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http:/essay.lxws.net 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作为流浪的年轻人提供网络支持The support network of leaving care and statutory homeless young people 16 and 17 years old living in homeless hostelsContents1.Introduction2.“Legal”literature2.1.Youth homelessness in England2.2.Housing provision for 16/17 years old homeless young people2.3.Leaving care3.“Psychological”literature3.1.Social networks4.Methodology4.1.Methodology4.2.Construction of the interview4.3.Procedure4.4.The pilot study4.5.Sample4.6.Analysis of the interviews:categorisation of contents5.Research findings and discussion6.Conclusion1.IntroductionAdolescence is a period where important changes occur in the relationship between young people and their parents(Paikoff&Brooks-Gunn,1991).It seems that as young people try to become more independent the amount of conflict with parents increases(Paikoff&Brooks-Gunn,1991;Laursen et al., 1998).Conflict levels seem to be higher in middle adolescence and decrease in late adolescence(Paikoff&Brooks-Gunn,1991;Laursen et al., 1998). However,in some cases the conflict can be so intense that adolescents are evicted from the parental home or leave by their own initiative to avoid or escape the conflict situations and as a result they may become homeless (CHAR,1996;Ploeg&Scholte,1997;Smith,1998;Fitzpatrick,2000).Some leave their parental homes while they are under the age of 18 years old which means that legally they are still children.Therefore,these adolescents can be accommodated by the Children Services,under section 20 of the Children Act 1989,if considered to be children“in need”according to section 17 of the same act or by the Housing Department as statutory homeless under the Homelessness Act 2002 after their inclusion in the priority list introduced by the The Homelessness(Priority Need for Accommodation)(England)Order 2002.Research on the topic of homeless young people found that among this group is possible to find a large number of adolescents that had been looked after by the Local Authorities.This adolescents suffered,in some cases, separations of years and several restrictions in the contact with their natural family.Yet,the Local Authorities still have parental duties regarding them and in most cases they had been accommodated in foster families.This can provide young people leaving care with additional sources of support.It is often stated in literature that the social networks of homeless young people are poor and that they lack quality supportive links.In a study by Pleace et al.(2008)that looked at families and 16 and 17 years old accepted as homeless,the findings show that the instrumental(practical help in a crisis situation)and emotional(having someone to talk to) support received by 16 and 17 years old is mainly given by friends and family but overall this group is significantly less supported then the national average.Although this study gives an idea of the support networks of these group it is quantitative research and it does not provide much more information on the composition and quality of the support networks. Additionally,more than half of the participants were already 18 years old at the time the interview was conducted.Another study by Lemos and Durkacz (2002)that included 26 vulnerable people with ages between 17 and 53 years old with a history of homelessness showed that homeless people maintain supportive contacts with family although they differ substantially in regularity.Furthermore,they found that the relationship homeless people have with peers are mainly with other people they meet in homeless settings and although there are long term friendships this pattern is not the most common.This study provides qualitative information on the social network of homeless people,however there was only one respondent of 17 years old,all the other participants were older.Moreover it approached individuals with a history of homelessness with means that some of the participants were already in permanent accommodation and others had been homeless for several years.Homeless hostels provide accommodation for statutory homeless and leaving care with 16 and 17 years old.The adolescents in this last group suffered, in some cases,separations of years and several restrictions in the contact with their natural family.Yet,the Local Authorities still have parental duties regarding them and in most cases they had been accommodated in foster families.This can provide young people leaving care with additional sources of support.In this study the two groups will be compared to determine the extent of support received and the existing differences.The findings of this study can be used to enrich the knowledge about this vulnerable group and provide relevant information to professionals working with them in order to create methods to better support this group.Research suggests that homeless young people have less support th


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