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学校班级学号 姓名装订线 20112012学年度第二学期五年级英语四月知识竞赛试题Listening听力(30分)一Listen and number. 听录音,标出先后顺序 (10分)have a picnicthis morning last week blow away write letters()()()()()make models see the doctor be careful play cardscome from ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出听到的单词(9分)1. jog 2.tea 3.cat 4.big 5.doll 6.bread knock ten mad trip dollar head shop teacher take bag dog dress三Listen and tick. 听录音,选出听到的图片,打上“” (6分)1 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四Listen and write. 听录音,选择并填上听到的单词(8分)Yesterday was Sunday, Jenny_(were/went) to the park with her friends, they had a _(party/picnic) there, they were happy. Suddenly, Jenny didnt feel very well, she got a_(stomachache/fever), her friends helped her to see the_(doctor/dentist).Reading & Writing读写部分(70分)五Read and write. 仿照例子,写出与画线部分类似的单词或词组。(9分)Model: I like coffee. A. juice B. yogurt C. tea1. What was the food like? It was tasty. A._ B._ C._2.What are you going to do today? Im going to shop for clothes.A._ B._ C._3.Whats the matter? I have a cold.A._ B._ C._六Choose the best answer.选出正确的答案。 (16分)( ) 1. A: Where were you yesterday? B: I _ in Canada. A: were B. was C. am( ) 2. A: Did you go to the park? B:_ A. Yes, I didnt. B. No, I dont. C. No, I didnt.( ) 3. A: What _? B: Typhoon Meiling came last week. A. happen B. happened C. matter( ) 4.They are going to_some books. A. reading B. look C. read( ) 5. A: What's the matter with you? B: I have a cold. A: You should stay_bed. A. on B. in C. under( ) 6. I wrote a letter to my uncle _. A. yesterday B. the day after tomorrow C. Tomorrow( ) 7. There was a typhoon last week. Many_fell. A. tree B. a tree C. trees( ) 8. Are you going to eat chicken_your picnic? A. in B. at C. on 7 Read and match.在B组句子中找出与A组相对应的句子。(12%) A B( )1.Where were you last night? A.The wind blow away my hat.( )2.What did you do this morning? B.Be careful next time.( )3.What happened? C.You should see the dentist.( )4.Are you going to write letters? D.No, I'm not.( )5.I have a toothache. E.I read some books.( )6.I hurt my foot. F.I was in Shanghai.八Read and write.(16%) 装订线 A. Choose and write.根据对话和图片选词填空,每词只选一次。10%go What Where are with A:I'm bored. B:Come and play with me. A:_are you going to do? B:I'm going to play_my friends. Then we_going to shop for some food and have a picnic. A:_are you going to have a picnic? B:In Sunny Park. A:That's great. Let's _!B.Look and write.根据上下文填空,空格不限字数。6%1. A:Did you_yesterday? B:Yes, I did.2. A:What are you going to do? B: I'm going to_. 9 Reading.阅读短文。(12%)“What's the matter with you,Bob? You don't look well.”said Ann.“Oh,I don't feel well. I have a fever,”said Bob.“Oh dear! I'm sorry to hear that. Did you go to see a doctor?”asked Ann.“Yes, I did. I took some medicine and drank some water.”“What's the matter with your mother, Bob?”“Oh, she has a toothache. She went to see the dentist this morning.”“What's the matter with your grandmother, then?”“She has a backache.”said Bob,“My little brother Jack has a bad cold. He stays in bed.”“Oh dear! What's wrong with you all in your family?”选择题:选出正确答案,将字母填在括号内。( )1. Bob has a _. A. toothache B. fever C. bad cold( )2. Bob's mother has a_. A.toothache B. fever C. bad cold( )3.Bob's little brother has a _. A. toothache B. fever C. bad cold( )4."She has a backache." 句子中backache 的中文意思是_. A.牙痛 B.脚疼 C. 背痛10、 Writing.书面表达。(任选一题,不少于5个句子)( )1. The Labour Day is coming! What are you going to do?同学们,五一假快到了,你打算怎样过一个有意义的假期呢?请你想一想,写一写。()2.同学们,请看下面的表格,然后用英语写一写Tony这个周末他将要做的事情。in the morningin the afternoon at nightread some books get a haircut have a party_


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