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电气工程与自动化专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 王伟v Chapter05电子课件

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电气工程与自动化专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 王伟v Chapter05电子课件

Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism 磁学与电磁学,1.内容简介 本章主要介绍电磁场基本理论,包括永久磁铁、导体周围磁场、磁路欧姆定律、磁畴理论以及电能产生等基本内容。 2.文中涉及理论知识可参考电磁学中有关内容。 3.单词与术语 1. magnetism n. 磁,磁力,磁学 2. electromagnetism n. 电磁、电磁学 3. magnet n. 磁铁 4. magnetic flux 磁通量,5. clockwise adj. 顺时针方向的 6. counterclockwise adj. 逆时针方向的 7. compass n. 指南针,罗盘 8. loop n. 回路,线圈,环 9. coil n. 线圈 10. turns n. 匝数 11. winding n. 绕组 12. flux density 磁通密度 13. magnetomotive force(MMF) 磁动势,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,14. molecular n. 分子的,由分子组成的 15. align v. 校准 16. generator n. 发电机 17. magnetic field 磁场 18. induction n. 感应,感应现象 19. slip ring 滑环,集流环 20. carbon n. 碳 21. commutator n. 换相器 22. reluctance n. 磁阻,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,4. 重点句子翻译 1 Electromagnetism is magnetism that is brought about due to electrical current flow. There are many electrical machines that operate because of electromagnetism. 电磁现象是由于电流流通所产生的磁力现象。有许多电机依据电磁学原理而工作。 2 When magnetic flux lines are close together, the magnetic field is strong. When magnetic flux lines are farther apart, the field is weaker.,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,磁力线间接近的地方,磁场强;磁力线间隔远的地方,磁场越弱。 3 Current-carrying conductors produce a magnetic field. A compass is used to show that the magnetic flux lines are circular in shape. The conductor is in the center of the circular shape. The direction of the current flow and the magnetic flux lines can be shown by using the left-hand rule of magnetic flux. 电流在导体中流通产生磁场。指南针可以用来表示环形磁力线的方向。导体位于环形磁力线的中心。电流流通的方向和,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,磁力线的方向可通过左手螺旋定则来确定。 4 A coil that has an iron or steel core inside it is called an electromagnet. A core increases the magnetic flux density of a coil. 里面带有铁心或钢心的线圈叫做电磁铁。铁心使线圈的磁通密度增加。 5 Weber's theory has now been modified somewhat to become the domain theory of magnetism. This . theory deals with the alignment in materials of,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,domains rather than molecules. 韦伯理论已经做了某些修正而成为了磁畴理论,这个理论涉及在材料中磁畴的排列而不是分子的排列。 6 When a coil of wire moves across the lines of force of a magnetic field, electrons flow through the wire in one direction. When the coil of wire moves across the magnetic lines of force in the opposite direction, electrons flow through the wire in the opposite direction. 当线圈运动切割磁场的磁力线时,电子将按一个方向流动,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,通过导线。当线圈切割磁力线的方向相反时,电子将按相反的方向流动通过导线。 7 The slip rings are mounted on the same shaft as the conductor. Carbon brushes are used to make contact with the slip rings. The electrical current induced into the conductor flows through the slip rings to the brushes. When the conductor turns half a revolution, electrical current flows in one direction through the slip rings and the load. 滑环和导体被安装在同一轴上,炭刷用来与滑环接触。导体,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,中感应的电流通过滑环流至炭刷。导体旋转的每个半周,电流按照一个方向流过滑环和负载。 5. 重点段落翻译 1第47页第1段落 “Magnetism has been studied for many years. Some has a magnetic field like a large magnet .” 磁力现象已经研究了许多年。处于自然状态下的一些金属会吸引小铁块。这种属性我们把它叫做磁性。具有这种性能的材料叫做天然磁铁。我们最初所使用的磁铁叫天然磁铁。如今,可以制作不同强度、尺寸和形状的人工磁铁。因为磁铁,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,被使用在电动机、发电机、变压器、继电器以及许多其它的电气设备中,所以它的磁性是重要的。地球自身就有一个类似于大磁铁的磁场。 2第51页第3段落 “In many ways, electromagnetism is similar to magnetism produced by natural magnets greater resistance to the development of magnetic flux around an electromagnet .” 在许多方面,电磁现象与天然磁体如条形磁铁所产生的磁力现象是相似的。然而电磁现象的主要优点是它容易控制。它容易通过增加流过空心线圈的电流增加电磁体的强度。这可,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,以通过增加线圈所加电压来实现。增加电磁体强度的第二种方法是增加缠绕铁心线圈的匝数。匝数越多,在电磁体周围产生的磁力线的强度越强。所使用的铁心的材料也影响电磁体的强度。不同种类的铁合金可用于制造电磁体的铁心。一些材料有助于产生更强的外部磁力线。其它类型的铁心材料对电磁体周围产生的磁通有较大的阻力。 3第52页第6段落 “If a conductor or a group of conductors is moved through a strong magnetic field, generators produce 50 cycles per second .” 如果一个导体或一组导体移动通过一个强磁场,那么感应电流,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,就会在导体中流通并且产生电压。图5-7所示的是一个线圈回路旋转通过磁场。在磁场内部的线圈回路的位置决定了其所产生的电流和电压的值。线圈回路相对的两边以相反的方向运动切割磁力线。这种运动产生了等值方向相反的电流流过线圈回路的两边。注意图5-7中回路的每一个位置和最后所得到的输出电压。在导体的每个完整旋转周期里,电流先按一个方向流通,然后按相反的方向流通,这种方法就产生了交流。旋转一周叫做一个周期。每秒周期数就是我们所知的频率。大部分交流发电机每秒产生50个周期。,Chapter 5 Magnetism and Electromagnetism,


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