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Lesson 4房间:地点描述,注意方位顺序n My favorite room is my living room. Its rectangular with the door on the left side of the south wall. In the wall opposite the door is a picture window. Below the window is a sofa. A rectangular coffee table is in front of sofa. Facing the sofa are two armchairs. An abstract painting is on the west wall. Along the east wall you will see a long cabinet with a vase of flowers on it. This bright and uncluttered room is my best place to hide from outside world to make me relax, think freely, and live comfortably.Object: 物体(重要性,珍贵性与有用性)n 看懂题目很重要n 区别概念是前提n 找好点后选论据n 丝丝扣着题目说Magazine, Novel, and Poemn Magazine: 1. Economist 经济学人 Harvard Business Review 哈佛商业评论2. New Yorker 纽约客, Readers Digest 读者3. Times 时代周刊, London Book Review伦敦书评4. Newsweek 新闻周刊5. Scientific American 科学美国人6. Elle, Cosmo politician, Bazaar. n 杂志的特点:1. 出版周期长,态度观点突出 Long Periodicals, Pointy attitude2. 市场细分性强 Certain, fixed, loyal reader groups3. 重复阅读性和保持价值 Strong readability and the value of storage4. 高品质 Paper and pictures in high qualityPoem:n To see the world in a grain of sand,n and a heaven of a wild flower.n Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,n and eternity in an hour.n 一沙一世界,n 一花一天堂。n 双手握无限, n 刹那是永恒。 -William BlakePercy Bysshe Shelleyn Ode to the West Windn Vn The trumpet of a prophecy! O, Wind,n If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?n Walt Whitmann Leaves of Grassn Poetry (from the Greek "", poiesis, a "making" or "creating") is a form of art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its ostensible meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as in poetic drama, hymns or lyrics.n Poetry, and discussions of it, have a long history. Early attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle's Poetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song and comedy. Later attempts concentrated on features such as repetition and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from prose. From the mid-20th century, poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined as a fundamental creative act using language.n Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to expand the literal meaning of the words, or to evoke emotional or sensual responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects. Poetry's use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly, metaphor and simile create a resonance between otherwise disparate imagesa layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived. Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm.n Some forms of poetry are specific to particular cultures and genres, responding to the characteristics of the language in which the poet writes. While readers accustomed to identifying poetry with Dante and Goethe may think of it as being written in rhyming lines and regular meter, there are traditions, such as those of Du Fu and Beowulf, that use other approaches to achieve rhythm and euphony. In today's globalized world, poets often borrow styles, techniques and forms from diverse cultures and languages.n Inventions:n World Wide Web-Advantages: www and .com1. Email and letter2. MSN and International call3. Different shopping mall and e-shopping with comments coming from different cyber buyers4. Ebay.com and visual market5. The World Wide Web (or the "Web") is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a Web browser, a user views Web pages that may contain text, images, and other multimedia and navigates between them using hyperlinks. The Web was created around 1990 by the EnglishmanSir Tim Berners-Lee and the BelgianRobert Cailliau working at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Since then, Berners-Lee has played an active role in guiding the development of Web standards (such as the markup languages in which Web pages are composed), and in recent years has advocated his vision of a Semantic Web.Comedy, Drama and Musicalsn Comedy:1. The word Comedy has a classical meaning (comical theatre) and a popular one (the use of humor with an intent to provoke laughter in general). 2. In the theater, its Western origins are in ancient Greecetragedy, a genre characterized by a grave fall from grace by a protagonist having high social standing. Comedy, by contrast, portrays a conflict or agon (Classical Greek) between a young hero and an older authority, a confrontation described by Northrop Frye as a struggle between a "society of youth" and a "society of the old". A more recent development is to regard this struggle as a mere pretext for disguise, a comical device centered on uncertainties


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