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the green lion 绿狮

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the green lion 绿狮

The Green Lion 绿狮The Green Lion 绿狮2011年07月26日http:/nachtkabaret.com/SmashingPumpkins/Machina/P romotionalLithographsAndPosters Original Source of Image: Promotional lithograph 图源:Promotional 石版画 A lion composed of seven stars with a crown upon its tail begins to devour the sun. The Kafanov image most notably derives from this 17th century illustration: 尾上有冠身披七星的狮子在吞噬太阳。来自17世纪插图的最著名的卡法诺夫之图。 The 'blood of the green lion', which also goes under the code name of the 'philosophers vitriol', is the universal solvent that swallows the seven metals and gold. Basil Valentine said that the solid blood of the red lion (the lapis, the sun) comes from the volatile blood of the green lion D. Stolcius von Stolcenberg, Viridarium chymicum, Frankfurt, 1624 (from Alexander Roob's 'Hermetic Museum') “绿狮之血”(或以“哲人vitriol”代称)是一种广谱溶剂,它可以溶解七大金属包括金。Basil Valentine说,红狮的固态血(哲人之石、太阳)来自绿狮的挥发性血。 D. Stolcius von Stolcenberg,Viridarium chymicum,法兰克福,1624年 (摘自亚历山大·罗伯的炼金术博物馆) While Kafanov's depiction shows that of a red tinged lion, traditionally the lion depicted in this manner -devouring the sun- was green, not red. The Green Lion is a famous image, being drawn and etched in many manuscripts and engravings over the centuries. 然而Kafanov的画中是一只红色调的狮子通常狮子被描绘成绿色的吞噬太阳的模样。绿狮几个世纪中被描绘、蚀刻在手稿、雕刻上的著名图象。 I am he who was the green and golden lion without cares, within me lie all the mysteries of the philosophers. The green lion that swallows Sol" is, according to the Rosarium, "our Mercury.It alone works deep into each body and lifts him up. So if it is mixed with a body, it enlivens and relieves it and transforms it from one consistency into another. Rosarium Philosophorum, Ed. J. Telle, Weinheim, 1992 (Excerpt from Alexander Roob's 'Hermetic Museum') 我是无牵无挂的绿色金狮,我体内有所有哲人的秘密。 玫瑰园中记述道:绿狮吞日是我们的汞。它深入到每一躯体中并予之升华。因此若将其与躯体混合,其将活化,释能,嬗变。 哲人玫瑰园, Ed. J. Telle, Weinheim, 1992年(摘自亚历山大·罗伯的炼金术博物馆) Specifically, the Green Lion was a physical embodiment of vitriol, and a metaphor for the chemical process that some alchemists would undertake. When nitric acid was combined with hydrochloric acid it produced a solution called aquae regia (meaning, "royal water"), a liquid with a prominent green tinge, capable of dissolving metals, including gold. The green lion devouring the sun thus served as a pictorial representation of this concept. To naturalist alchemists, the Green Lion was removed of its chemical properties and described as the "raw energy of nature". In this line of thought, the sun (its mineral being gold) was feasted upon by the Green Lion, reflecting how plant life used the rays of the sun to foster photosynthesis. 显然,绿狮是vitriol的实体化,是一些炼金师士着手的炼金工序的隐喻。硝酸与盐酸混合成一种叫王水的绿色溶液,它可以溶解包括金在内的金属。绿狮吞日正象征了这一概念。 而自然炼金术士避开绿狮的化学性质,将它描述为“原始自然力”。在此思想中,太阳(金色矿物)被绿狮吞食反映着植物如何吸收阳光进行光合作用。 Apart from the snow-white steam that settles as "burning water" or "unnatural fire", and belongs to the "sulphurous stinking waters", the "green lion" is among the "Three things that are sufficient for mastery". M. Maier, Atlanta Fugiens, 1618 除了代表“燃烧的水”或“非自然之火”,属于“硫的腐败之水”的白色蒸汽,“绿狮”是“三件精道的必须品”之一。M. Maier, Atlanta Fugiens, 1618年。 Paracelsus, one of the most important figures within alchemy, wrote of both the Red Lion and the Green Lion in, "The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists", published in 1659, referring to the Red Lion as the "Tincture of the Sun, perfect in its degree", and the Green Lion as "the tincture, transparent gold" and the "Balsam of the Heavenly Stars, suffering no bodies to decay, nor allowing leprosy, gout, or dropsy to take root." He concluded, "Happy he who has learnt how to find it and use it for a tincture!" 最重要的炼金术士之一巴拉塞尔士将红狮与绿狮写入了1659年出版的炼金术士宝藏的宝藏,记述道红狮是“完美的太阳酊剂”,绿狮是“毫无疑问的金之酊剂”及“天堂之星的香脂,使躯体不腐,与麻风、痛风、水肿无染。” 他总结道:“学得如何找到它并用它作为酊剂的人是喜悦的!”


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