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1 2017 吉林省长春市九年级中考英语模拟试卷吉林省长春市九年级中考英语模拟试卷 (满分;(满分;120 分分 考试时间;考试时间;120 分钟)分钟) 第一卷第一卷 (选择题 共 55 分) I. 单项选择单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A. B. C. D 四个选项中,选出可以填在空白处的正确答案。 ( )1.“_ universe is nice and beautiful,” Jack said after_special trip.www.21-cn-jy.com A. The; aB. An; aC. The; the D. /; the ( )2. About _ of the population in the country _ farmers.2-1-c-n-j-y A. three-fifth; areB. three-fifth; is C. three-five; is D. three-fifths; are ( )3. The song I Believe I Can Fly tells us that believing in_ is very important. A. themselvesB. yourselvesC. itselfD. ourselves21·世纪*教育网 ( )4.If the customers rings up for me again, please _ the call to the sales department. A. run throughB. look through C. go throughD. put through ( )5.According to the new traffic laws, people _ drive after drinking wine or beer. A. wouldntB. couldnt C.needntD. mustnt ( )6.-_is it from the part to the old city center? -Less than 30 minutes by underground. A. How soonB. How oftenC. How longD. How far ( )7.The soup my father cooked _ bad now. Lets throw it away. A. smells terriblyB. is smelt terribly C. smelt terrible D. was smelt terrible ( )8.I will never forget the people and things _ I saw on the Great Wall. A. thatB. whichC. whoD. what ( )9. Many children _ your age are always _ a good mood to do the things theyre interested in. A. at; inB. of; inC. at; onD. of. With ( )10.The old radio requires_, so youd better have it _ soon. A. to repair; repairedB. repairing; repaired C. repairing; repairD. repaired,repair ( )11._ Mr. Zhou_ Mr. Li is humorous. They are popular among us students. A. Both; andB. Neither; nor C. Either; orD. Not only; but also ( )12.-If I work hard at my lessons from now on, can I do well in them? -_ A. All rivers run into sea B. Every day is not Sunday21 教育网 C. Better late than never D. Practice makes perfect ( )13. The scenery on Mount Huang is _. Im really_ at its beauty. A. amazing; amazedB. amazed; amazed C. amazed; amazingD. amazing; amazed ( )14. Birds hardly build nests in our garden,_? A. dont theyB. do theyC. didnt one D. did me ( )15. The shop in Wanda Plaza_ for five years, but I _ there so far. A. has opened; havent gone B. has been open; havent been C. has been open; havent gone D. has opened; havent open II. 完型填空完型填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给出的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案) I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in a town of Italy. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man entered and sat beside us. He called the waiter over, saying.“Two cups of coffee,one of them there on the _.” We heard his order with _ and noticed that he was served one cup of coffee _ he paid for two. When he left, the waiter put a piece of paper on the wall saying “A Cup of Coffee.” While we were still there, two other men entered and _ three cups of coffee, two on the table and one on the wall. They had two but paid for _ . This time also, the waiter did the same. It was _ unusual for us. After a few days, we had a chance to enter this coffee shop again. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man _ appeared homeless entered. He looked at the wall and said, “One cup of coffee from the wall.” The waiter served a cup of coffee to this man with _. The man had his coffee and left without _. We were amazed to watch all of this, as the waiter_ a piece of paper off the wall and threw it into the bin. Now it was no surprise for us-the matter was very _. The people of this town showed great respect for those who needed help. Just think about _ this man wanted. He didnt have to lose his face to ask for a( an) _ cup of coffee. _ asking or knowing who was giving him this cup of coffee, he only looked at the wall, placed an order, _ his coffee and left. Its a truly beautiful thing-probably the most beautiful wall anywhere in the world. 16. A. tableB. wallC. paper D. bin 17. A. interestB. prideC. painD. worry 18. A. untilB. soC. butD. if 19. A. offeredB. orderedC. drank D. left 20. A. noneB. oneC. twoD. three 21. A. nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. something 22. A. whoB. whomC. whichD. what 23. A. respectB. satisfactionC. regret D. pity 24. A. askingB. bookingC. replyingD. paying 25. A. broughtB. carried C. tookD. laid 26. A. importantB. clearC. directD. correct 27. A. howB. WhenC. whatD. that 28. A.freeB. expensiveC. lowD. cheap 29. A. WithB. WithoutC. BeforeD. After 30. A. SharedB. boughtC. preferred D. enjoyed III.阅读理解阅读理解(共 l5 小题;A.B 两篇每小题每小题 2 分,C 篇每小题 1 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A Three rich ladies met every day by the river. They sat there and talked the whole day. Once the three ladies quarreled(争吵). One of them said. “Look, how white and beautiful my hands are!” Another one said, “My hands are more beautiful.” The third one said, “Mine are the most beautiful ones.” An old beggar(乞丐) woman came up to them. “Beautiful lad


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