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http:/assignment.lxws.net 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作物联网分析The“Internet of things”is a term coined by Massachutes Institute of technology(MIT).The term describes a vision of the internet in the future where all“things”or objects are on one network.These“things”will contain:A Unique identifierIts own“individual digital presence”-it will know who and where it is.The ability to process or exchange informationCan store data about itselfIs capable of participating in or making decisions relevant to its own destiny on a continuous basis?The term Internet of things covers the whole infrastructure such as the hardware,software and services supporting the networking of physical objects.(European Commission,2008)A Brief History of the InternetThe first development to the present World Wide Web was Enquire.This contained a project management tool that“allowed pages of notes to be linked together and edited.”(Anderson,2007).Eventually,after the evolution of various technological and software developments was the World Wide Web created.With a browser/client that could view and edit pages of marked-up information(HTML).The edit function only really materialised in later browsers:Viola WWW and Mosaic(the current Netscape browser.).Web 1.0Introduced in 1994,web 1.0 consisted of an individual source(e.g.Website or a file)publishing information which could be viewed or downloaded by a client.This was a straight client-server network,so those individual clients were not able to fully interact with the source.The main purpose of web 1.0 was“to push information to a relatively passive audience.”(Castelluccio,Michael,2008).This“passive audience”would consist of users who would create their own websites.So,the majority of web 1.0 websites contained HTML tags scattered all across the web but without the ability for users to add to the website unless they understood HTML.This left internet interaction exclusive to people who were HTML literate.Web 2.0In 2008 web 2.0 became the associated term for the uprising of new products and services on the internet.The term was created four years previous by Dale Dougherty,vice president of OReilly Media Inc.2 Evolving from web 1.0,2.0 represented a more peer to peer environment.This concept emphasized more the individual user having the ability to upload content (pictures,music,and videos)to a website.These websites took the form of blogs,wikis,podcasts,RSS feeds and social networking sites.This user interaction coupled with improvements in networking technology,has made the internet more personal and accessible.According to(Anupriya Ankolekar et al,2007),Web 2.0 is distinguished mainly from Web 1.0 by the following characteristics:Community:Web 2.0 offers multiple users to work together and to share information.So the website is more effective than that of just having one contributor to the site.“Each contributor gains more from the system than she puts into it.”Such community website examples would be the music file sharing service Napster and an event calendar Upcoming.Mashups:Services from different sites can be brought together,in the creation of a new website such as using Google maps in your website.Ajax:The base for the previous two characteristics,Ajax creates responsive user interfaces.Asynchronous JavaScript+XML,AJAX for short is a number of technologies ranging from CSS and XHTML for standards based presentation to XML for data retrieval and data interchange to JavaScript for“binding everything together”(Garrett,2005).The traditional Web application model was based on the users actions on a web interface triggering a HTTP request to a web server.And in turn the server sending a HTML page back to the client.This lead to stop/starting of information as it goes and comes back to the user.Ajax prevents this by having an ajax engine being placed between the client and server.Instead of a webpage the browser loads an ajax engine made of javaScript code.This engine creates a asynchronous connection with the user independent of the server. Every action which would normally result in an HTTP request generation now turns into a JavaScript call to the AJAX engine.Web 3.0-The Semantic webWeb 3.0 or a semantic web is being proposed as the natural progression for the development of the Web.A definition from Paul Anderson in an article in the American scientific explains that the semantic web is about the shift from documents to data-the transformation of a space consisting largely of human-readable,text oriented documents,to an information space in which machine readable data,imbued with some sense of meaning“is being exchanged and acted upon”.This“machine readable data”would consist of metadata.Defined by(NISO 2004)“Metadata is structured information that describes,explains,locates,or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve,use,or manage an information resource.Metadata is often called data about data or information about


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