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19春专科英语(一)在线作业1-0001试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 40 道试题,共 80 分)1.I m very sorry to tell you that ( ) of you failed in the test this time.A.fewB.fewerC.someD.that正确答案:C2.There are _ stars in the sky.A.million ofB.millions ofC.the millionD.a million of正确答案:B3.The clock ( ) 10 when I got up this morningA.toldB.saidC.readD.spoke正确答案:B4.It is said that the management will( )food and drink.A.benefitB.profitC.finishD.provide正确答案:D5.The children were excited ( ) opening their presents.A.forB.aboutC.inD.to正确答案:B6.In his opinion, success in life ( ) depends on how we get along with other people.A.mainlyB.majorlyC.personallyD.friendly正确答案:A7.Is there anything I can do for you, sir? .A.A. Perhaps. Go aheadB.No. Take your timeC.Yes, You're welcomeD.Not now. Thanks anyway正确答案:D8.We havent got furniture like theirs in our home.A.aB. theC.someD.any正确答案:D9.-May I go out to play basketball, Dad? -No, you _. You must finish your homework first.A.mustntB.may notC.couldntD.neednt正确答案:A10.W: Did Bill say it was going to be fine on Sunday? M: I dont think he said it, but it is probably true. Q: What are they talking about?A.The weather on Sunday.B.Their Sunday plan.C.Bill's birthday.D.Bill's job.正确答案:B11.I have a ( ) idea of what I want to express.A.generousB.generalC.regularD.widespread正确答案:B12.She has decided to ( ) show business.A.quitB.drawC.giveD.tend正确答案:A13.Even though I have only , let me pay the bill.A.a few dollarsB.few dollarsC.a little dollarD.little dollar正确答案:A14.Lincoln was born on _.A.February 12, 1809B.1809, February 12C.809, 12 FebruaryD.February 1809, 12正确答案:A15._ late again, Bill!A.Don't to beB.Don't beC.Not beD.Be not正确答案:B16. What do you plan to do tomorrow? _A.Im sorry to hear that.B.What about going for a movie?C.I dont want to say.D.Its a pity you cant come.正确答案:B17.W: Hi, Mike, How is your interview yesterday? M: Oh, I really dont want to talk about it. I was late for it and when I looked down, I found I wore the wrong shoes. Q: What do we know about Mike?A.Mike slept late in the morning.B.Mike probably didnt get the job.C.Mike didnt care about his clothing.D.Mike didnt talk in the interview.正确答案:B18.W: Hi, Tom, How is your interview yesterday? M: Oh, I really dont want to talk about it. I was late for it and when I looked down, I found I wore the wrong shoes. Question: What do we know about Tom?A.He slept late in the morning.B.He probably didnt get the job.C.He didnt care about his clothing.D.He didnt talk in the interview.正确答案:B19.Do you think there is any room for us _ ?A.twoB.the twoC.secondD.the second正确答案:A20.-Ive got an offer in New York. -Oh, ! But Im going to miss you.A.thats too badB.Im sorryC.I beg your pardonD.thats great正确答案:D21.W:Hi, its nice to see you again. Youve changed a lot. M:Yes, my hair was a lot longer before and I wore glasses. Q: What does the man say about his hair?A.It is longer than before.B.It is shorter than before.C.It is as long as before.D.It has different color.正确答案:B22.They give 10% ( ) for cash payment.A.discountB.moneyC.bonusD.fund正确答案:A23.W: Hey, Mike, what's that you're reading? M: It's a letter from a company where I applied for a job. They're offering me a job after I graduate. Q: What do we learn about Mike?A.He enjoys reading letters.B.He has been job-hunting.C.He is offering the woman a job.D.He is working for a company.正确答案:B24.No driver is allowed to drive his car into this area ( ) he has a special pass.A.unlessB.ifC.if onlyD.except正确答案:A25.Look out! The knife is very sharp. You _ cut your finger.A.needB.mustC.shouldD.may正确答案:D26.It will only take me a minute to get your shoes repaired; it will be ready( ).A.right awayB.by the wayC.at lastD.in that case正确答案:A27.The girl the bicycle is Jane.A.riding onB.driving inC.riding inD. driving on正确答案:A28.The mother was filled with ( ) about her sons health.A.disappointmentB.anxietyC.frightD.eagerness正确答案:B29.She thought she had found the ( ) place to live.A.betterB.perfectC.wellD.nicer正确答案:B30.Dont ( ) such a little girl do what she cant do.A.forceB.obligeC.orderD.make正确答案:D31.The tradition of using chopsticks(筷子) was introduced many other countries.A.withB.ofC.fromD.to正确答案:D32.I my firm to attend that meeting last week.A.showedB.presentedC.referredD.represented正确答案:D33.Poor ( )and excess(过量) smoking will seriously damage the health of your hair.A.eatB.foodsC.dietD.meal正确答案:C34.W: How long will it take you


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