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供应商评估指南评估范围:A Management管理B - Technology and Development 技术与开发C Quality 质量D Production 生产E - Engineering (Product and Process) 工程(产品和过程)F - Logistics / Supply 物流与供应G - Sub-supplier Management 分供商管理H - Cost Management 成本管理Scoring Guide 打分指南Team evaluation must be recorded into Excel file. Input comments on COMMENTS page. 团队评价必须用Excel文件记录,在注释页上输入注释。Points Color Definition Effect on DC processes 在DC流程颜色表示的定义:0 red Supplier demonstrates neither a documented process/procedure nor an applied practice. 0分 红色 供应商示范既无文件化流程/程序,又无应用的实例Process will certainly cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 过程肯定会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。1 red Documented process/procedure exists but is incomplete or not fully implemented. 1分 红色 有文件化流程/程序,但不完善或没有完全的贯彻。Process will probably cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 过程大概会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。2 green Process/procedure is completely documented and acceptably implemented. 2分 绿色 流程/程序是完整的并备有证明文件,贯彻情况可以接受。Process will probably not cause any product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 过程大概不会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。3 green A completely documented process/procedure is fully implemented and meets minimum requirements. 3分 绿色 具有完整的备有证明文件流程/程序,并得到完全地贯彻。According to the evaluation teams expertise the process will not cause any product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 依照评估团队专家的意见,过程不会发生产品缺陷和顾客抱怨。N/A green N/A项 绿色The evaluation team agrees that this question should not be scored. Enter NA into the Score box and explain reasons on COMMENTS page. 评估团队同意不记分的这些问题,记分箱内输进NA,并在注释页解释原因。Question is not applicable for this particular commodity/process对于特殊的商品/过程,问题不适用。Note The team must reach a consensus on each question score. 注意:每一项问题的打分,团队必须达成一致意见。A Management/管理Comments: 注解:The Management (e. g. Board of Management, Plant Management, Section Management) develops the quality policy for the company, defines it and commits all areas and levels to it. This allows specific quality goals and also a quality system (Q system) to be agreed upon. Quality must be regarded as an overall management task. The management must concern itself with the following subjects: 提交并详细说明所有范围、级别的公司经营(例如:管理部门、工厂管理、项目管理)发展的质量方针。允许已经同意的特殊目标和质量体系。质量必须当作一项全面的经营任务。经营必须涉及它自身具有的如下题目:· Business Plan* 商业计划· Comparison of internal & external performance data 国内外性能资料对照· Business results 商业成果· Employee satisfaction 员工满意· Customer satisfaction 客户满意“Management” describes the organizational entity in the company that is responsible for profit and loss. 管理层描述在公司内负责利润和消耗的组织实体。Remark: * = Business plan means: local plant performance targets 注,商业计划意味着:当地的工厂执行目标Checklist Overview:1 Have goals been defined and are they consistently being followed?是否制定目标,并且始终遵循?1a Does the supplier have process to update their business Plan? 供应商是否有更新商业计划的流程?1b Are objectives developed from the business plan? 所有目标是否都源于商业计划?2 Is there a process for management review? 否有管理评审流程?2a Are objectives defined and controlled on all levels? 是否界定和控制所有等级的目标?2b Does the supplier perform regularly scheduled quality audits internally? 供应商是否实施定期的内部质量评审?2c Do preventive and reactive measures derive from this evaluation? 是否有针对评审(结果)的纠正和预防措施?3 Is there a process for evaluating the capability of the established resources (employees, equipment, methods, material)? 是否有流程来评估已经建立的资源能力(如人员、设备、方法和材料)?3a Does the organization identify and allocate appropriate resources for increase of customer satisfaction? 为提高顾客满意度,组织是否识别和分配适当的资源?4 Is there a process for the management of employee satisfaction with suitable methods? 是否有合适的方法来管理员工满意度的流程?4a Does the supplier have a process for quality awareness? 供应商是否有关于(提高)质量意识的流程?4b Does the supplier promote any motivational activity (e.g. small group activity) to assure and improve the quality? 应商是否推行员工极力活动(例:小组活动)以保证和改善质量?5 Does a training program exist which supports achieving the scope of business and fulfillment of customer requirements? 是否有支持完成商业经营范围和履行顾客需求的培训计划? 5a Does the supplier have documented training and development programs for its personnel? 供应商是否有针对员工的书面化的培训和开发计划?5b Individual Training: does the training program fit to the job specifications? 个人培训,培训计划是否合适于岗位说明?5c What kinds of information do the employees get about customer requirements and about achievement of objectives? 在顾客需求和目标绩效方面,员工得到了哪些信息?A1Have goals been defined and are they consistently being followed? 是否制定目标,并且始终遵循?Comments: 注解:“Goals” are specifications for products, processes, operations and services defined for all levels. These objectives are derived from customer requirements, the competitive situation, the legal environment and internal requirements as well as adherence to the zero defect strategy 目标是.对于产品、过程、操作和所有级别服务界定的规范。这


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