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句型转换. 1. You may go home now .(变为一般疑问句)_ _ go home now ?2. Id likesome milk .(对划线部分提问) .3. The box is so heavy that she cant carry it. (同义句转换)The box is _ heavy for her _ carry.4. Move the computer .please .(改为否定句) _ _ the computer ,please .5. The workers make bikes in this factory. (被动语态) _ _ _ in this factory.6. We leave for Shanghai in the morning on April 3rd . (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ leave for Shanghai ?7. Lets take a train to go to the Palace Museum .(同义句转换)Lets _ _the Palace Museum _ _ .8. A computer costs 4900 yuan .(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ a computer _ ?9Its a very interesting story.(感叹句)_ _ interesting story it is!10. David goes to school early. (变为一般疑问句) _ David _ to school early?11. Sally often goes to school by train. (同义句转换)Sally often _ _ _ to school.12. She should see he dentist. (改为否定句) She _ see the dentist.13. He spends two hours in reading the story book. (同义句转换) It takes him two hours _ the story book.14. She has learned English for seven years . (对划线部分提问)has she learned English?15. She wants to walk with you . (对划线部分提问) to walk with you?16. Jim is going to take a bus to work .(用every day改写) Jim a bus to work every day.17. He has few friends here, ? (变为反意疑问句)18. Tom did his homework just now . (变为一般疑问句) Tom his homework?19. The boy in the river is Mr. Wangs son. (对划线部分提问) is Mr. Wangs son?20. The meeting will begin in a few minutes. (对划线部分提问) will the meeting begin?21. Brian read the English book because he would pass the exam. (对划线部分提问)Brian the English book ?22. I asked him to go fishing with me. (改为否定句)I asked him go fishing with me.23. Maybe youre right . Maybe Mary is right (合为一句) you Mary right.24. Their friends cross the road.(同义句)Their friends the road.25 .My brother rode his bike to school, ?(变为反意疑问句)26. Jean is taller than any other student in our class. (同义句)Jean is in our class.27. He bought the pen yesterday. (变为一般疑问句) he the pen yesterday ?28. We bought her some presents. (改为否定句)We her presents.29My father drives his car to work every day, ? (变为反意疑问句)同义句转换:1. Remember to read English every morning. to read English every morning.2. I feel like working in that factory. I working in that factory.3. Whats wrong with you, young man? Whats with you, young man?4. The small village is not near Sydney. The small village is not Sydney.5. All of us are studying now. of us studying now. 6. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics,Fu Mingxia became the youngest Olympic champion. at age13. When she _ _ _ _, Fu Mingxia became the youngest Olympics champion.7.Jim jumped far, but Li Ming jumped farther. Jim didnt jump _ _ _.8.Please take two more pills after an hour. Please take _ _ pills after an hour.9.How much is an umbrella?_ _ _ _ an umbrella?10.I said to her, “I want to be in the Olympics some day.”I _ her _ I _ to be in the Olympics some day.”完成句子I. sb. spends(spent) some time (in)doing sth. It takes (took) sb. some time to do sth.1. 他把大部分的时间花在读小说上。 _ his time in reading stories.2. 我花了一个半小时的时间来完成家庭作业。 _ to finish my homework3. 我每天大约花费一个小时做作业。_ do homework every day.4. 昨天他写作业用了两小时。_ two hours _ yesterday.II. sothat / too (for sb.)to1. 这间屋子对我们来说太小了而不能住。The room is_ us _. 2. 王力跑得如此快,以致于我们都赶不上他。Wang Li ran _ we couldnt _ him.III. Its + adj + for / of sb to do sth 1.学习团队精神对青少年很有必要的。_ us teenagers _ team spirit.2. 嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。_ to laugh at the disabled people.3.学好英语对我们来说是很重要的。_ study English well.4. 学会如何与他人相处很重要。_with others.5.你帮助我学英语真是太好了。_ you to help me with my English.6.我认为很有必要让学生们每天睡八个小时。I think _ for eight hours.IV find / think / make it + adj + to do .1.我觉得用英语回答这个问题很容易。I found _ very _ the question in English.2. 我发现每天花一个小时锻炼身体是很有用的。_ every day.3. 你看明天有可能完成这项工作?Do you think _ this tomorrow?V. as as possible/as as one canas as 中跟形容词或副词的原级。1. 请你让他尽快给我回电话好吗?Could you please _2. 我们在英语课上应该尽可能地多讲英语。We should _in English class. 3. 在考试之前,我们必须尽可能仔细地复习功课。Before the exam, we must_. VI. 宾语从句的时态、语序以及疑问词+to do1. 汤姆不知道怎么处理这本图书馆藏书。Tom doesnt know _ the library book.2. 他知道下一步该做什么。He knows _ n


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