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新译林 8A Unit2 知识点讲解及练习.pdf

1 8A School life Unit 2 同步知识梳理同步知识梳理 (上上) Welcome to the UnitReading 【重点短语】【重点短语】 1. work harder. 2. fewer advertisements an advertisement 3. have some plans for the weekend 4.see/watch a film 5. school football team 6. have an important match 7. this autumn 8. in Year 8 (Year Eight) 9.a mixed school. 10.have lessons together 11.among all my subjects 12.foreign languages foreigner n, 外国人外国人 13. during the week 14. borrow more books from the school library borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物(借进) lend sth. to sb. = lend sb sth 把某物借给某人(借出) 15. bring in 16.near the end of the week at the end of the street 17. discuss the books with our classmates in class discuss sth with sb 与某人讨论某事与某人讨论某事 19.listen carefully to my problems 20.offer me help 21.end earlier than usual.比往常结束得更早 22.twice a week 一周两次 23.an article by a boy from the USA. 24.what else = what other things 其他的还有什么 【重难点重难点解析】解析】 1. Why dont dogs go to school ? (p18) 1) why dont/ doesnt +主语+动词原形?意为“为什么不呢? e.g. Why doesnt she go home ? Why dont you go out for a walk? 2) why dont you do sth ?=why not do sth ?常用来表示建议, 意为 “为什么不做某事呢?” e.g. Why dont you have a rest?=Why not have a rest? Why dont you take the bus home ?=Why not take the bus home? 2. , but there are fewer advertisements. (p18) 1) 回忆辨析 few, a few, little, a little e.g. I have _ money. I want to buy a pizza for lunch. It is raining too hard. _ people are in the street. We often have _ days off for National Day. Hurry up !There is _ time . 2) fewfewerfewest littlelessleast 拓展:importantmore important(the) most important 2 importantless important(the) least important 3. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. (p20) 一般情况下:名词+基数词(首字母都要大写)= the +序数词+名词 (首字母小写) eg. Lesson One = the first lesson in Grade Eight= in the eighth grade 4. It is a mixed school. (p20) 5. Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class. (p20) 1) discuss-discussion (n.) 和某人讨论某事 discuss sth. with sb. have a discussion with sb e.g. The wise girl often discusses the problems with her classmates after class. I had a discussion with my teacher on some Maths problems yesterday. 2) end 作为名词,表示“终点“、“尽头“、 “结束” e.g. We walked to the end of the road. Winter is coming to an end. 常见搭配: at the end of 表示“在的尽头”时,后面接指地点的名词,构成介词短语,作地点状语; 表示“在结束时“,后面接指事的名词,构成介词短语,作时间状语. e.g. At the end of the street you will find the hospital. At the end of the meeting, Mr Wang made a speech. in the end 表示“最后” , “终于” e.g. They gave up (放弃) the plan in the end. 3) end 作为动词,表示“结束” e.g. Our school ends earlier than usual on Wednesday afternoon The story ends happily. 6. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. (p20) seem 的用法: seem to do sth. seem (to be)+adj. It seems that+从句 e.g. 她今天似乎不开心。 Mrs. Lin seems _today. = Mrs. Lin seems _ _ _ today. = _ _ that Mrs. Lin _ _ today. Jim 好像在那儿打棒球。 Jim _ _ play baseball there. 7. He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help. (p20) offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 主动向某人提供某物 offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 e.g. -Would you please offer me some help? -Of course. The little boy offered his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. 3 8. Our teams won two games last month. (P20) win vt. less B. more funny; fewer 4 C. funnier; less D. funnier; fewer ( )7. _ the street, there is a big supermarket. A. In the end B. In the end of C. At the end D. At the end of ( )8. He said playing computer games _him lots of time. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost ( )9一 Shall we go to see a film this evening? 一_ AId love to BYoure right CNot at all DA good idea ( )10一 Whats your best friend like? 一_ AHe is fineThank you BHe is a doctor CHe likes watching TV D. He is helpful and generous ( )11.John is _ Grade 8 _ No.2 Middle School. A. in; at B. at, in C. in; in D. at, at ( )12. _ people prefer tea while _ people prefer coffee. A. Britain; American B. Britain; America C. British; American D. British; America ( )13. They usually get there a little _ than we _. A. early; get B. earlier; do C. earlier, get D. more early; do ( )14.- _ do you go to the Swimming Club a week? -Twice a week. A. How often B. How long C. How many times D. How soon ( )15. _ all the subjects, she likes English best. A. Between B. Among C. From D. For 答案:答案:CAADA DDDAD A CBCB 四、翻译句子 1. 这周末你有一些计划吗? _ the weekends? 2. 我们不得不更努力地工作。 _. 3. 今天下午我们去看一场电影,好吗? Lets _? 4. 我们能从学校图书馆借更多的书。 We can _ the school library. 5. 她总是认真倾听我们的问题并且主动给我们帮助。 She always _. 6. 当我看有趣的书时,我觉得时间似乎过得更快。 I think time seems


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