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【楼书】马来西亚Nobleton Crest(嘉逸华府)楼书

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【楼书】马来西亚Nobleton Crest(嘉逸华府)楼书

A Development byWing Tai AsiaDeSIGneD byGuida Moseley Brown Architects of Australiaonly 25 UltrA-GrAcIoUS ApArtmentS In the noble heArt of U-thAnt, KUAlA lUmpUrJalan U-Thant is the dignified diplomatic enclave of Kuala Lumpur, a serene, leafy tree-lined road of mature rainforest trees, just a breath away from the private Royal Selangor Golf Club and minutes from the iconic Petronas Twin Towers and the many multinational corporation offices in the city centre.Growing up on U-Thant road It was 1968. We would climb into the monsoon drains to dig up moss for mothers bonsai, delicate miniature trees with tiny sculptures of bearded white-haired fishermen and moon bridges. When it rained, nanny showed us how to fold paper boats and we would watch the boats float away on the boisterous waters. I imagined the boats reaching Klang river and then Honour your generations the sea after that. We grew up in this mansion on U-Thant that first belonged to grandfather, and then father, who ran the family tin mining business. So many memories in that old beautiful house with the garden so big, it felt like a neverending field to me. The roads were quiet, green and very wide. It was an upper-class, generally expatriate neighbourhood, where every family had a team of servantsa driver, cook, gardener, amahfor every task imaginable. On weekends, father would take us out in his Austin Mini Cooper S and I still remember each house and the designs on the gates.Let weekends be divinely langorousShare your experiencesShare your mealsAnd be ridiculous once in a whileLet your light shine through.and make time to smile This distinctly upper-class neighbourhood has charmed expatriates and locals alike with its quiet, unpretentious character and easy living amongst the many stores and conveniences nearby. I lived away for many years With my husband, we made homes in Hong Kong and Singapore. And now were back in Kuala Lumpur. Amazingly, we found a home on U-Thant that is just right. Many of the old mansions still stand, quiet and dignified buildings that Ive known since I was a child. Yet todays world is here too, in the clean lines and understated luxury of modern apartments. Its meaningful that Ive come full circle, back to the garden of my childhood. This is the neighbourhood I remember and didnt know I missed so much.A return to my roots I could thrive here.there'S A vIbe here thAt cAllS for yoU to Slow DownSomething of the areas history lingers, and an aura of gracious living and poise remains. Jalan U-Thant is the hidden residential heart of Kuala Lumpur's CBD, also known as Embassy Row, where diplomats, ambassadors, and tycoons live. Taking a walk here, you see glimpses of history in quiet old mansions with well-manicured lawns, the high marble walls of embassies with brass plates, and trees so old they must have good stories to tell if only they could say.It's quiet here. but the very real presence of the Petronas Twin Towers is a reminder that Im in the heart of the city, and just beyond this road are all the attractions of urban Kuala Lumpurafternoons walking in the stylish modern malls, the humming nightlife, the tastiest street food, and the sophisticated restaurants.It's the little things and small events that make every day special.The neighbourhood is a treasure trove of unique establishments. Grocery runs is This is your quiet piece of Kuala Lumpur. Yet all the attractions and a delightful experience at Hock Choon Supermarket, established at a time when benefits of city centre living are just around the corner. Nobleton Crest “there were more bicycles than cars on Jalan Ampang". It has catered to generations of enjoys close proximity to some special places in town. A typical day could expatriates whose favourite foods cannot be found anywhere else in Kuala Lumpur. include a few sun salutations at Yogshakti on Jalan Ampang, followed by a The kids will be in an international school or a child-inspired learning preschool healthy vegetarian brunch with the ladies at Real and Wholesome Coffee just down the road. Dining options abound, and together with spas, organic food further down the road or Earth Food closer to home. stores, and other bespoke and specialty shops, the U-Thant-Ampang area is indeed a very interesting and characterful location to set up home.The life, culture and charm of the neighbourhood never ceases to amaze. Always somewhere new to eat, something new to experience. Yet there are always the familiar places to go to, where you are comfortable and everything is in its perfect place. This is how I know. this is the place for me.Within the linear site of , the architect sought to provide the ambience of gracious villas in the city.Water animates the spaces in-between, with its playful reflections of


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