing threats of ISIS are factors encouraging attention devoted to Islam(James 2016).Additionally,the rising attractiveness of right wing propaganda in the Western world,including anti-immigration mind-set,Brexit,the election of Donald Trump,and French and Dutch elections,is providing reasons for media to cover stories related to minority groups.Moreover,Bourdieu(1996)suggests that the environment within the media industries has become more competitive in the past decades due to the emergence of the new media.He further adds that in many cases journalists are required to provide content hourly,thus not allowing sufficient time for research.The pressure toget a scoophas led content creators to producing stories that would appeal to mass audiences in order to increase revenue and satisfy commercial needs.Fishman(1980)explains that journalists cover the news through governmental agencies in their search for the scoop.Such practice creates sensational content where complex stories are transformed into clichés,representing the bureaucratic agenda.Gans(1980 p.80)argues that“journalists are employees of bureaucratic commercial organizations and members of a profession”,thus in many cases they are ought to prioritize commercial needs over the Fourth Estateideals.The relationship between organizations and content creators are convenient for both,the former seeks to distribute their rhetoric while the latter requires attention-grabbing news content to attract audience and advertisers.In many cases the audience is involved in spreading the bureaucratic rhetoric through tweeting,and sharing their opinion in comment threads.Such distorted news content creates stereotypes and strengthens established misjudgements,or in other words,generates what Cohen(1972)describes asmoral panics.This phenomenon marginalises minority voices,so that they become invisible and unimportant,creating false assumptions of,in this case,Islam and terms linked to it.The research seeks to investigate the effects of misused language on audiences perception.It will examine how misinterpreted religious terms,specifically linked to Islam,affect peoples opinion about Islam and Muslim community.The existing studies are mostly focused on how Muslims are portrayed in the media,however,this study is particularly concerned with the relationship between misinterpreted language and perception,in order to fill in the current gaps within this research field.The research will use the methodology of focus groups and discourse analysis based on Faircloughs(2001)model.Collected data from both focus groups will be analysed in order to distinguish the differences between baby boomers and millennials in terms of their understanding of Islam-related terms.The news articles,containing terms Islam


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