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测控技术与仪器专业英语 张凤登UNIT-17-Distributed Real.Time Systems

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测控技术与仪器专业英语 张凤登UNIT-17-Distributed Real.Time Systems

UNIT 17 Distributed Real-Time Systems,17.1 Text Understanding Real-Time for Measurement and Automation 怎样理解测量与自动化中的实时,New Words event i'vent n. 事件 acceptable k'septbl a. 可接受的 compromise 'kmprmaiz v. 折衷,损害 soft sft a. n. 软的 hard h:d a. n. 硬的 critical 'kritikl a. 关键的 proprietary pru'praitri a. 专用的 RTOS abbr. 实时操作系统(real-time operating system) vibration vai'brein n. 振动 DMA abbr. 直接存储器访问(direct memory access) throughput 'ru:put n. 通过(吞吐)量 DSP abbr. 数字信号处理器(digital signal processor) FPGA abbr. 现场可编程门阵列(field-programmable gate array),New Words (continue) opt pt v. 选择(for,between) embed im'bed v. 嵌入 dynamometer ,dain'mmit n. 测力计 throttle 'rtl v. n. 调节;油门,节流气阀 log l v. 记录,存入 RT abbr. 实时(real time) executable 'eksikju:tbl n. a. 可执行文件,可执行的,Exercises 1. Answer the following questions. Many people assume that real-time means really fast. The systems are divided into soft and hard real-time systems. The response time of a modern computer running standard windows is up to a few hundred milliseconds. A plug-in data acquisition board uses advanced circuitry to handle hard real-time requirements, eliminating the need for a specialized RTOS in many cases. Once the data has been collected in real-time, it is moved to the host PC using direct memory access (DMA) and the data acquisition board uses DMA to stream data into the host computer memory without the interaction of the host computer or operating system. If an application demands mathematically intensive calculations, you may prefer to use a specialized data acquisition board with an on-board processor, a digital signal processor (DSP), or a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to analyze and reduce the data before transferring it to the host PC. For faster requirements, specialized hardware like DSPs and FPGAs may be used to achieve real-time speeds in the nanoseconds. The new technology LabVIEW RT makes developing real-time applications easy.,Exercises (continue) 2. Replace the underlined parts in the following sentences with words or phrases from the text that best keep the original meanings. When the laser beam was first produced, it was simply a laboratory curiosity (好奇) which had been developed without any particular practical application in mind. (yielded) The operators control console employs a paper-tape drive unit and the digital logic components needed to control different machine operations. (varying) In some scanners, the decoding function is done by the scanning head as a single unified unit. (integrated) In actual practice, disturbances affect the output being controlled and cause it to deviate from the desired value. (stray) Physical changes that take place in the operation of a numerical control machine are implemented electrically, hydraulically, or by pneumatic actuators. (are achieved) Time is needed for communication between the PC and the instruments, placing significant limits on the ability of the system to obtain complete results in a prescribed time interval. (specified) The idea of using digital computers as components in control systems emerged around 1950. (occurred) Substantial improvements are also wished in display techniques and in communications. (desired),17.2 Reading and Translation Embedded Real-Time Systems 嵌入式实时系统,New Words cellular 'seljul a. 蜂窝状的,网状的,细胞(状)的 razor 'reiz n. 剃须刀 subsystem 'sb,sistm n. 子系统 trend trend n. 趋势 catalyst 'kætlist n. 促进因素,催化剂 ESP abbr. 电子稳定程序(electronic stability program) IoT abbr. 物联网(internet of things),斜体部分参考译文: Because the external interfaces (particularly the manmachine interface) of the product often remain unchanged relative to the previous product generation, it is often not visible from the outside that a real-time computer system is controlling the product behavior. 由于产品的外部接口(尤其是人机接口)相对于前一代产品,通常保持不变,所以实时计算机系统如何控制产品的行为往往是外部不可见的。 An intelligent product consists of a physical (mechanical) subsystem; the controlling embedded computer, and, most often, a manmachine interface. The ultimate success of any intelligent product depends on the relevance and quality of service it can provide to its users. A focus on the genuine user needs is thus of utmost importance. 智能产品包括物理(机械)子系统和嵌入式控制计算机,通常还包括人机接口。任何智能产品最终成功与否,取决于该产品的用户针对性和服务质量。因此,将重点放在真正的用户需求上至关重要。 In 1996, General Motors recalls almost 300 K cars for engine software flaw. 1996年,通用汽车公司(GM)因为引擎软件缺陷,召回大约30万辆汽车。,斜体部分参考译文(续): The embedded system market is driven by the continuing improvements in the cost/performance ratio of the semiconductor industry that makes computer-based control systems cost-competitive relative to their mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic counterparts. 嵌入式系统的市场驱动力源自半导体器件性价比的持续改善,基于计算机的控制系统与机械控制系统、液压控制系统和电子控制系统相比,更具成本竞争力。 At present the topic of computer safety in cars is approached at two levels. At the basic level a mechanical system provides the proven safety level that is considered sufficient to operate the car. The computer system provid


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