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商务英语理论与实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 蒋景东situation 5 Task 3

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商务英语理论与实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 蒋景东situation 5 Task 3

Situation 5 Management,Task 3 Areas of Management,Task 3 Areas of Management, Objectives 1. Grasp the areas of management. 2. Grasp some big companies features of management in different areas of management. 3. Grasp what every area of management includes.,Task 3 Areas of Management,I Pre-reading Pair work: Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1. What is the purpose of management? 2. Why is management of vital importance in business? 3. What skills and abilities do you need for management work? 4. What do you think is a managers routine work? 5. What do the areas of management refer to?,Task 3 Areas of Management,II Case study of the task Management of the Following Companies Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and Levi Strauss, these firms often have large numbers of marketing managers , they likely have a vice president for marketing, regional marketing managers, and several district sales managers. But Citicorp, Bank of America, and Merrill Lynch, Levels of financial management of these companies may include a vice president for finance, division controller, and accounting supervisor. Firestone and Federal Express have top management positions called Chief Information Officer. Middle managers engaged in information management help design information systems for divisions or plants.,Task 3 Areas of Management,Questions: 1. Which type of companies do Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and Levi Strauss belong to? And which area do they pay much attention to? Why ? 2. According to Citicorp, Bank of America, and Merrill Lynch and their Levels of financial management, what is the feature about their areas of management? 3. Firestone and Federal Express have top management positions, what is the responsibilities of information managers?,Task 3 Areas of Management,III Text Areas of Management Within any large company, the top, middle, and first-line managers work in a variety of areas including marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and information.,Task 3 Areas of Management,Marketing management Finance management Operation management Human resources management Information management,Task 3 Areas of Management,New Words and Expressions vice adj. 副的 janitorial adj. 物业管理的 survival n. 继续生存 oversee v. 监管 supervisor n. 主管 institution n. 机构,组织 effective adj. 有效的 inventory n. 存货,库存 typically adv. 典型地 foreman n. 领班,Task 3 Areas of Management,sound adj. 强有力的 evaluate v. 评价 compensate v. 补偿;赔偿 recruit v. 招聘 implementation n. 贯策,执行 gather v. 收集 disseminate v. 传播 dramatic adj. 引人注目的;惊人的 emergence n. 出现 engage v. 从事 division n. 部门,Task 3 Areas of Management,Phrases : as a result 结果 a variety of 各种各样 in contrast 相反 put emphasis on 重视;偏重于,Task 3 Areas of Management,V Consolidating and Expanding Summarizing knowledge 1. Areas of management include Within any large company, the top, middle, and first-line managers work in a variety of areas including marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and information. 2. In the areas of management, marketing includes Marketing includes the development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of a product or service. Thus, marketing managers are responsible for getting products and services to buyers. Marketing is especially important for firms dealing in consumer products,Task 3 Areas of Management,3. Management of the firms finances include Companys investments and accounting functions, is extremely important to its survival. Nearly every company has financial managers to plan and oversee its financial resources. 4. A firms operations They are the systems .it uses to create goods and services. Operations managers are responsible for production control, inventory control, and quality control, among other duties.,Task 3 Areas of Management,5. Human resources managers responsibilities They hire employees, train them, evaluate their performance, decide how they should be compensated, and, in some cases, to deal with labor unions. 6. Information managers These managers are responsible for the design and implementation of various systems to gather, process, and disseminate information. Dramatic increases in both the amount of information available to managers and in the ability to manage it have led to the emergence of this important function. While relatively few in number now, the ranks of information managers are increasing at all levels.,Task 3 Areas of Management,Reading material General Terms: Manager, Leader, Supervisor and Management These terms are referred to by many, whether in for-profits or nonprofits. Having a good sense of what these general terms mean helps us to understand what nonprofit-specific terms mean as well. Even highly experienced educators, leaders and managers do not have highly common interpretations of these words. However, their interpretations do have some features in common


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