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http:/www.lxws.net 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作护理模式的使用Nursing care models reflect the ethical basis of patient care including the main structural culture of an organization.It provides a guideline for establishing and delivering care to patients and families(Mattila, Pitkänen,Alanen,Leino,Luojus et al.,2014).Nursing models of care are established to improve professional practice and they have been used as an instrument to plan and use the staff accordingly and more effectively with a goal of decreasing cost(Finkelman,2016).Different organizations and different healthcare settings have their own way of providing care for patients which could be depending on the patientsindividual needs. Nursing care models have gone through changes over the years but they have a substantial influence on the newer models that are being made.As time changes nursing models must also change and improve to effectively adapt to a person or an organizations specific needs.Nursing care model serves as a guide to nurses and organizations with goals to decrease cost,provide patient safety and to provide quality nursing care.Nursing Care Model in the WorkplaceAs we all know,there are many different care models and they are being improved over the years.Some of them are not being used anymore but they have been an inspiration for the new ones that are being developed.The nursing care model that I have observed at my workplace is Functional Nursing.Functional nursing model is more focused on the task and each task is assigned to a mix of nursing personnel who will focus on the specific task to be done(Jennings,2008).I work in a Skilled Nursing Facility that has a total of 52 patients who are divided into two separate sections,the long-term care,and short-term care units.The short-term care unit has a total of 20 patients who are recent hospital discharged patients who need extended care and who are not quite ready to be discharged to their homes.The long-term care unit has 32 patients who are basically elderly that need help with their care who are not necessarily sick but who need assistance with ADLs and medications.The staff who are assigned for the day consists of two nurses, one LVN,and five nursing assistants.There is one Charge Nurse per unit in the facility who is responsible for their own units for the day.The nurses are assigned and responsible for the medications.We give meds in each of our units,responsible for new orders from the doctor and we are also responsible for ordering medications from the pharmacy of course including all the paperwork.There is one LVN assigned to do treatments for the whole facility such as wound care or topical medications.The nursing assistants are assigned to take vital signs for the patients who need them and all the activities of daily living.The model of nursing care used in the facility is functional because everyone has assigned tasks that need to be done and remains their focus for the whole shift.Every single staff is assigned a particular task and their goal for the day is to finish the task assigned.The good thing about using the functional model in this facility is that it is very efficient, everything is getting done as it is supposed to regardless of the number of patients in the facility.Working daily on the tasks that need to be done,staff have become creative and have learned to come up with their own plan to perform each task effectively.It is also very little to no confusion regarding roles and duties.For the facility,it is cheap and affordable because no additional staff is needed since tasks are being done.Get help with your assignment today,from our professional assignment writers!Qualified writers in the subject of assignments are ready and waiting to help you with your studies.Get help with your assignmentView professionally written samplesAlthough the functional nursing model is efficient,there are also disadvantages that it comes with.Clients often get confused who is assigned to them because of the number of different staff seeing them for different things.The care in a functional model is so fragmented that it leads to an impersonal relationship between the nurse and the patient (Finkelmal,2016).Another disadvantage is that the patients dont get their specific needs met as an individual which results in an unhappy and unsatisfied client.Another problem that I have noticed is that since each person is assigned to certain tasks,they are less likely to do anything else.When staff is told to do something else other than their assigned task,they become unhappy and are more likely to complain because the time from their assigned work is being taken away.The current care model being used does not seem to be working with both patients and the staff is unhappy.The Team Nursing Model is the one I would recommend to be implemented to improve quality of nursing care,safety,and staff satisfaction.According to King,Long,&Lisy,(2014),the t


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