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8a unit 2 school life name

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8a unit 2 school life name

8A Unit 2 School life Name_ Class_一根据中文提示,用单词的正确形式填空。1. Of all the _(科目), I like English best.2. These students are studying in a _ (混合的) school now.3. Dont leave me at home by _ (我).4. I _(钦佩) her for her bravery. 5. If you want to be _, you should cook _ food and eat _. (健康)6. Jay is one of my _(偶像).7.Dont stand too _(靠近) to the wild animals, though they are our _(亲密的)friends.8Tom is very poor in English, He cant _(甚至)understand the easiest sentence in this unit.9.The tickets are _(没用的).You neednt keep them any more.10.How many _(语言)can you speak?11.The _(长度)of the bridge is two hundred metres.12.Look! Some _(猴子) are climbing the trees.13.Our school has _(少)days off than their school.14.What do you _ (确实) want to do?15.I study in an _ (理想的) school in Shanghai.16. When Lily arrived, Alice was sitting_(舒服地)in a big chair.17. He always thinks _(少) of himself than of others.18. How _(taste) the food on the table is! 19. He spent the _ (little) money on CDs of us all. 20. The clever parrot practiced _(重复) the words we tell him to say. 21. Shirley is generous. She is always _(愿意) to give her pocket money to poor people.22. She is usually _(shy) before strangers than before her family. 23. Lucy was so _(care) that she made many mistakes in the test. 24. What fun it is to watch the players _(划雪)25. He _(hide) himself behind the door, so I couldnt find him.二、单项选择。( )1. Do you have fun _ TV at home? A. to watch B. watch C. watches D. watching( )2. He is better than me _ swimming. A. for B. at C. or D. in ( ) 3.I like books _ pictures in them. A. have B. of C. for D. with( )4. They usually get there a little _ than we _. A. early; get B. earlier; do C. earlier; get D. more early; do ( )5. May I have some tea, Mum? No, you _.Its not good for your health before you go to bed.A. may not B. neednt C. will not D. mustnt( ) 6.What do you think of the fish?-It looks _, but I dont know if it tastes _.A.delicious; well B.well; delicious C. well; nicely D. delicious; good( )7.Whats your best friend like? -_. A. He is fine. Thank you. B. He is a doctor. C. He likes watching TV. D. He is helpful and generous.( )8.I usually go there by train.-Why not _ by plane? Its faster. A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try to go( )9. He has a good sense of humour. He often makes people _. A. to cry B. laugh C. crying D. laughing ( ) 10. Tom! Dont play with your toy alone. You must learn to _. A. have fun B. play C. share D. enjoy yourself( )11. A lot of people tried their best, but _ people won the price. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little( ) 12. _children there are in a family, _ their life will be.A. The less, the better B. The fewer, the better C. Fewer, richer D. More, poorer( )13. She has three daughters. One is a teacher , _ are workers. A. another B. the other C. the others D. other ( )14. We shall go to the park if it _. A. dont rainB. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. didnt rain ( )15.Mr Wu together with his two sons _ every early morning. A.practice running B.practices running C. practises to run D. practise to run( )16. _ news it is! All of us are happy to hear it. A.What bad B. What a good C.What good D. How a bad( )17. I cant do the job _ you.A. so bad as B. as badly as C. as worse as D. so worst as( )18. _it rained, _ we didnt have the football match. A. Because, so B. Because of, / C. Because, / D. As, so( )19.One of my best friends _ in Shanghai a week ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )20. Year 7 in Britain is _ Junior 1 in China.A. is different from B. the same as C. the same to D. is different三句子翻译1.Amy的毛衣的大小和Millie的差不多._2.在家政课上,学生们学习怎样烧健康可口的食物和缝纫。 3.我的英国朋友帮我了解更多关于美国的事。_4.在夏天,中国学生休假比日本学生多。_5.我的书比他的要多得多。_.6.你想知道我们的学校生活是什么样的吗?_四、阅读理解What is it? Sometimes it is long. Sometimes it is round. There may be only one . There may be more of them than you can count. Now you can guess what it is. It is a line.Sometimes a line is straight. Some lines are side by side. They never meet. Train tracks are like these


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