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playing of children

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playing of children

Kindergartengame in my eyesLiuYaLi (Anhui Normal University08 preschool education level master's degree thesis ) 2011303004 2Pick to: The game in the children's growth and development process has very important significance. The game is part of the lives of children, children's favorite and is most often form of activity. The kindergarten education is the foundation of the children's life development stage, the game should be the basic activities of kindergarten. The kindergarten children's game is life experience and knowledge of the formation of the structure of the most effective way to realize, with other activities irreplaceable value. 1.Kindergarten, the importance of the game1). The game is to promote the effective means of children's development Educator Makarenko said: "in childhood, the game is a legitimate business, children and even when doing important work, should also often do games. the whole life of children is the game." Visible in the development of children's game has the role that cannot be replaced. The game can promote the development of children's body, help to the development of the sports ability; The game can promote cheeper perception, thinking ability, language ability and imagination, the development of cognitive ability; The game also can promote children's social and emotional development. Can say, the game is the children's life. 2). The kindergarten is an important stage of children's growth The growth of life is divided into several important stage, and kindergarten one's life foundation of the growth stage. The children in the kindergarten period make its physical and mental critical period of development, can say, kindergarten stage of the development of the children in the development of life is extremely important influence. Children usually three to six years old to stay in the park, in the classroom and parents by the joint efforts of its own physical quality and the sports ability, improve their cognitive ability, at the same time, this period of children's social and emotional development also is in the critical period. Say so, kindergarten children's growth is the important place kindergarten education quality directly related to children's development. 3). The game is the basic activities of kindergarten Lev Vygotsky said, "the game created the recent development zones." In 1989 to issue "kindergarten work rules (try out)" article 20 put forward for the first time: "with the game for basic education, containing the activities in the activity of" kindergarten education is one of the principle of work. The game is the children's activities like, is in the activities of the children's physical and mental characteristics, is the most are often the most suitable for children's activities. The game is children's basic activities, also is the need of the development of children's physical and mental health, the game has important education value. In kindergarten, the game through the daily life and education activities in. Young children through the various games to get knowledge, by education. So, will the game as a nursery basic activities, accord with the need to children's development is also necessary. 2.Our kindergarten in the game of the present situation and the existing problems Based on my own in Anhui normal university affiliated nursery school of practical experience and education in Wuhu red kindergarten of observation, I think, generally speaking now most school workers have come to realize the importance of the game, know that in kindergarten for the benefits of the reasonable game, and trying to game penetration in daily life and teaching. However, we also should see, in the development of kindergarten game some problems still exist, embodied in the following aspects: 1) The education role to attach too much importance to the game, the game of excessive education There are part of the early childhood teachers of children's education emphasizes the role, especially the role of intellectual development, therefore, part of the teachers in providing game types, mainly from the game to consider the education role. First to provide more intellectual games, music games and sports games and finished the task of certain teaching game, the second is to provide a single type of construction, puzzles structure game, arrangement of the children's favorite less is the role of the game. Sometimes game activities the content, the form all by teachers unified arrangement and when to play any game, with what toy materials are not decided by children; In the game on the process, the teacher most of the guidance to the center of gravity in the children's intelligence, moral character conventional, etc. Such as education they don't for toys, not to throw toys, not loudly noisy, learn to obey, cooperation, share, etc. The teacher thought that the good, should do teach children, bad immediately put a stop to it. The teacher


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