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高考核心词汇与练习-A 1. abandon vt. 抛弃;离开;中止 (1) The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms _ abandon (尽情地). 【答案】with (2) The lost car of the manager was found _ in the woods off the highway. A. abandoned B. refused C. lost D. scattered 【答案】答案 A解析:句意:经理丢失的车被发现遗弃在公路旁边的树林里。abandon“丢弃;遗弃”,符合题意。 (3) Some young men _ themselves to pleasures and do nothing. A. abandon B. desert C. quit D. cancel 【答案】答案 A 解析:考查固定短语abandon oneself to“纵情于;沉溺于”;其它选项或者搭配不对或者意义不合适。 (4) Peter had intended to take a job in business, but _ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.A. had abandoned B. abandonedC. abandonD. will abandon【答案】答案B解析:根据but提示,是并列句,故前后时态一致。与had intended相呼应,可知此空应在表示过去时的范围选择,由此排除C、D选项。且abandon动作只是陈述了过去所发生的一件事而已,没有在intend之前,故排除A选项(过去的过去),由此可知答案B符合文意。一般过去时表示对过去所发生的一件事情的简单陈述而已。2. aboard prep. & ad. 在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等) (1)用board , abroad , aboard填空 Li Hua, who has the change to go _ is on _ and talking happily with other people _.李华获得了出国的机会,现在正坐在飞机上和其他乘客愉快地交谈着。【答案】abroad , board , aboard (2) They went _ the ship just before it started to leave. A. aboard B. board C. aboard on D. board on 【答案】答案A 解析:go aboard the ship或go on board the ship是固定说法,意为“上船”。 (3) Come _ quickly. The plane will take off in 10 minutes. A. at B. for C. aboard D. towards【答案】答案 C解析:句意:快点登机,十分钟后飞机要起飞。根据句意,只有C项aboard(上船、车、飞机等)符合题意。3. absence n. 缺席;缺乏 (1) 句型转换A: The decision was made while I was not there. B: The decision was made _ _ _ . 【答案】in my absence (2) He _ for weeks, so he had a lot of work to _. A. was absence; make B. was absent; make up C. had absence; make out D. had absent; make 【答案】答案 B解析:absence是名词,“缺席,不在”,absent是形容词,“缺席的,不在的”。空一为谓语,应用be absent;空二后为“弥补”之意的make up。make out意为“理解”。 (3) The doctor think that something important is _ from her diet. A. absent B. absence C. tired D. absorbed 【答案】答案 A解析:考查固定短语be absent from“缺少”;absence为名词,在此不合适。4. absorb v. 吸收;使并入;理解 (1) _ (absorb) in his work, Tom simply forgot food and sleep.汤姆专心于工作,几乎忘记了吃饭和睡觉。 【答案】Absorbed (2) _ in her new novel, the young writer kept thinking and writing for a dozen hours in her study. A. Having deeply absorbed B. Deeply absorbing C. Deeply having been absorbed D. Deeply absorbed 【答案】答案 D解析:由语境可知,此处动作与kept是同时进行,所以不能用完成时态,且be absorbed in意为“专注于”,B为主动,不符合此用法,故选D,此处作状语。 (3) She was so _ in her job that she didnt hear someone knocking at the door. A. absorbed B. attracted C. drawn D. concentrated 【答案】答案A解析:只有A项在此可以构成固定搭配be absorbed in“专心于”。5. abuse n. 滥用;虐待 v. 滥用;虐待 (1) He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse _ power.他因被控贪污腐化和滥用职权而遭逮捕。 【答案】of (2) What are you worried about? The fact that many children are still being _. A. managed B. abused C. questioned D. founded 【答案】答案 B解析:句意:你担心什么?许多孩子仍然受到虐待的事。abuse“虐待”,符合题意。 (3) It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook 【答案】答案 C解析:abuse“滥用,妄用(权力等);(不当地)使用”。题意:一些政府领导揭露滥用职权,非法谋利。Employ“雇用,使用”;take “拿,取等”;overlook“俯瞰,眺望;忽略”。6. access n. 通道;入径;机会;权利 (1) Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ (access) to the kids. 【答案】accessible (2) The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library. A. access B. passage C. way D. approach 【答案】答案A解析:句意:新设计的系统能够让学生便捷、容易地搜索到图书馆的电子资源。这里giveaccess to是固定词组,表示“能得到,能进入”,所以选A。 (3) I think it is a top priority for us to furnish the children with _ to the Internet. A. procedure B. allowance C. means D. access 【答案】答案D解析:access to“接近;进入;使用”,符合题意。7. accompany v. 陪同;伴随;与同时发生(1)用company , companion , accompany 填空 Last night, my _ kept me _ to see a film and then they _ me to my home.昨天晚上,我的伙伴们陪我看了一场电影然后陪我回了家。 【答案】companions ; company ; accompanied(2) Tomorrow the mayor is to _ a group of French businessmen on a tour of the city. A. accompany B. support C. associate D. assist【答案】答案A解析:从“a tour of the city”,“the mayor”和“Canadian businessmen”可确定答案为accompany“陪伴,陪同”。句意:明天市长将陪同加拿大实业家游览本市。 (3) The finger was accompanied _ the piano _ her sister. A. on; by B. at; to C. to; at D. with; in【答案】答案 A解析:句意:女歌手由她姐姐作钢琴伴奏。考查固定短语accompany sb. on / at by.“某人用给某人伴奏”(4) (2014湖南)21.Children,whenby their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.A. to be accompanied B. to accompany C.accompanying D. accompanied【答案】答案D解析:考查非谓语动词。由when可知所填词做题干的时间状语,逻辑主语是题干的主语children,所填词与逻辑主语是被动关系,故用过去分词,选D。8.


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