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lesson 14 speech on hitler27s invasion of the ussr

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lesson 14 speech on hitler27s invasion of the ussr

ADVANCED ENGLISH Book I,14,Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R,Winston S. Churchill,I. The explanation of the title:,What does “Hitlers invasion of the U.S.S.R” mean ? It means Hitler invaded the U.S.S.R. What does “U.S.S.R” stand for? It stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. It is initialing , a kind of abbreviation (shortening). Paraphrase: When Hitler invaded the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republic on June 22,1941, Churchill broadcast the speech about the invasion on the same day.,II. What is the type of the writing of the text?,In English writing, there are four types, namely description, narration, exposition, argumentation. Which of the four is the most suitable to this text “Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R ? Argumentation. The writer of an argumentative essay tries to convince other people to agree with his point of view, to approve a policy or a course of action that he proposes, or to do something that he wants to be done. Speeches on policies, editorials of newspapers, articles on political or theoretical questions, are often argumentation .,III. Additional Background Material for Sir Winston Churchill,Early Life,Born on Nov. 30, 1874, at Blenheim Palace In 1888, he went to Harrow and then to the Royal Military College at Sandhurst and graduated in1894. In 1895, visited the Spanish army In 1897, was with the British army In 1898, took part in the battle of Omdurman in the Sudan as a war correspondent In 1899, set out for the Boer War as correspondent to the London Morning Post,Young Politician,In 1900, entered the House of Commons. In 1904, joined the Liberals. By 1908, was a member of Lord Asquiths cabinet. In Oct.1911, was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. In 1915, lost his Admiralty post. In 1917, returned to the government. first as Minister of Munitions, then as Minister of War.,Interwar Years,In 1924, severed his ties with liberalism and went back to the Conservative Party, became Chancellor of the Exchequer. Opposed the Russian Revolution. From 1929 to the outbreak of war he was out of office.,World War II,In May 1940 , he became Prime Minister, and took part in all the important conferences with Roosevelt and Stalin during the war. He announced his new government in these words : “I have nothing to offer but blood , toil , tears and sweat Our policy is to wage war, by sea , land and air, with all our might .Our aim is to win the victory .” In July 1945 he was defeated in the election.,Last Years,In 1951, he again became Prime Minister. In 1953, he was created Knight of the Garter by the Queen, and awarded the Noble Prize in literature. In 1955, resigned office and ended his public career. He died on Jan. 24, 1965.,Churchills Works,Churchills work, combining personal perspective with grand historical themes, are written with great sweep and lucidity. They include The World Crisis (6 vols. 1923-1931), an account of World War I; The Second World War (6 vols. 1948-1953); History of the English Speaking Peoples (4 vols. 1956-1958),IV. Additional Background Material for World War II,Question 1: When was the 1st World War ? Answer: Question 2: When was the 2nd World War? Answer:,The 1st World War started in 1914 by Lenins October Revolution, ended in 1918.,The 2nd World War broke out on Ju1y 7,1937, by Japanese Invasion of China, or on Sept. 1, 1939, by Germans invasion of Poland and Britain and France waged war against German. It ended in May, or August, 1945.,How did Churchill know that Hitler would invade Russia?,Answer: Before the fall of Poland, British intelligence officers managed to get hold of a German coding machine and a group of code-breaking experts, called the Blotchily Park group, soon discovered how the machine worked. With the help of this machine, the British were able to decipher all German coded messages. So on June 6, the British had already learnt that Hitler was to attack Russia and passed on a warning to the Soviet Union, which was unheeded.,When did Churchill begin to write the speech?,Answer: On June 20, two days before the invasion, Churchill worked on a speech to be broadcast to the world when the invading forces rolled into Russia.,V. Additional Background Material for Political System,British Government,King /Queen Elizabeth II,Parliament,Upper House of Lord,Lower House of Common,U.S.A Government,President,Vice-president,Congress,Senate,House of Representatives,大臣,内政大臣,Ministers in the Cabinet,首相;国务大臣,文官大臣,外交和联邦事务大臣,贸易和工业大臣,Prime Minister; Minister of State Minister for the Civil Service Secretary of State for the Home Department Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and President of the Board of Trade,Ministers in the Cabinet,Secretary of State for Defense Social Service Secretary of State for Employment Energy Secretary of State for the EnvironmentEducation and Science,国防、社会事务大臣,就业、能源大臣,环保、科教大臣,Ministers Not in the Cabinet,Ministers Not in the Cabin


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