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人教版高中英语 必修2 Unit 4Wildlife protection学案3 新人教版必修2

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人教版高中英语 必修2 Unit 4Wildlife protection学案3 新人教版必修2

Unit 4 Earthquakes能力演练一、语法填空专题训练(一) 巧用派生词,做好语法填空。技巧点拨英语中有许多单词可带否定前缀或否定后缀,将该词变成一个与原来单词意义完全相反的词。在做语法填空时,要仔细领会短文的意思,理清文章脉络,注意行文逻辑,特别注意上下文之间有无转折、对比、相反关系,如果有此种关系,文中又没有相应过渡词语,就要考虑利用构词法知识,即利用单词的否定前缀或否定后缀来解题。常用的否定前缀有:in+adj.adj.correctincorrect(不正确的) activeinactive(不积极的)im+adj.adjpoliteimpolite(不礼貌的) patientimpatient(不耐烦的)un+adj.adjluckyunlucky(不幸运的)happyunhappy(不高兴的)il+adj.adjlogicalillogical(不合逻辑的)legalillegal(非法的)ir+adj.adjregularirregular(不规则的)responsibleirresponsible(不负责任的)dis+adj.adjhonestdishonest(不诚实的)satisfieddissatisfied(不满意的)un+v.vdressundress(脱衣服)loadunload(卸货)dis+v.vlikedislike(不喜欢)coverdiscover(发现)non+n.adjprofitnonprofit(非盈利的)stopnonstop(不间断的)illtreatilltreat(虐待)mannerillmannered(没礼貌的)常用的否定后缀有:n.+lessadjcarecareless(粗心的) homehomeless(无家可归的)n.+freeadj.carecarefree(无忧无虑的)paperpaperfree(无纸张的)活学活用(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空。Ann walked out of the chemical factory,annoyed at her 1 (pleasant)interview with Jack,the vice general manager of the factory.Ann was told the factory had been pouring waste water directly into the river,making the water 2 (suit)to drink.Ann thought it was her duty to 3 (close)the matter and had it reported in the newspaper.She also thought it was 4 (responsible)JP3for the factory to do so.Jack thought it was 5 (proper)and 6 (legal)for Ann to report the whole thing in public without telling them in advance.However,Ann regarded it most important to ensure the residents near the factory to drink 7 (pollution)water.She told Jack if his factory kept on polluting the river,he was sure to answer for what he had done one day.答案:1.unpleasant2.unsuitable3.disclose4.irresponsible5.improper6.illegal7.pollutionfree(二)语法填空。In the days when an ice cream cost much less,Tom, 1 eightyear old boy,entered a hotel coffee shop 2 sat at a table.A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.“How much is an icecream?” “Fifty cents,”replied the waitress.The little boy pulled 3 right hand out of the pocket and studied a number of 4 in it.“How much is a dish of plain ice cream?”he asked.Some people were now waiting for her service and the waitress grew a little 5 (patient).“Thirty cents,” she said 6 (polite)and loudly,which surprised other JP3customers.The boy counted the coins 7 .”I will have a plain ice cream,”he said.The waitress walked 8 .The boy finished the ice cream,paid the cashier and left.It was not long 9 the waitress came back and then she began to wipe the table and suddenly was surprised at what she saw.There, 10 (place)neatly beside the empty dish,were two nickels and five penniesher tip!1.an2.解析:entered与sat并列,所以填and。答案:and3.his 4.coins56.解析:这里指服务员不耐烦(impatient)、不礼貌(impolite),注意用否定前缀。答案:5.impatient 6.impolitely7.解析:小孩又仔细数了一遍硬币。答案:again8.解析:It is not long before是常用句型。答案:away9.before10.解析:倒装句。顺序为two nickels and five pennies were placed neatly beside the empty dish.答案:placed二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。As a child, I was very shy. I wanted to be successful, but lacked 1 . When I discovered climbing, I found something I was good at. I began to be 2 by my friends and this gave me the desire to climb 3 and higher mountains. I found that nothing was impossible if I could find the 4 to try to achieve my goals.Both personal determination and teamwork are 5 when you climb. You need to rely on the 6 of your team and share in the achievement. But personal focus and determination to keep going despite any difficulty are also very helpful to team success.My greatest achievement in 7 was being the first ever to reach the top of the 5,000foot Troll Wall in Norway, which has the highest and most vertical(垂直的) rock face in Europe. A stone dropped from the top of the mountain will 8 nothing until it lands on the valley floor one 9 below. So it was very adventurous.Before our climb, the experts in Europe had said it was 10 to climb the Troll Wall. But with three companions, I decided to 11 . It took ten days to make the climb and we 12 on ledges(岩石架)no more than a foot wide when we were tired. Thankfully, we 13 .Afterwards, I said to myself, “If I can do that, I can do anything.” Some years later, I climbed up Mount Everest-the highest mountain in the world. Adventure to me is not just 14 a rope along the side of a mountain, but is one field where adventurous people can often 15 themselves. If we look at every day as an adventure, we can test ourselves and continue to grow throughout our life. That is the final adventure.1.A.money B.confidenceC.purposes D.chances2.A.denied B.attackedC.recognized D.tricked3.A.harder B.fartherC.smaller D.safer4.


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