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20125 福州市质检高三英语听力材料

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20125 福州市质检高三英语听力材料

2012年福州市高中毕业班综合练习英语试卷听力材料Text 1W: How about we discuss this over lunch?M: Sorry, Ive already got plans. How about tomorrow or Friday?W: Fridays not good for me. But Thursday will do.Text 2W: Have you tried the fish? Its so good.M: Actually, I dont care for seafood.W: Really? What about vegetables?M: I like anything but seafood.Text 3W: My God! What happened to the front of your car?M: I had an accident. I crashed into a tree, but it still runs all right.W: But the front part is seriously damaged.Text 4M: Is it very cold in winter?W: Not really. The temperature never drops below freezing. There is a little snow in December and January around New Year.Text 5W: Well, thank goodness its Friday.M: Yes, it was long week.W: We should do something together this weekend. Got any plans yet?M: How about going to a ball game or seeing a movie maybe?W: Can you get tickets for a game? I havent been to a football game in ages.Text 6W: Many children nowadays can play musical instruments. In my daughters class, some students can play the piano and some can play the violin.M: I think these children must be too tired. They have to do so much homework after class and find time to learn to play a musical instrument.W: But music gives people enjoyment. Learning to play the piano or the violin can help children develop their ability to understand music.M: I agree. But I still dont think its a good idea to force children to learn too much when they are young. Can your daughter play the piano or the violin?W: She can play the violin.Text 7M: You are getting fat these days.W: Oh, youre right.M: Whats going on?W: Nothing! Im feeling a little pressured.M: Then why are you gaining weight?W: You know, when Im under pressure, I like to eat a lot. Pigging out during meals is a good way to release pressure.M: Well, but its a not a good way to keep healthy. Why dont you do some exercise instead?W: Thats a good idea. However, its winter now. Its too cold to do outdoor activities.Text 8M: We would be interested in having you join us, Mrs Sharp.W: Thank you. I have done this kind of work before.M: I know, and thats probably the reason youve been employed before. Do you prefer part-time or full-time employment?W: Part-time.M: OK. Some people choose part-time jobs because they want to do something else besides work, such as reading novels or playing sports. But they will not get any other benefits besides the wages.W: I dont care about that. May I ask you if I can decide the hours I would work?M: I can only give you the choice from 7:00 a.m. till noon or from noon till 5:00p.m.W: Then Id prefer to work in the morning because I have to prepare dinner for my children.M: OK. Mrs Sharp. Just sign your name on this sheet of paper. You may start next week. Mrs Clarkson has got something ready for you - a blackboard, some chalk, and a tape recorder. Shell show you around later.W: Thank you.Text 9M: Whats wrong? Are you sad or angry?W: Im angry. Garys got six of my CDs!M: Thats a lot! When do you want them back?W: Now, but he doesnt want to give them back!M: Do you know about Garys father? He isnt well.W: Oh, dear, I didnt know that. Is he very ill?M: He was in the hospital last week but hes at home now.W: Thats good. M: Has Gary got your Radiohead CDs? I can lend you mine.W: Dont worry. It doesnt really matter.M: I know, lets invite Gary to the cinema. What can we go and see? Something funny, to make him laugh.W: Good idea. How about sending him a text now?M: OK. Are you free tonight, Susan?W: Yes. Why dont we meet at 7:30 at the cinema?M: Gary can come with us! I think he will be pleased.W: Great! Can you also text him about my CDs?Text 10 Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our school. Our school is called a “free school”. That means that the pupils are free to choose what and how they want to learn. The school opens at 9:00 a.m., but the children can arrive when they like. Most of them are in school by ten. Between nine and ten most people are in the living room and the kitchen downstairs. This is a time when children and teachers can work out what they are going to do for the day. Now if you look through the door of that big room, you will see those children reading and drawing there. Some have chosen to do math. They are on the third floor with Miss Green. Four of the older boys are now on the way to the Cardrome to have their driving lessons. Several children are in the kitchen helping Miss Cabell with lunch. The children take turns doing this. They all enjoy doing it. After lunch the children go on with what theyve been doing until 4:30. On Monday and Thursday the school is also open in the evenings until 9:00 p.m. On Wednesday afternoon there is a school meeting. On Friday we sometimes take the children to a cinema or a museum. The school is also open every


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