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湖北省2012届高考英语多项选择、完成句子新题型第一篇多项选择1. Sonya said she couldnt get here through all the snow. , her cars broken down.A. Still B. Besides C. However D. Therefore2. “Oh, come on, Mary, its not that bad,” Mrs. Brown said to her crying daughter, trying to her.A. treat B. interest C. comfort D. satisfy3. When night came, we lost all of direction and were soon completely lost.A. way B. situation C. position D. sense4. Its about a ten-minute walk down the road, fifteen . A taxi is not necessary.A. at first B. in all C. at all D. at most5. The people rescued from the Sichuan earthquake knew that if help didnt arrive soon they would die.A. surely B. nearly C. actually D. merely6. Much to his , he found the front door to his apartment wide open when he came back home. A. disappointment B. shock C. relief D. delight 7. The Chinese government holds a(n) attitude towards enforcing Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation. A. lovely B. mysterious C. positive D. advantageous 8. We are to our beloved parents, for that they bring us to the world, and help to make us the fine young people we are.A. helpful B. grateful C. useful D. hopeful9. They say that to watch TV makes them , because it is full of bad news.A. interested B. exhausted C. tired D. upset10. Many people are against doing scientific on animals, thinking it cruel to treat animals that way.A. applications B. directions C. descriptions D. experiments11. As a Chinese saying puts it, “Just as distance a horses strength, time will show a persons sincerity”.A. matches B. charges C. controls D. tests 12. I told him not to play computer games any longer, but he just my advice and did whatever he liked as before.A. ignored B. followed C. avoided D. concerned13. Youd better his name, address and telephone number in your notebook before you forget them. A. bring down B. hold down C. keep, down D. set down14. When you all your notes, think of possible questions that might be raised by them.A. see through B. look through C. go through D. pass through15. The International Womens Media Foundation is leading a campaign to the Russian government to fully investigate the murder.A. attend to B. act out C. pick out D. call on完成句子1. 她完全可能拒绝和你讲话,因为她现在情绪很糟糕。She speak to you, because shes in a very bad mood. (refuse) 2. 直到10年后他才还清他的债务。It was not until 10 years later his debts. (pay)3. 毫无疑问她有能力胜任这个工作。 about her ability to do the job. (doubt) 4. 对于普通人来说有爱的地方就会出现奇迹被证明是真的。 for common people that where there is love there may be a miracle. (prove)5. 我同意只有通过对话才能实现和平的观点。I share the view through dialogue. (achieve)6. 她昨晚睡不着,这就是她今天早上为什么不开心的原因。She couldnt sleep last night, which explains this morning. (happy)7. 继续用更安静的声音,她问她爸爸将如何惩罚她。Continuing in a quieter voice, she asked her father . (punish)8. 托尼!很抱歉- 我没有认你 - 你戴着墨镜。Tony! Im sorry - - you worn dark glasses. (recognize)9. 这个老妇人十分沉默地看着她丈夫的照片,这肯定使她回忆起了和她丈夫一起的欢乐时光。The old lady looked at her husbands photo in total silence, which the happy memory with her husband. (bring)10. 杰克不可能己经到达了,否则他会给我打电话的。Jack yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me. (arrive) 第二篇多项选择1. Its a long time since I heard from Jane last time and I wonder what has her.A. become of B. come about C. added to D. died down2. -What are you up to these days?-Oh, the sports meet is just and we are busy preparing for it.A. in the front B. ahead of time C. on the other side D. around the corner3. They could have completed their task on schedule, but they fell behind. A. altogether B. somehow C. otherwise D. meanwhile4. Being friends, my father will do all he can to help you out - he friendship most.A. respects B. honors C. values D. awards5. Ive never seen anyone as as Aunt Wang - she never loses heart, even when things were at their worst.A. generous B. devoted


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