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会计英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 胡卫珍 会计英语:unit 2

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会计英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 胡卫珍 会计英语:unit 2

design by Hu Weizhen,会计英语 (Accounting English),Unit 2 Banking Business I,2012-07-05,Unit 2 Banking Business I,Study Guide Learn how to open a new bank account Know how to deposit money and understand interest rate Deal with how to fill in the withdrawal form to withdraw cash Specific Tasks Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank Task 2 Depositing Money Task 3 Withdrawing Cash,Introduction,1Learn how to open an account in the bank. 2Understand different kinds of accounts. 3Make conversations and role play.,Task Specific Requirements,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,Skill Practicing Plan,1,2,3,4,Vocabulary Required,Listening Practice,Situational Learning,Skill Practicing,account n. 账户,账目,报告 fixed adj.固定的,不变的 current adj. 现在的,流通的 application form 申请表 ID card 身份证 Minimum adj. 最少的 n. 最低限度 password n. 口令,密码 passbook n. 银行存折 withdraw vt. 撤回,取回,Vocabulary Required,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,Tasks: First, listen for the main idea of the dialogue. Second, answer teachers questions. Where is the dialogue probably happening? What kind of account does James want to open? Whats the minimum for the first deposit? How much is the annual cost ?,Listening Practice,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,James goes to bank to open an account. James: Customer Lily: Teller Lily: Morning, what can I do for you? James: Morning, I want to open a new account. Lily: OK, do you have any account before? James: No, I dont. Can you tell me how to open a new account? Lily: Yes, what kind of account do you want, a fixed one or a current one? James: I would like to open a current account. Lily: Ok, please fill in this application form, and then show me your ID card. James: Here you are. Is there any minimum for the first deposit? Lily: Yes, our minimum deposit for the first time is RMB 50 Yuan.,Situational Learning,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,James goes to bank to open an account. James: Customer Lily: Teller James: I see, how much is the annual cost? Lily: Its RMB 10 Yuan each year. James: Ok, I see. Lily: Please wait for a moment. Please set your password. You can use any six numbers from 0 to 9. James: Ok. Lily: Here is your passbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well! James: Thank you so much! Lily: Its my pleasure.,Situational Learning,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,current deposit, current account 活期存款 fixed deposit, fixed account 定期存款 fixed deposit by installments 零存整取 joint account 联名存款账户 checking account 支票存款账户 open an account 开户 Automatic Teller Machine, ATM 自动柜员机 account number 账号 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需要开个支票账户,为了能付账。 Wed like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄账户。 Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account. 请告诉我开个储蓄账户需要什么手续。 Could you tell me how to operate this account? 请告诉我如何操作这个账户好吗?,Additional Notes,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,1. Fill in the blanks and read the dialogues. Lily: What can I do for you? James: Yes, I want to (开一个新的账户). Lily: OK, what kind of account do you want to open, (定期的还是活期的)? James: I should like to open (定期账户). Lily: Ok, (请出示下您的身份证), and fill in this application form. James: Here you are. (第一次存款有最小金额限制吗)? Lily: Yes, our minimum deposit for the first time is RMB 50 Yuan. (这是你的存折). James: Many thanks!,Skill Practicing,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,open a new account,a fixed one or a current one,a fixed account,please show me your ID card,Is there any minimum for the first deposit?,Here is your passbook,1. Fill in the blanks and read the dialogues. Lily: Is there anything I can do for you? James: Yes, Id like to have a _(支票存款账户). Please tell me how to open it. Lily: Please show me your ID card first and _(然后填好这张申请表). James: Ok, here you are. Will RMB 100 Yuan be enough for the (最低存款额)? Lily: Yes, it is. James: _(每个账户每年要花多少钱)? Lily: It will cost RMB 15 Yuan for each account every year. James: Thanks. Lily: Youre welcome.,Skill Practicing,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,checking account,fill in this application form,how much is the annual cost,minimum deposit,2. Suppose you are a bank teller and serving a customer about opening an account. Role play with your partner and complete your own dialogues. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:,Skill Practicing,Task 1 Opening an Account In the Bank,3. Translate the following useful words or phrases into Chinese or English. deposit _


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