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劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit4MajorsandSubjectsWhyIsaComputerSoPowerful

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劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit4MajorsandSubjectsWhyIsaComputerSoPowerful

ENTER,Unit 1 Introductions & Greetings / A Computer Overview,Unit 2 School Days / Computer Components,Unit 3 Personal Information / Memory,Unit 4 Majors and Subjects / Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,Unit 5 Hobbies and Interests / System Unit,Unit 6 Holidays / Operating System,Unit 7 Sports / Windows,Unit 8 Shopping / Operating a Computer,Unit 9 Transportation / System Software,Unit 10 Friendship / Application Software,Unit 11 Weather and Climate / Word Processor,Unit 12 My Dream / Spreadsheet,Unit 13 Traveling / Office PowerPoint,Unit 14 Canteens / Programs,Unit 15 School Clubs / Database,Unit 16 Taboo / Network Types,Unit 17 Smoking / Internet,Unit 18 Success and Failure / Communication System,Unit 19 At a Restaurant / E-mail,Unit 20 Occupation / E-commerce,Unit 21 Resume / Artificial Intelligence,Unit 22 Interview / Computer Viruses,Task 1 General English,Task 2 English for Special Purposes,Task 3 Grammar,Task 4 Drills,Majors and Subjects / Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,4,(Zhang Hua and Zhang Yan meet on the playground. They are talking about their majors.) Zhang Hua: Zhang Yan, are you from Information Technology Department? Zhang Yan: Yes, I am. How about you? Zhang Hua: Well, I love design and I choose Cartoon and Animation Design as my major. I want to be an animator. Zhang Yan: Sounds great! Zhang Hua, what is your favorite subject? Zhang Hua: I love to learn the software, Flash. It is so interesting. I am crazy about it. Zhang Yan: So do I. I want to be an excellent web designer, so I must study hard to use some software well. Zhang Hua: Well, you must learn English well first, if you want to use software with skill. Zhang Yan: Thats true. I will study English hard. I hope you can help me with,Majors and Subjects,I Love My Major,4,my English. Zhang Hua: Sure, its fun to learn English.,Majors and Subjects,4,Why do we learn English? We learn English because it is one of the worlds most widely used languages. It is not only the language of Britain but also of Canada, the U.S.A., Australia and New Zealand. It is used by millions of people in Africa and Asia as well. Today, it is the international language of trade, and most important of all, the Language of service. With the help of English, we can communicate with people of many countries. How can we learn English well? Think of what a child does. He listens to what people say and he tries to copy what he hears. He uses the language, talks and thinks in it all the time. It is important to remember that we learn language by listening, not by writing. It is best to learn all the new words by the ear. We can read them, spell them and write them later. If we work hard at it, we can certainly overcome all the difficulties and learn English well.,Majors and Subjects,Learning English,4,playgroun /plerand/ n. 运动场,操场 department /dptmnt/ n. 系,学部 cartoon /ktun/ n.卡通片 animation /ænmen/ n. 动画 animator /ænmet(r)/ n. 漫画家 favorite /fevrt/ adj. 喜爱的,中意的 subject /sbdkt/ n. 科目,学科 software /sftwe(r)/ n. 软件 crazy /krezi/ adj. 疯狂的,狂热的 excellent /ekslnt/ adj. 卓越的,极好的 designer /dzan(r)/ n. 设计家,制图师 widely /wadli/ adv. 广泛地 Britain /brtn/ n. 英国 Canada /kænd/ n. 加拿大 Australia /strel/ n. 澳大利亚,New Words and Expressions,4,New Words and Expressions,New Zealand /nju zilnd/ n. 新西兰 million /mljn/ num. 百万 Africa /æfrk/ n. 非洲 Asia /e/ n. 亚洲 international /ntnænl/ adj. 国际的 trade /tred/ n. 贸易,商业 service /svs/ n. 服务 communicate /kmjunket/ v. 沟通,通信 copy /kpi/ v. 复制 overcome /vkm/ v. 战胜,克服 difficulty /dfklti/ n. 困难,难点 as well 也,同样 think of 考虑 all the time 始终,4,Computers are powerful for many reasons. They perform the information processing cycle operations (input, process, output, and storage) with amazing speed, reliability, consistency and accuracy. Speed When data, instructions, and information flow along those circuits in system unit, they travel at a very fast speed. Most computers carry out billions of instructions in a second. In 2016, the worlds fastest computer could perform 93 thousand trillions of operations in just one second. Reliability and Consistency The electronic components in modern computers are dependable because they seldom fail. The high reliability of components enables the computer to produce consistent results. Accuracy Computers can process large amounts of data and generate error-free results if the data is input correctly and instructions work properly. ,Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,4,Storage With storage devices, a computer can transfer data quickly from storage to memory, process it, and then store it again for future use. Communications Most computers today can communicate with other computers through a communication device, such as a modem. In this way, computers can share all the data and information with other computers.,Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,4,perform /pfm/ v. 执行 cycle /sakl/ n. 周期,循环 operation /pren/ n.


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